Chapter 1209

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Lin Fan felt that his brain almost didn't turn around, or he didn't wake up after falling from the sky.

All of a sudden, how did a cousin come out?

"No, you're kidding me, aren't you? Why are you my cousin?" Lin fan asked in surprise.

The girl said with a smile, "I didn't cheat you. You are my cousin Lin fan. I am your cousin Li Yanran."

Lin Fan shook his head: "I have no cousin, you must be wrong, but how do you know my name?"

Having said that, I raised my guard in my heart and felt that this might be a trick played by the Council.

However, the girl named Li Yanran said, "my mother is your aunt, so I'm not your cousin. As for you saying that there is no cousin, your mother must have never told you."

Lin fan would not be believed by her in a few words. He shook his head and said, "girl, I don't have time to play with you. There are still important things waiting for me to do, so I have to go."

Thinking that after Wei Gang went back, Lin Wanqi and Zhou caichen could not see themselves and would be worried, Lin fan would not be able to calm down here.

He had to go back early, otherwise Lin Wanqi would venture out to find his whereabouts.

But Li Yanran said: "you can't go back alone. The Council has intensified its search for you."

Lin Fan was surprised and said, "how do you know these things? Who are you?"

Li Yanran said: "I said that. I'm your cousin. I also know that you destroyed Lin's ancestral land last night, but the core members of the Council were not eliminated. It's a pity."

Say here, Lin fan is more confused, this inexplicable girl, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lin Fan really can't understand what identity she is.

Seeing Lin Fan's doubts, Li Yanran said, "come with me. You will confirm my identity. I spent a lot of effort to save you last night."

With that, Lin Fan followed him.

With confusion in her heart, Lin Fan wants to have a look with her, at least to find out what she is doing.

Out of the villa, along the winding mountain path, through a forest.

Two people came to a piece of open land, Lin Fan found that there was a camp here.

There are no less than 2000 people in the training, and it seems that these people are very elite, not much worse than long Xuwei.

"This is Lin Fan didn't understand.

"This is a strength left by your mother to help you make a comeback when you are in the most difficult time. These two thousand people are not all." What Li Yanran said shocked Lin Fan even more.

"My mother left it for me? How come I never know? " Lin Fan's eyes widened.

Lin Fan's parents passed away too early. Since he was a child, he had already passed away.

Therefore, at this time, Lin fan not only has doubts, is what Li Yanran said true?

Mother really left him a legacy, just because he was too young at that time, so did not tell him?

Li Yanran said: "this is entrusted to my mother for management, and because of the threat of the Council, it has been hidden in the dark. Now you have met with the Council, so it's time to take it out and let you know."

Lin Fan was dubious and said, "is that so? It's really sudden. I don't know what to say."

Li Yanran said: "what else can you say? Just take it back. Anyway, it's your thing."

Lin fan asked, "are all the people left for me? How many people are there?"

"It's not all. Except for the original people, it's a large amount of inheritance. However, according to your mother's will, all the money left behind is used to cultivate strength in secret. As it is today, it can be used. If you only leave money, it won't be of any use to you."

Lin Fan nodded and agreed.

What he needs most now is to strengthen his strength again. Money is useful to Lin fan, but it doesn't play a decisive role.

"How did you know that I would land here, and what happened to me and the Council..." Lin fan still had doubts.

Li Yanran said: "go and sit there. I'll tell you slowly."

Next to the camp, there was a pavilion for rest. They walked over.

Sitting in the pavilion, Lin Fan's impatient heart also calmed down a little.

Listen to Li Yanran slowly tell, Lin Fan finally is to understand the matter about.

It turns out that Lin Fan's mother was aware of the Council's ambition long ago.

Therefore, he secretly established a force to help Lin Fan in the future.

This force to outsiders to take care of, of course, is not at ease, so it was handed over to Lin Fan's aunt.

When Lin fan becomes an adult, if the Council wants to attack Lin fan, then this force will appear beside him and help him achieve any goal.

But before the Council's attack on Lin fan, this force will never appear ahead of time. The purpose is to conceal themselves and the people of the Council. Only in this way can we achieve the purpose of surprise“ Is that so? You haven't said how much strength this force has. Can it resist the Council? " Lin fan asked“ In this camp, there are 2000 elite people, and there are different numbers of people hiding all over the world. The total number is 50000. All of them are elite. If you pull them out, you can defeat ten with one! " Li Yanran some proud said. Although this force is left by Lin Fan's mother. But in the early days, she just planted a seed. It's only because of Li Yanran's mother and her own purpose that she can grow up to this point. So she has the right to be proud in front of Lin fan. Lin Fan a little embarrassed asked: "such a powerful force, are you willing to hand it over, never thought to control in their own hands?" This is human nature, and Lin fan is not willing to doubt Li Yanran. But I still have to ask clearly, he does not believe that there will be such selfless people in the world. After all, they are only cousins, and they are relatives who have no feelings since childhood. Lin fan doesn't think that just because of the fetters of family affection, Li Yanran can completely hand over these strengths. What's more, even if it's the Council, it's closer than the relationship between Li Yanran and Lin fan? In the face of interests, family love is nothing. After listening to Lin fan, Li Yanran shook his head with a smile. "I am not reconciled to it, after all, I personally trained it, but do you really think this force has the final say?"