Chapter 1156

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Lin Fan's advantage is that he can use transport planes to go on his way. He always travels faster in the sky than in the sea.

In this way, he will be able to compete with the people who captured Lin Wanqi.

And in Linfan manor guest sabench is not idle, he also followed Linfan on the transport plane, a take-off to Ceylon.

After landing, Lin fan arranged his subordinates to set up a surveillance area in the whole port.

We should ensure that when the submarine appears, we can find the other side at the first time.

When Lin Fan was set up, after waiting for a long time, shabenhe came to pay homage.

In his opinion, this is a rare opportunity to make friends with Lin fan.

Although the cause of the matter is not pleasant, after all, it is Lin Fan's sister who was arrested.

However, opportunity is opportunity. Now Lin fan is in need of help.

The so-called icing on the cake is better than sending charcoal in the snow. He knows this truth. If he can help Lin fan this time, it will be a chance for the Shah royal family to mend their previous conflicts with Lin Fan and become more friendly.

Previously, although he gave Lin Fan advice, it was also a great help, and Lin Fan was also very grateful.

However, he felt that it was not enough. If he just gave some advice, it was too trivial.

He also wants to help Lin Fan more directly. It's better to play a decisive role in Lin Fan's way to save his sister.

In this way, Lin fan will be more grateful to him, before the unpleasant of course is to clear the past.

So, he suggested to Lin fan again.

"Lin Shao, although the port has been arranged, I don't think it's enough. In case, I can call the Royal Fleet to search together."

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would say so.

You know, using a modern fleet, even if it is not fighting, will cost a lot of money.

However, he said so, which surprised Lin fan.

He also knows that since he has put up so much capital, he must have a plan, and what they want is nothing more than their own super battery technology.

This kind of timing is really sharp. He knows that as long as Lin fan has a chance, he has to seize it.

"Well, thank you very much, but what are your conditions?" Lin fan asked cautiously.

In fact, the help of saben hel is not necessary for Lin fan. Without saben Helin fan, he is sure to save his sister.

If it can't be intercepted at sea, it's a big deal that he musters all his hands and goes to the kingdom of Moro.

Lin Fan didn't believe it. Under the threat of his 3000 terminators, the kingdom of Moruo did not dare to release people. At that time, if we start to do something, we will really have to die.

Seeing that Lin Fan frowned, shabenhe quickly waved his hand and said, "Lin Shao, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean to offer any conditions. After all, we are allies now. If you encounter difficulties, we will help you."

Lin Fan believed him when he saw that he was sincere and didn't feel guilty at all.

After walking two steps forward and getting close to him, Lin Fan reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

He said: "OK, I've got the favor. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer from it!"

Super battery technology is Lin Fan's trump card. He won't give anything to him.

But my sister can't help it. Fortunately, she doesn't make Lin Fan embarrassed.

He didn't mean to offer any conditions. He just thought that if he could help this time, it would play a positive role in the relationship between Lin Fan and Saudi Arabia.

When the relationship becomes deeper, it will be more beneficial to talk about the technology of super battery.

If he wants to take advantage of others' danger and force Lin fan to hand over his technology, that would be stupid.

Let's not say whether Lin fan will agree or not. Even if he gives the technology, Lin fan will bear a grudge. It is the royal family of Saudi Arabia who will bear the loss in the end.

This time, it was the conflict between Lin Fan and the Moro state. In fact, there was the shadow of the Council behind it.

However, he had already made a promise that between Lin Fan and the Council, they chose to stand with Lin fan.

Then the allies have to look like allies. When Lin fan is in trouble, he has to take out the strength that the sand kingdom can make.

This is called the petition. Otherwise, Lin fan has no idea. Why should he believe that Saudi Arabia chooses the hostile Council to stand with Lin fan.

After all, alliance does not depend on words or agreements, but on actions.

Without some practical action, Lin fan will never really believe that the flag of Saudi Arabia has changed.

Standing on a high-rise building near the port, Lin Fan held a telescope to search the sea near him while talking with him.

I hope I can see the submarine that captured Lin Wanqi in the next moment. Unfortunately, Lin Fan was disappointed. According to the speed and time of submarine navigation, it is time to appear. It's a pity that time has passed, but it has never been seen. Lin Fan knew that the port in Ceylon was not the supply point of the submarine. Lin Fan was very disappointed because of this situation. At the beginning, he was looking forward to saving his sister in this first port. Unfortunately, the other side is also very cautious. After all, it is not too far from Nanyang. It is also expected that the other side will not choose to supply here. Seeing Lin Fan dejectedly putting down his telescope, he went on to talk about the topic just now“ Lin Shao, it's too passive just to wait for the other side to get caught. If we mobilize the Royal Fleet, we can conduct a large-scale search on the speculated channels. Once we find the trace of the submarine, we can turn passive into active! " Submarines moving in the sea are not random. Although the ocean is wide and frightening, there is a huge space under the sea. However, when submarines are lurking in the sea, there is no way to observe the situation outside. They can only rely on the routes explored by their predecessors. But also often have to surface for air, as long as the trace is found, and then tracking down is not difficult. Lin Fan agreed with the help of shabenhe, although he also knew that the chance of finding the submarine was really small and slim. But as long as it is not absolutely impossible to find, only a little trivial opportunity, Lin fan is willing to use. This is related to the safety of Lin Wanqi's life. With a little more chance to rescue her, Lin fan is willing to accept the proposal of shabenhe.