Chapter 1197

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Lin fan asked strangely: "is there anyone who is not afraid of death?"

Zhou caichen said with a smile: "did you forget the crocodile meeting? I think that woman leader is very sincere. "

Lin Fan immediately laughed: "it's nothing to rely on one-sided relationship alone. Besides, those people of the crocodile Association, although they are relatively independent and take money to handle affairs, they will certainly turn over as long as the Council can afford more money than me."

Lin fan is rich, even if the Council burned all his territory, it will not affect Lin Fan's remaining savings, which is still astronomical.

However, compared with the Council, Lin Fan's wealth is a little witch to a big one.

The two are not on the same level. The crocodile will play for whoever pays a high price. Between Lin Fan and the Council, it will definitely choose the Council.

Lin Fan didn't have to consider Zhou caichen's proposal, which was rejected directly in his heart.

However, Lin Fan didn't say it clearly. Zhou caichen finally gave her a suggestion. If she refused face to face immediately, it would make her sad.

Lin fan then said: "OK, I will consider this matter, but not now. During this time, I can't use communication equipment to contact the outside world, so as not to be found out. "

"Well, I understand." As a technician, Zhou caichen knows better than Lin fan.

Now the Council's people are besieging the whole island, not just at sea, land and air levels.

Even the invisible electronic level is the same, whether it's the signal coming in from the outside or the signal sent from Lin fan to the outside.

As soon as it appears, the Council will immediately track it down.

So Lin fan had already shut down all the electronic devices that could send signals in the cave, and it was only at the time agreed with Xia Xuan every day.

The mobile phone will be activated in a short time at the entrance of the cave. Once the message is received, the signal will be turned off immediately.

This time, can't exceed 20 seconds, once the timeout, the Council's monitoring personnel will track to Lin Fan's position.

By then, in addition to raising his hand to surrender, Lin fan can only hide in the endless underground hole * * and become an underground man.

These days, Lin Fan and Xia Xuan send messages to each other every day to report their safety.

It's OK for Lin fan. Although he is trapped on the island, he can't find him hiding.

In the cave, there are all kinds of goods and materials, food and drink, and beauties. When you think about it, you can have a few more.

But Xia Xuan was sad.

It was not easy for her to take a large group of people with her, and she had to hide.

The people of the Council are very close to her. No matter how she eliminates the trace, she will always be found.

One by one, the previous safe houses were opened and then abandoned.

Finally, Xia Xuan took everyone to a big mountain at the junction of Haizhou and Yunzhou.

In a small abandoned village, I lost my feet to catch my breath.

The members of the Council did not catch up, but the situation is still not optimistic.

Although they have temporarily abandoned the enemy, they are short of supplies.

With a large group of people in hiding, just eating and drinking will consume a lot.

Coupled with the constant running, it's impossible to take a lot.

Now hiding in a small village, is an abandoned no man's land.

It's hard to find supplies here. If you go outside to buy them, you're worried that they'll be discovered by the Council.

So Xia Xuan and they got into a difficult situation.

Compared with Lin Fan's situation of eating and drinking without fear of eating, they are too difficult.

"Here's the chocolate, miss." Xia Xuan hands the rest of the food to Lin Wanqi.

Lin Wanqi looked at the chocolate stupidly. She had never thought about it before.

You can use a piece of chocolate as an important food to support your life.

Before that is regarded as snacks, but also do not like to eat too much, for fear of getting fat.

But now, there's nothing more effective than a chocolate bar.

Lin Wanqi's throat moved and finally shook her head.

"I don't want to eat. You'd better eat. Now you have to take care of everyone. You have to hold on. You can't fall down." Lin Wanqi knows that it doesn't matter if she is hungry, because now she really doesn't matter.

But Xia Xuan can't. She has to keep her strength.

Because she was too tired, and had to deal with the tracking of the Council, and had to distract to take care of them.

In a few days, Xia Xuan lost a lot of weight.

"I'll just have some water. I'm not hungry now." Lin Wanqi said, raising the bottle in her hand.

Although this small village is abandoned, fortunately there are still wells here.

They will not be short of water, otherwise they will not be able to hold on at all.

Xia Xuan insisted on passing it to her and said, "Miss, just eat. I'll wait and see if there are pheasants and rabbits in the surrounding mountains. I'll get some back."

Lin Wanqi said with a bitter smile, "sister Xia Xuan, don't tell me a joke. Nowadays, there are still some wild animals in the mountains." Now there are more people and more places. Even in the mountains where there is no human relationship, it is difficult to meet any wild animals. Xia Xuan shook her head: "listen to me. After eating it, the young master asks me to take good care of you. If you have anything good or bad, I can't tell the young master." When Lin Wanqi heard her talk about Lin fan, her eyes lit up“ What's the matter with my brother? Are you in danger these days? " Xia Xuan pretended to be relaxed and said, "don't worry. Although the people of the Council are still under siege, the young master's place is very safe. The Council can't find it. Moreover, there are plenty of materials and there is no need to worry about insufficient food and clothing." Lin Wanqi breathed a sigh of relief: "that's good. I'm afraid my brother will be trapped on the desert island. It won't last long. It's still sister Xia Xuan. You have foresight. You have arranged the shelter ahead of time and accumulated so many materials." Said materials, Lin Wanqi subconsciously licked the lower lip. After running for so many days and hiding, she didn't even have a good meal. Xia Xuan said, "eat quickly. I'll go around and have a look. Maybe I'll get something." With that, Xia Xuan turned and walked out. It is located in the middle of the mountain, more than 30 kilometers away from the nearest town. I'm afraid the reason why this place was abandoned by the previous villagers is also because of the inconvenience of transportation. Xia Xuan was walking in the forest, paying attention to the movement around her. It's a pity, just like what Lin Wanqi said, I haven't met any wild animals. But Xia Xuan didn't lose heart. She also collected a lot of wild fruits and vegetables along the way. Take it back and make some soup. You can make one. When she returned, she went in a different direction, which surprised Xia Xuan. She found some sweet potatoes growing. It is estimated that they were planted by people in the village before. After leaving, they were allowed to grow.