Chapter 863

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
In fact, Xia Xuan didn't really want to fight with the crocodile now.

The threatening words just now were only used for testing.

Now seeing yasiqi's tone and manner made Xia Xuan feel a little relieved and more confused.

Seeing yasiqi's appearance, Xia Xuan judges that Lin fan is not under the control of the alligator Association in all probability, so she is a little relieved.

But what's more puzzling is that Lin fan is not on Fang's side, nor on the crocodile club's side, so where did he go?

"I don't have time to talk to you. You've been playing roughshod with me all the time. You just want money. Come on, how much money can you tell me about my young master?" Xia Xuan came straight to the point.

She doesn't have time to waste here at all. Xia Xuan can't get close to these people in the crocodile club. She is even ready to catch all the people in the crocodile club after she finds Lin fan!

When yasiqi saw that Xia Xuan was very popular, she began to laugh. She was usually a very cool beauty. At this time, she was very charming and made all the men around her look straight.

Xia Xuan is a beautiful girl like a fairy. She is beautiful and graceful, but her face is as cold as an ice fairy.

Let people see the heart is incomparable, but dare not close.

The confrontation between the two beauties makes all the men around feel that there is no more beautiful scenery in the world.

Unfortunately, in this extremely eye-catching confrontation, what is hidden is Xia Xuan's temporarily suppressed killing heart, as well as Yashi's greed for money.

"Miss Xia is really a happy person. I'm not hypocritical. I'll give you all the information about your young master." Yashi lion big mouth, mouth will be 200 million.

Xia Xuan even nodded without a wink: "OK, two hundred million is no problem, but I ask you not to keep it at all. Tell me all about the young master!"

"Of course, I'm honest." She said naturally.

After hearing this, Xia Xuan sneered in her heart. The alligator club said that she was honest, which was a big joke.

Two people then went into a reception room, where Yasi Qi slowly entrusted the crocodile meeting, and then ambushed Lin Fan and told the information handed over to Fang family.

When Xia Xuan hears that Lin Fan accidentally escapes from the control of Fang's family, and then enters the range of yerenshan, she can't sit down immediately.

After examining Yashi, I saw that she didn't seem to have any signs of lying, and then quickly analyzed the details of her words.

Xia Xuan finds that there is no fake clue in it, so she decides to arrange people to rescue Lin Fan immediately.

Of course, Xia Xuan didn't immediately believe all of what she said.

Although there are many real elements in her look and words, Xia Xuan also prevents her from lying.

For the time being, we still have a definite information about Lin fan. We just need to know that he is in yerenshan. The rest is to fight for time with Fang family. Let's see if Fang family found Lin Fan first or Xia Xuan saved him first.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I'll transfer the two hundred million to you now. As for the fact that you crocodiles will ambush our young master, let's settle the account later." Then Xia Xuan stood up.

But yasqi asked leisurely, "is Miss Xia preparing to enter the mountain of savages?"

"You're not qualified to ask where I'm going." Xia Xuan said impolitely.

Yasqi pretended to sigh: "well, I'm just reminding you once for your own good. This mountain is not an ordinary place. You'd better inquire before you go in."

"Don't bother. Goodbye!" Xia Xuan didn't care where yerenshan was.

As long as Lin fan is in it, Xia Xuan dares not to bring it back.

Seeing that the information is basically out, Xia Xuan cleanly takes everyone out of the crocodile club.

After waiting for her to leave, Yashi happily watched the crocodile Club account come out of these two hundred million funds.

Thinking about how to use the money, the crocodile club's previous operation and management was very extensive.

It's to find a group of desperado, and then use all kinds of tricks to abduct the money of those family forces. If you earn it, you can divide it according to the level. If you can't, you can continue to find the next target.

But now the crocodile will be the leader of Yashi. She doesn't like the model of bandits.

The Commission money earned from Fang's family before was all given to the people below.

The hand becomes poor again, which makes many ideas of Yashi can't be realized. But now, with the 200 million intelligence cost of Xia Xuan, Yashi is happy.

She wants to rely on the crocodile to realize her wish and make a great progress.

These two hundred million can not be paid to the following people as salary. She should think about investing in a real industry and become a source of income to maintain the bottom line through stable profits.

It's a pity that two hundred million is still too little. Yasi smacked her lips. If she succeeded in rescuing Lin fan, she had promised to give her two billion yuan. With two billion yuan as the principal, we can get more profits after investing, and we can create a strong core industry of crocodile club! These days, if a huge force does not have its own core industry to get a lot of money, then this force can not last long. The bandit mode before the crocodile meeting can last for a period of time, but after the personnel expand to a certain scale, the money obtained by deception is not enough. What's more, crocodiles are so unscrupulous, which makes their reputation stinky. No one dares to cooperate with them any more, and the channels to obtain funds are gradually reduced. In the past, the leaders of the crocodile Association didn't care. They had no ambition. They just wanted to spend a lot of money and live a luxurious life. But yaski is different. She is an ambitious woman. In the past, she secretly planned to control the alligator society. Now, after becoming the leader of the alligator society, she began to plan bigger goals. We should make good use of the Crocodile Society and build her own family. Of course, in this process, what the minions in the crocodile club will become is not what yaski cares about. A lot of people in the middle crocodile club will inevitably be cleaned out by Yashi“ Boss, I don't think the woman named Xia Xuan just now is a good match. You've handed in all the information. What should we do when she turns around and doesn't recognize others and comes to us to settle the accounts? "