Chapter 793

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
On the whole ship, people around the big screen first screamed.

Attracted more confused people crowded in to watch what happened, and then followed with exclamation.

Fang Liang noticed the difference of Linfan manor for the first time.

His second generation of rich followers followed closely, and they also responded.

Everyone was frightened by the exquisite and thorough appearance of Linfan manor.

Although these people have no knowledge and skills, they are just dandies all day long. They spend all their time in all kinds of places.

But don't forget, after all, their family specializes in the jade industry.

From childhood to adulthood, they can tell one or two things about jade.

What's more, what appears on the big screen at this time is not small jade ornaments or objects that jade plays with.

It's a manor covering tens of thousands of square meters!

With such a big goal, how can they not recognize that the exterior walls used as bricks and stones are all jade!

Although Fang Liang's younger brother and I are both rich second generation, such a magnificent and luxurious scene is really rare in my life.

Even in the whole jade industry, as the top family, Fang's manor is not as luxurious as here.

All of us had an idea in our hearts: "it's so terrible..."

What family in the world can afford to build a whole manor with jade?

Big families also need to be managed, and they need to maintain wealth and power.

There are so many jade, which family will find a way to become real wealth, rather than extravagant to build a manor and so on.

It's no longer a luxury, it's

"What a loser!"

"Animals, it's a nouveau riche mentality to put so much jade in the house

"If there are so many jades in my family, and they are all made into ornaments and ornaments, how much will they cost?"

Fang Liang's men laugh at Lin Fan enviously and jealously, but they don't know that the upstart in their mouth should describe themselves in reverse.

At the level of Lin fan, money is easy for him to get. He always wants to earn more money. When he sees everything, he wants to sell money. That's the behavior of a nouveau riche.

Fang Liang did not pay attention to the words of the followers, but directly staring at the large screen image from the UAV.

"Yes, yes," he cried in his heart! This is the Cangshan jade I'm looking for. It's definitely Cangshan jade! "

The image from the screen, although people can see that it is jade, but what kind of jade is not clear in the video image.

Fang Liang can't either, but he came to Haizhou this time just to find Cangshan jade.

Combined with all kinds of intelligence information, it is not difficult for him to guess at this time.

Lin Fan's manor is carved with Cangshan jade, and the vein of Cangshan jade is absolutely owned by Lin fan, which is not in the hands of others.

More likely, Cangshan jade vein is on the island in front of us!

Fang Liang was excited, and his face was even more overjoyed.

"Go in and attack this island. No matter who lives on it, I only want this island and that Manor!" Fang Liang roared.

The followers are puzzled. Why are they so excited? It's the manor made of jade. Although it's amazing, it's not so envious, is it?

They didn't know about cangshanyu. Before they came, Fang Liang didn't tell his followers. He just said there was something important to do.

Of course, the Fang family didn't want to let others know about cangshanyu so that they could eat alone.

At this time, Fang Liang finally found, how can not be excited.

As the top jade, the value of Cangshan jade needless to say, with such a vein, Fangjia can go up to a higher level, strength more than doubled!

Not to mention, since Lin fan can build a manor with jade, it shows that there is a rich mine here!

The output is absolutely beyond imagination. The Cangshan jade vein of this scale is located on this island, but Linfan is only used to build manor. It's just a wild thing!

Fangliang atmosphere, Fangliang jealousy, Fangliang's possessive explosion.

Now his idea has changed, not only to catch Lin fan, a good shame, but also he obediently hand over the ownership of the island.

Not only Zuixian Island, but also the whole yingyue island is ready to be owned by Fang Liang.

He felt that if there were Cangshan jade veins on Zuixian Island, it might not be the only place of origin.

Jade veins generally appear in a concentrated way. If there are jade veins on Zuixian Island, there will be jade veins on yingyue Island, which covers a wider area.

And it's likely to be even more terrifying on a scale where such unimaginable wealth can't be buried in the dust.

The Fang family had to get hold of it, and looking for Cangshan jade was the plan that the Fang family had to complete.

When the top jade veins appear, they must not fall into other people's hands and become chips threatening Fang's status.

"Brother Liang, do it now?" The attendant asked with some doubts. Fang Liang said without any doubt: "yes, I can't wait to act now!" The attendant hesitated: "however, the UAV has just begun to explore. We don't know what the defense arrangement is on the island." Fang Liang sniffed: "what's the defense of this island? Don't forget that we are now carrying tens of thousands of people, and we are afraid we can't attack such an island?" Another Valet flattered: "that's right, we are strong now. So many people rush up and drown the people on the island if they piss."“ Ha ha ha...! " The other attendants burst out laughing. They also hate Lin Fan very much. They are all rich second generation. Who has been insulted like this since they were young. This time, not only Fang Liang wants to avenge himself, but they also want to catch Lin Fan and make him suffer thousands of times of torture and insults! The valet, who was worried that he was not well prepared, was also encouraged by Fang Liang's confidence with others. I think since everyone thinks so, there must be no problem. If you think about it, this time you will bring nearly 8000 talents from Fang's family, and 2000 people from Fang Liang's rich second generation family. However, although these two thousand people are put together, their strength can not be underestimated. Tens of thousands of people have stormed into an island. What else can't be solved? Even in the daytime, Lin Fan's five or six thousand men are still guarding the island, and they can still win with twice the number. Fang Liang can't wait for a moment. He can't wait to turn this place into Fang's territory. Reaching for the walkie talkie on the table, he exclaimed, "everyone, start landing on the island in front of you!"