Chapter 1033

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Because of Lin Fan's relief, the tension in Lin Wanqi's heart disappeared.

What she doesn't know is that the hall of the Council is not only oppressive and tense in height.

After all, there are so many high-rise buildings now that not everyone will feel scared.

The main reason why the Council chose this hall is that the whole building has been carefully designed.

Among them, the application of psychology is quite deep. Tall buildings and steep steps make people feel nervous when walking in them.

And the shadow cast by the whole hall exacerbates this feeling.

In front of the hall, there are all kinds of bronze sculptures and monstrous beasts. At first glance, they don't feel anything, but they are just different.

But in fact, the shapes of these bronze beasts will leave a variety of subconscious in people's mind.

Create a variety of psychological hints, anything here will produce inexplicable sense of awe.

Lin Wanqi is unconsciously, the road here.

As a person who grew up here, Lin Fan certainly knew that there was something fishy in it.

Therefore, Lin fan is not affected at all. Fortunately, Lin Wanqi is not that kind of psychologically vulnerable person. After Lin Fan's explanation, she also understands these reasons.

All of a sudden, it will no longer be affected, and the tension will be dispelled immediately.

Lin Fan stood at the gate of the hall, and then took Lin Wanqi to walk in.

Lin Huasheng followed, and then the guards of Lin fan.

But after Lin Huasheng entered the hall, the guards were just about to catch up, but they were stopped by the people at the door.

"It's a very important place for the Council. No irrelevant personnel are allowed to enter." The guard at the door said without expression.

Lin Fan's guards are a small team of the Dragon guards. In addition to their strength, they are also rebellious.

In addition to Lin fan, the Dragon Guard to see everyone hate can't blow nose stare.

Today, they are regarded as irrelevant.

All of a sudden, these guards couldn't stand it, and they had to follow Lin fan.

"You say who is irrelevant, dare you say it again?" Longyiwei called out.

One by one, their muscles were bulging, and they looked at the guards in front of the hall with evil spirit in their eyes.

As soon as the guards were stared at by the Dragon Guard, they immediately began to beat drums in their hearts.

These dragon guards are all real killers. They are all people who come out of all kinds of actual battles and cruel scenes.

And the guards here, no matter how elite, have not experienced so much blood and fire.

Suddenly, he felt guilty and didn't dare to look directly at him.

But counsellor GUI counsellor didn't forget the instructions given above. In addition to Lin Fan and his housekeeper, other people are not allowed to bring in.

In particular, Lin Fan's escort is the focus of the Council.

Originally, the people of the Council were not at ease with Lin fan, and they must have made sufficient preparations to summon Lin fan today.

Lin Fan's guard was stopped and killed.

Suddenly, just like touching the alarm, a large number of palace guards poured out from the concealment around the hall.

These people are fully armed and don't look like daily patrols at all.

On the contrary, it seems to have been lying in ambush here for a long time.

In fact, it's the same. Those people in the Council don't trust Lin fan. They won't meet Lin Fan without some force.

These people know in their hearts that the accidental death of Lin Fan's parents more than ten years ago looks like an accident. In fact, people with a clear eye know that it was the Council's hand.

So today, people in the Council don't think that Lin fan doesn't know anything.

It's a blood feud. How can we do without Lin fan.

Hear the noise outside, Lin Fan a pair of expected appearance, pulled the corner of the mouth to smile.

Then he turned back to the outside, and sure enough, a large number of palace guards were in a tense confrontation with the Dragon Guard.

Compared with the nervous appearance of these guards, the people of Longxiang guard are lazy.

Although the number of Long Wei occupied a disadvantage, there is no home advantage.

But the Dragon guards have this strong self-confidence. The well armed guards of the palaces are just like the air.

"Young master, these people don't allow us to go in with you." Longxiang Wei saw that Lin Fan came out to report.

Lin Fan nodded: "well, I know. You just stay outside."

Longxiang Wei's face became serious: "but, young master, you have no one to protect you. What if you encounter any danger inside?"

"Bold, you a little guard dare to speak wildly. This is the Council of the Lin family. It's the safest place in the world. What's the danger of master Lin fan?" A manager's arrogant reprimand way.

"Steward Zhang, my people don't need you to teach them?" Lin Fan said lightly.

"Master Lin fan, I'm just for your own good. You people are too unruly. This is the important place of the family. The Council is here. Don't make any trouble for your people, otherwise it's not a good end!" This Zhang is in charge of affairs, it is to persuade Lin Fan apparently, but it is to show the meaning of a menace secretly. Lin Fan said with a sneer: "you don't have to worry about it. My people naturally know how to advance and retreat. But these guards are a little too nervous, but they have to be careful. My men are all grumpy!" Lin fan is also a kind of threat. Then he said to Longwei, "you can wait for me here."“ Yes, young master Although the people of the Dragon Guard are not at ease, they have to obey Lin Fan's orders. Back in the hall again, through a few doors, then entered a hall. This is where Council members usually work. The hall is very spacious. The Bay alone is more than 100 meters and the depth is more than 50 meters. At the front of the hall is a high platform with four seats. On both sides of the hall are lower tables with seats on them, but there are more. The front four seats are the four directors of the advanced Council. The seats on both sides are the seats of the Council at the next level. Although the number is large, they are all controlled by the direct members of the Lin family. But in the Council, power is still in the hands of the four directors. At this time, the seats on both sides are vacant, with only four Council seats. At this time, there are four people who don't look too old“ Lin fan, how long has it been since the family came home? After the training outside, why don't you come back and report it? " A director who seems to be very kind said.