Chapter 1225

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Because of the uneven distribution of interests within the Council, they now have no time to attend to Lin fan.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Lin Fan accelerates his industrial expansion.

After handing over some technologies to Li Xiaokang and He Jun respectively, Lin Fan's production capacity shows a geometric multiple growth.

Lin fan is also surprised that He Jun and Li Xiaokang rely on their family connections.

After getting Lin Fan's technology, not all of them were made by themselves.

Instead, some unimportant and unclassified parts and equipment were OEM to other small families.

The two of them, on the other hand, concentrate on manufacturing core components and final assembly of finished products.

With these two people to speed up themselves, Lin Fan's equipment, especially UAV weapons, has produced more than 100 from the previous month.

It's a crazy speed to produce thousands of planes a month.

The unmanned equipment used on the ground is also on the scale of thousands.

Lin fan has calculated that if he keeps this speed, he can surpass the Council in only one year.

By this time, Lin fan has the confidence to win.

Although the Council is busy fighting, in fact, they are not idle. They are also accumulating strength.

Both sides began to work hard and started the armament competition.

Such crazy behavior has attracted worldwide attention.

All the rich and powerful families are paying attention to the internal struggle of the Lin family and calculating who has more chances to win.

If you want to be a wall grass, it's not that no one has thought about it.

But if we don't rely on both sides, it won't do us any good in the future.

For the rich and powerful families, the competition between Lin Fan and the Council is a big gamble.

Win, eat bowl full, lose all cut.

In the middle of accumulating strength, Li Yanran finds Lin Fan and gives him a suggestion.

"Cousin, are you so ready to attack the Council?"

Lin Fan puzzled: "ah, otherwise, I don't quite understand what you want to say."

Li Yanran said: "I mean, now the whole world is paying attention to the dragon and tiger fight. Many people still want to stand in line. The problem is that you don't wave the flag here!"

Lin Fan a little confused: "flag, I still don't understand."

Li Yanran said: "you can't hold your breath. You have to announce your great righteousness to the whole world and call on any powerful family who wants to stand on your side."

Lin Fan laughs: "I don't expect these people to help me, I'm enough."

Li Yanran said: "your idea is too one-sided. What you are fighting for is the head of the Lin family. This position is related to the safety of the whole world. If you don't let everyone understand, you are the most direct successor of the Lin family. Even if you win, you are not stable."

Lin Fan said thoughtfully, "what you said seems to be reasonable."

"That's the way it is. You should listen to me, announce your identity, and then issue an address to the Council. It's better to announce in advance that you are the head of the Lin family, so that others will follow you."

Lin fan is a little troublesome: "why so many things? I don't want to think about them. Since it's your suggestion, I'll leave it to you!"

"I, you...!" Li Yanran was very angry.

I didn't expect that Lin Fan was so tired and lazy. Was the old man of yin and Yang who was calculating all kinds of things an illusion?

In fact, Li Yanran didn't know enough about Lin fan. Everyone who knows him knows that Lin fan is really a lazy person.

I would rather do nothing than trouble myself.

See Linfan left, liyanran no way, had to deal with these things.

Who told her to mention it by herself, and she can't let go of Lin fan.

After all, it is her mother's lifelong wish to defeat the Council and help Lin Fan ascend the throne.

Now, it can only be done by Li Yanran himself.

A few days later, the world's rich families, learned a news.

Lin's family has a direct successor to challenge the Council.

The winner will control the Lin family and the whole world.

As for the losers, no one cares about the fate of the losers.

Then Li Yanran sent out a hero post for Lin fan, inviting all the leading families to yingyue island.

Let's discuss the overthrow of the Council. By the way, let's meet the successor who initiated the challenge.

Of course, I don't expect everyone who receives the invitation to come.

This is just a signal released. As long as people come here, they choose to stand on the side of Lin fan.

Originally, Lin Fan thought Li Yanran's efforts were in vain.

He is an unknown figure. Who will stand on his side.

After all, it's a bet on the future of the family, knowing that people choose to look stronger. However, the fact surprised Lin fan. There are so many people here! Among them, Li Xiaokang and He Jun have some credit. There is no doubt that they are standing here in Linfan, and through the connection of their two families. A lot of friendly families also know about Lin fan, so they follow him and choose the side. On the other hand, Lin Fan underestimated his influence. How could these aristocratic families not know such a big thing after two heavy losses to the Council. Many people were shocked by the strength of Lin fan, and the Council's anger in recent years. It happened that Lin Fan came out to wave the flag, and some aristocratic families chose Lin fan. They are ready to let go. Lin Fan in custody will win. After re cleaning and decoration, zuixiandao has become a brand new place again. The traces of the island once burned by the fire are now invisible. Lin fan is here to entertain representatives from all over the world. Lin fan is still not used to this kind of thing. He just didn't want to do such meaningless waste of time, but Li Yanran had to let him do it, and there was no way. These rich families come all the way to stand in line. If Lin fan doesn't even show his face, what's the matter. Therefore, Lin fan can only deal with these strangers with a stiff head. Fortunately, although he was not happy, his face was still very warm. In the jade manor, in addition to these rich families, there are also many celebrities from the same trade. The purpose of bringing them here is self-evident. It's no secret that Lin Fan hasn't been married yet. Therefore, these rich families all want to marry their family's daughter to Lin fan. If Lin Fan could choose one, it would be very lucky for the selected family. Of course, it can be a big bad thing.