Chapter 889

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Not a moment later, another fork in the road also appeared the howl of Bighead.

And then there was a roaring sound. It was obvious that a large number of Bighead monsters were attacking them.

Now Lin fan doesn't have to make a decision. There are big headed monsters chasing behind him. Two of the three forks have big headed monsters.

There is only one fork road left. It's quiet. You don't have to worry about choosing that road. Bighead has made a choice for Lin fan.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Fan immediately pulled Zhou caichen and Xiaomu into the middle of the cave passage.

In order to get rid of the troll's pursuit, the three ran all the way, and fell a few times in the middle because the passage was wet and slippery, which made the three face muddy.

However, not long after running, Lin Fan found out bitterly that they were in the worst situation.

This underground cave is really very complicated. There are all kinds of bifurcated cave passages everywhere.

This just ran for a short time, and immediately encountered a fork in the road.

There are four forks this time!

But Lin fan doesn't have to worry any more. Bighead pursues him. The sound of these things comes from several forks.

Can only choose no movement to continue to run, but running running, is a five fork in the road!

Lin Fan thought he was going crazy!

Is this God joking with himself?

Do you want to play like this?

Now it's impossible for Lin fan to go back the same way, because after passing these forks, he can't remember which way to go back.

Can only be hard to continue to go deep inside, as for can escape from life, is dead or alive really depends on luck.

If I ran to a dead end, I would be caught up by bighead again.

Then Lin fan has made up his mind that he will have to take these bighead monsters to accompany him when he is dying.

Being pursued all the way and running all the way, Lin Fan didn't know how far he had run or how many turnovers he had passed.

Anyway, this underground cave labyrinth has successfully made Lin Fan lose his way.

Lin fan is not sure whether he is running in a circle. Anyway, he is running, running all the way to avoid those bighead monsters.

Being chased out, Zhou caichen was pulled by Lin fan. He was panting. He felt that he was almost out of breath.

Lin fan is not much better, but also sweating.

Xiaomu is better. After all, this child grew up in an aboriginal tribe. He has been running around since he was a child, and he also has talent in physical strength.

Lin Fan thinks it's not a good way to run down like this. It's hard for him to confirm whether he's going to circle in this underground cave labyrinth. If so, he can't leave here even if he runs to death.

More importantly, because he was chased by bighead along the way, he didn't have time to mark the place he passed!

It won't take long for them to run like this. All three of them will collapse and die with bare hands.

No matter how good the situation is, Xiaomu is still a child. Now he is out of breath.

"No, I can't run like this. It's not a way!" Lin Fan gasped.

"But those things behind are very tight!" Zhou caichen is also out of breath.

At this time, Xiaomu pointed to the front and said, "brother and sister, I seem to see a light in front of me!"



Lin Fan and Zhou caichen look up in surprise!

The light shows that they are going to run out, and that they are going to leave this ghost place soon.

After all, in the dark underground cave, in addition to the place leading to the outside world where there is sunlight, is there any other light source?

Lin Fan looked at the past carefully and found that there was a faint light in the dark in the distance.

But maybe it's because of the distance, so I can't see it if I don't watch it carefully!

That is to say, Xiaomu is more careful and has good eyesight to find this hard to detect light!

Lin Fan was excited, pulling two humanitarian: "bring up strength, we can leave this ghost place immediately!"

"Wait!" Zhou caichen stopped.

"Well? What's the matter? " Lin Fan looks at her suspiciously.

Zhou caichen said: "it's still midnight when we fall into this underground cave?"


"Do you think we've been running here for most of the night and it's daybreak outside?" Zhou caichen threw out the question directly.

Lin fan is confused

It's true that they were very tired just now, but it's not as exaggerated as running all night.

In fact, it's less than an hour. Since it's still dark outside, where is the light?

Maybe moonlight or starlight can also illuminate a certain range, and in this pure black underground, as long as there is a little light source, it is very conspicuous.

But Lin Fan carefully looked at the past, in front of that fuzzy light is not natural white light. On the contrary, it is a kind of faint blue light! In addition to man-made light sources, natural sunlight and moonlight do not have this color! Lin fan is on guard. In this strange underground cave, strange things happen one by one. You have to be careful“ Do you want to go to the front? " Asked Zhou caichen“ I think it's better to be careful. Let's go another way? " Lin fan is not willing to take risks. In the unknown, every choice has to be careful. However, standing in front of Lin fan, Xiao Mu pointed to the rear and said, "brother and sister, I'm catching up with you!"“ What Lin Fan was shocked. When did these guys come here? Why didn't they make any noise this time? When Lin fan turns around and looks at it, he is surprised to find that there are all big headed monsters behind him. Wu Yangyang's large group directly blocked Lin Fan's back road. And this time, it's different from the front. These guys scream before they appear. This time, he leaned over quietly. Lin Fan suddenly remembered that when he met the first big head monster. In fact, they appear quietly in front of themselves, that is to say, these things can be perfectly integrated into the dark environment. There will be no noise! I've been cheated! This is the voice of Lin Fan's heart. An intuition told him that these bighead monsters had purposely made a sound and drove the three of them into this passage. So for the front, they must have some intention to force Lin Fan forward. But now, these big headed monsters, who are crowded together, stare at Lin Fan with ferocious faces. But because the torch in Lin Fan's hand is still burning, it seems to make them feel very afraid, so they just shrink forward and wait quietly. Maybe it's the moment when the torch burns out