Chapter 528

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Because there are fans coming, it's not easy for Lin fan to refuse others' enthusiasm.

When these people go to the island, they arrange their artists to meet with these fans, which is to satisfy their wishes.

Chen Qiang is one of these fans. Today, he was with a group of friends. After hearing that Lin xian'er was coming to yingyue Island, several people discussed and rented a yacht.

When they were in Tianhai film and Television City, Lin xian'er and Lin xian'er were filming in a closed studio all day. It was totally impossible for ordinary people to go in and meet their fans.

But now it's different. There's no closed set on yingyue island. As long as people can come, they can definitely find idols.

But what they didn't expect was that when the yacht came to yingyue Island, it was stopped, saying it was a private island and refusing outsiders to land on it.

Chen Qiang and they are all local people in Haizhou. They all know that yingyue island is an uninhabited island, but they don't know that it is a private island with ownership.

After all, they are all ordinary people with limited access to information. How can they know the people and things in the upper circle.

"Brother Qiang, what should we do? They won't let us go ashore. Can't we just go back?" A friend asked.

"Yes, it costs a lot of money to rent this yacht. If you go back now, the rent will not be refunded..."

They are all fans of Lin xian'er. Of course, some like the combination of isaivy and dream angel.

Now I can see my idol, but I can't get through the sea. It's really distressing to think that I paid a lot of charter fees when I came here. If I didn't succeed, I would come back.

Chen Qiang pursed his lips, pondered for a long time and said, "I'll talk to these people."

Then he went to the bow of the boat and yelled, "we are fans of Lin xian'er. We just want to see the idol. Can we accommodate ourselves?"

The boat that the Dragon Guard was blocking these people was very close to them. Standing at the bow of the boat, both sides could hear clearly.

In Chen Qiang's opinion, their demands are not excessive. They just go to the island to have a look. Can't they meet these small demands.

What about a private island? It's just a desert island, and you're afraid of losing things?

But the order from Lin fan is to blockade yingyue Island completely to ensure that no irrelevant people are allowed to come near. How can it be released because of Chen Qiang's words.

Seeing that the other side is still in the way, these people on the ship are very dissatisfied.

"We don't know when yingyue island will become a private island."

"That's right. I don't think we're allowed to go to the island under the guise. We should just rush there. What are you afraid of?"

"Yes, go straight ahead. I don't believe these people in front of me dare to stop them?"

The crowd clamored to rush to the island.

Just as the stalemate was about to break out, Lu Xiangshan finally got Lin Fan's order and arranged for his subordinates to come to receive and open yingyue island to these people.

"Listen up, yingyue island is still in the development stage, but since you are here, we can receive you first, but we have to follow the arrangement." Lu Xiangshan arranged the staff to shout.

At this time, the fans who came to the island have been released and gathered on the beach.

"As long as we can meet Lin xian'er, we will accept any arrangement!" Someone cried.

"Yes, and to see Isaiah Ivy!"

"I want to take a picture with the ladies of dream angel group!"

In the crowd, the staff stood on a big stone and pressed behind them to signal silence.

"All these requirements can be met, but the meeting time can't be more than half an hour, because the stars come here to film, so they can't delay their real work."

"It's only half an hour, but it's not bad!"

"Filming, do you need an extras, I can do a trick!"

"Yes, if you can let me join the cast, I can do any work."

The staff shook his head: "sorry, there is no need for extras here. After the meeting with the stars, those who want to leave can go back directly. We have other arrangements for those who want to continue to play on the island."

"Can you still stay on the island?"

"This is just a desert island. What can I do for you?"

"You are silly. Lin xian'er is filming here. If you stay here, maybe you can meet her again."

"Yes, I have to stay and see."

Seeing the excited looks of the following people, the staff could not help shaking their heads, thinking that yingyue island is big, which is different from what you think. How could it be so easy for you to disturb the shooting of the film.

"For those who are willing to stay, there will be a guide to show you around the island. It won't be too long. It's only one day. Before dark, you must leave yingyue island."

After arranging a crowd of fans, Lin fan made a temporary meeting place in Meng Hu's camp.

We arranged for the stars in the cast to interact with these enthusiastic fans. Most of the fans who come here are men, and there are also women, but only a few. Because Lin fan is basically a female star, there must be more male fans. Because of the fear that the scene will easily lose control under the excitement of fans, Lin Fan also specially asked long Jianwei to maintain the order of the scene. The most important thing is to protect the safety of Lin Xianer and her girls and prevent them from being harassed. Today, there are a lot of fans here. According to the statistics, there are more than 300 people here. It's very busy. After half an hour's meeting, no matter how hard the fans try to stay, Lin Xianer and Lin Xianer left the camp by helicopter. When he arrived at the lake in the middle of yingyue Island, Wang Mo had already arrived here with a group of staff. They are using Lin fan to decorate Anza's camp before them, waiting for Lin xian'er and them to arrive. It seems that the shooting of the new film is very sudden, but in fact it is not in a hurry. Wang Mo has already started planning some time ago. The staff and equipment are ready-made, and the venue is also available. The story doesn't need to be too brainy. It can be adapted into a script according to Lin Fan's previous experience. Even the most special actor, the gorilla as high as four meters, doesn't need special effects to do it. Just a little bit can act in person. Different from the last movie doomsday legend, we pay more attention to the level of special effects on the basis of telling a good story. This new movie is mainly based on story, there are few special effects, and everything is based on actual shooting“ Boss, this movie is based on your experience. What's your name Wang Mo asked, sitting in the tent.