Chapter 1095

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
On this side of the auto show, Lin Fan once again recruited dozens of employees, which somehow stabilized the busy trend.

After detaching from countless customers, Lin fan comes to those who have been waiting for him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Lin Fan said apologetically.

These people are all the owners of the company, but they are a little flattered to see Lin fan so polite.

In Lin Fan's busy time, these people also inquired about Lin Fan's identity.

It can be said that in Haizhou, as long as Lin Fan coughs, this place will shake three times.

"I didn't wait very long. Lin Shao, you can take time out of your busy schedule to entertain us. It's really embarrassing for us."

"Lin Shao, if you have anything else to do, you should be busy first. We are not afraid to wait."

A group of bosses said, these people are running transportation companies, or engineering companies.

To be able to stand up in this business, you have to be a big brother in society.

Otherwise, it would have been taken by others.

Whether it's transportation or logistics, or engineering.

Now they all look well-dressed. This is because the business has become bigger and bigger, and they can't get out of the house in the past.

So we have to clean up and abide by the business rules.

But these industries, at the initial stage, are all low-grade, so even at their level, it is rare to be able to easily bow to others.

Today, these people are trembling at Lin fan.

Not because Lin fan can provide them with better vehicles, but because Lin Fan's strength is too strong.

These people face Lin fan like ants looking up at elephants.

I don't dare to be proud.

Lin Fan said with a smile: "you don't have to be so polite. I have nothing to do here. Then I'll take you to my factory to have a look."

"Well, we must go to your invitation, Lin Shao."

A group of people then exchanged greetings and came to the parking lot.

It's a parking lot. In fact, there are several helipads for helicopters to take off and land.

Lin Fan's helicopter is right here, because it's going to the industrial island.

If you take a car, you have to take a boat in the middle, so it's better to fly directly from the sky.

A group of bosses have no opinion. They all come by car. Now they are going to the industrial island on the sea. Of course, it's more convenient to take Lin Fan's helicopter.

A total of more than a dozen bosses got on the helicopter together.

This helicopter belongs to a large transport helicopter, and it is more than enough to sit on more than a dozen people.

On the way to the industrial Island, a group of bosses were very excited.

They did not expect that this visit to the auto show, not only saw the birth of such a magic car as mirage, but also were lucky to visit the factories that produce mirage vehicles.

And Lin fan has always been polite to these people.

It's not that Lin Fan wants to please them, but mainly to promote his own products.

Since we have done our business, we have to be more enthusiastic to our customers.

No matter how big the identity gap between customers and Lin fan is, at least in business cooperation, both sides are equal.

Not long after, the helicopter flew over the industrial Island, with a panoramic view of the entire island's super factories and supporting buildings.

A group of people suddenly exclaimed.

"This... This scale is really unexpected!"

"This workshop covers too much land. What's the tall building next to it for?"

Lin Fan looked at it and said, "well, that's a geothermal power station, which provides electricity for the factories on the whole island."

"And geothermal power stations?! Lin Shao, what a big hand you are A group of people exclaimed again.

Power stations can not be built by ordinary people. If they are only small thermal power stations, they are sitting in the homes of the owners.

Everyone has the strength to invest in construction. The problem is that it's useless to build it.

The output of small power station is too low, which is not proportional to the investment.

It takes decades to recover costs, let alone make money.

And the construction of large-scale power stations, for these people, is even more powerless.

Moreover, large power stations not only need more money, but also need a market.

There is no high demand for electricity. Even if it is built, it will not work. In the end, it will have to lose money.

And Lin fan here is even more incredible. He built a geothermal power station.

This kind of power station using renewable energy, although it does not need to consume additional fuel, belongs to a lifetime benefit of investment.

But the problem is that the difficulty of construction is not the same as that of general thermal power station. This kind of power facilities using geothermal energy, with the same power, need the initial construction cost, which can be equal to ten ordinary thermal power stations. It can be seen from this that how much money Lin fan has invested here is something these little bosses dare not even think about. In the exclamation, the helicopter landed on the industrial island. Lin Fan greets everyone to get off the plane and comes all the way to the production workshop of mirage smart car. Industrial island is Lin Fan's industrial base. There are not only production lines for mirage smart cars, but also other production lines for mobile phones or TVs. Of course, for the owners of transportation and engineering, they are not interested in electronic products. Therefore, Lin fan directly brought them to the intelligent car production line. In fact, there is a hidden factory under the industrial Island, where the bionic human is produced. However, this belongs to Lin Fan's secret, so it won't be open to others. But the guests invited by Lin Fan were shocked by the production line of mirage smart car. In the huge workshop, there are countless intelligent assembly robots, which can't be seen at a glance. The pulsating production line is producing mirage smart cars all the time. Every ten minutes, a brand new car goes off the production line. Such a large-scale production capacity, let a group of people gape. I also understand how ambitious Lin fan is. Building the brand of mirage smart car is definitely not a small business. This is to subvert the market structure of the whole automobile industry! Looking at the new car just produced, it automatically drives to the three-dimensional storage garage. Especially when they see the warehouse dedicated to storing vehicles, which is the same volume as the mountain, these people feel dizzy. This is the standard production process of industrialization in the intelligent age, but in the eyes of those who have not seen such a scene, it is too shocking.