Chapter 368

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Old Wu Jian He Jun didn't make more introductions or ask too many questions. Some of the people who came here to participate in the auction either disclosed their identity or concealed their identity.

Lin fan doesn't report his origin, and there's no need to ask more. After all, the auction here is an illegal place, and it's a common practice to hide his identity.

But without asking, Lao Wu was still curious. What was the origin of Lin Shao? He could let the two super young masters treat him respectfully.

Li Xiaokang and Lao Wu exchanged greetings a little, but they didn't talk much. This is the entrance to the cruise ship. There are a lot of people going in and out. Lao Wu still has to receive visitors, so it's not a place to talk.

When they entered the cruise ship, they didn't have the dirty, dark and gloomy appearance Lin Fan imagined. On the contrary, they were decorated with light and luxury, and they were clean and spotless everywhere.

There are also many auction staff wandering in the meantime, waiting for the orders of visitors at any time.

If we didn't know in advance that this is the place where the auction will be held, at first glance, Lin Fan thought he was entering the Royal Princess cruise ship.

Seeing Lin Fan looking around with curious eyes, Li Xiaokang said, "brother Lin, are you surprised?"

Lin Fan nodded: "yes, I thought it would be a chaotic place. Now it looks very orderly."

Li Xiaokang sneered: "don't be confused by this superficial phenomenon. The servants here don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. Even the old Wu just now looks rich and kind, but I know more than a hundred lives in his hands."

He Jun also said: "as one of the owners of the auction, Lao Wu is a fierce man with changeable emotions. But it's easy to get along with him, that is, don't touch his interests. As long as his interests are not damaged, everything is easy to say. On the contrary, if his interests are affected, he can do anything. "

Lin Fan nodded, knowing that the people who value gain and loss more than life were either killed early in the morning, or they were all heroes who made a breakthrough, and Lao Wu belonged to the latter.

"We don't have to worry about safety on this ship. Lao Wu's business place won't allow others to mess around, but he will stay out of this ship no matter what happens." Li Xiaokang said.

Lin Fan said with a smile: "Oh, this old Wu has made a good rule. Don't others worry about him getting black in person?"

Li Xiaokang waved his hand: "that's not true. Although Lao Wu is not a good man, he has his own rules. He won't care about the things he sells to others."

Strictly speaking, the items at the auction are not Lao Wu's. most of them are sold or auctioned by others on his site. Lao Wu only pays the middle Commission.

But the reason why he didn't fall down in this business for so many years is that Lao Wu is still trustworthy and only takes his own money.

If you really want to occupy it, you can do it once or twice. If you have more people, you will know what's wrong with it. No one will participate in the auction again.

This kind of self destructive business practice Lao Wu certainly does not do, will also offend many people.

Through the magnificent hall on the cruise ship, Lin Fan and Li Xiaokang came to the residential area.

The auction will be held for three days, so the guests will open a room for themselves to rest.

After a great transformation, the cruise ship is unusual. It can take tens of thousands of tourists. Instead, it has set up a lot of commercial and entertainment areas, and a lot less residential areas.

After all, there are a small number of rich people who come here. Even with the accompanying people, there are not many rooms to live in.

There are a few houses, but they are very luxurious. Moreover, each room is a large suite, which is divided into many bedrooms. It is also for the casual of the guests, and the staff can take care of their boss nearby.

Lin fan, Li Xiaokang and He Jun have three rooms each. Lin fan has few people here, but in order to get closer to Li Xiaokang and He Jun, they also choose a big room.

As a matter of fact, Lao Wu is able to do business. The rooms here are not free for guests. Not only do they have to be charged, but also the price is surprisingly high.

A large guest room alone costs one million yuan a day. If there are 100 rich people coming to the auction, Lao Wu Guang can earn 100 million yuan a day and 300 million yuan in three days.

No wonder Lao Wu will go to the entrance to welcome the guests. He is very polite. It's all his God of wealth. Would you mind.

After arranging the living room, Xia Xuan first takes Wei Gang to search the room. After all, it's a strange place, or a mixture of fish and dragons, and the people are very complicated.

Xia Xuan is worried that the room will be equipped with eavesdroppers and hidden cameras. For her young master's safety, it's necessary to search carefully.

Sure enough, a moment later, we found a pile of electronic devices, all kinds of eavesdroppers and cameras, which were very hidden.

If Xia Xuan and Wei Gang had not had rich experience to find out all these things, Lin fan would have no secrets in the room.

Li Xiaokang and He Jun knock on the door and come in. When they see a pile of broken eavesdropping devices on the table in Lin Fan's room, they laugh“ Lin Ge, I wanted to remind you, but I didn't expect that you've found them all. "“ I've already said how Lin Ge can be overcame by this kind of heresy. We can find out that Lin Ge can still do it. " They walked to the table and pulled out the equipment. After a while, their faces were not right. Lin fan asked, "what's the matter? What's the problem?" He Jun's face was solemn: "brother Lin, are these all in your room?"“ Yes, it's just found out. What's the matter with you two? " Lin fan asked. The two looked at each other. Li Xiaokang's face was a little embarrassed and said, "there are too many in your room. There must be more than 20 of them. There are only four or five in my room..." He Jun said, "it's not that there are too many in Lin Ge, but we find too few!" It is impossible for these rooms to know in advance who is important and who is not, so the number of eavesdroppers is allocated in advance. Every room must be the same. What Li Xiaokang and He Jun found in their rooms is not as much as Lin Fan's. it only shows one thing. Their guards were not able to find all the eavesdropping devices. Li Xiaokang said angrily: "Damn, Lao Wu has gone too far. He is just a voyeur. I'll let his men search carefully again!"