Chapter 287

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
At present, the strength ranking of the players is not made by the official competition, but a score made by the past performance and works of the multi-media players.

Of course, there is a lot of water in it, and there are also popular votes to pour water into it.

Muyang has no brilliant works, but the company is willing to spend a lot of money to make him look like a superstar of tomorrow.

On weekdays, there are also various exposures in various media, which attract countless brain powder fans.

Through a large-scale build-up, Muyang feels that he has been able to win the championship, and then embarks on the road of the emperor superstar.

"It's so easy to be a big star. My life is perfect...!" Muyang holds the coffee cup in an elegant posture and looks at the setting sun outside the window.


The door was suddenly knocked open and the assistant ran in.

The sudden loud noise made Muyang's hand shake, and the hot coffee was all scattered in his crotch.


A miserable call, Mu Yang Wu crotch jumped up.

"What are you doing! Bring me some ice quickly! "

"Oh, good, good!" The assistant ran to find the ice again.

After the ice was brought, Muyang didn't care about anything else, so he untied his belt and put it in.

"Oh... Cool..."

After a thrill, he squinted at the assistant and said, "what happened just now? If it's not important, I'll let you go now!"

The assistant remembered that he had something to do.

"No, it's not good. You've fallen to second place!"

"What ranking?"

"It's the rookie list."

Muyang was surprised. He just saw that he was the first one. The second one was less popular than himself. How could he catch up with him before he finished a cup of coffee?

"How did Wu fan surpass me? Did he pay for the Navy?" Muyang asked.

Wu fan is the second in the list. Although there are entertainment companies behind the scenes, it is obvious that the resources given are not as much as Muyang.

"It's not Wu fan. It's a dream angel group. It was still in the top ten. Just now, its popularity soared, and it rushed to the top of the list!" Said the assistant.

"Lying trough, so ferocious?" Muyang was shocked.

"Yes, no one expected to kill such a black horse!"

"How much did it cost..."

Muyang thinks that the sudden fall of the dream angel to the top of the list must be the result of the sky high price of hiring the water army to brush up, but in fact, it's a little different.

Lao Gai is engaged in intelligence for Lin fan. He can get hundreds of millions of money in his hand. All this money is not wasted.

He has long been recruiting on the Internet, recruiting countless people and forming a tight intelligence network.

These people are all senior Internet users, who don't know each other's real identities. They just work with Lao Gai's money. They usually have their own jobs. When they have a task, they work part-time. Most of the time, they mainly collect intelligence.

Now, in order to build up momentum for ye Jia and them, these people can immediately become the water army. It's just a small idea to brush the top of the list.

And even if some people have doubts about the dream angel combination suddenly on the list, they can't find anything. They are all real accounts, and there is no zombie number of the Navy.

I don't worry about the investigation at all. It's all fan numbers, and there's no trace of fraud.

At this time, Lao Gai's battle command group has been renamed dream angel fan group, and the backbone members of the group are chatting with Lao Gai.

"Boss, I didn't expect that you are also a fan of dream angel group!"

"We all want to make an impact on the angels. I didn't expect the boss to do it himself."

"Ha ha, everyone is a dream angel. It's not true that a family doesn't enter a family!"

Coincidentally, more than 90% of Lao Gai's network intelligence army are fans of dream angel.

In fact, it's not surprising that dream angel has been loved by almost all otaku since its debut, and the people in the intelligence network set up by Lao Gai are all otaku who roam on the Internet all day.

Such a circle, which is easy to be ignored, once integrated, will play an amazing role.

Just like now, as long as Lao Gai gives an order to put the dream angel at the top of the list, hundreds of millions of otaku don't even want money, they will act spontaneously.

Almost instantly, the so-called new strength ranking list was slaughtered by these people!

"This ranking is just a joke. It's not difficult to get the angels to the top of the list."

"It should be said that these people on the list are rubbish, not worthy to be the opponents of angels."

"Ha ha, you're right upstairs."

The group on Lao Gai's side was laughing and celebrating that they had won the first battle for the dream angel.

And Mu Yang is not happy“ Dream angel group, this special brush list brush too shameless, no one reported it Muyang looks at the latest ranking on the website“ Er... This... "The assistant thought that they were all on the list. Do you mean to talk about others“ Go and ask me what the website says“ All right The assistant went out to get in touch and came back in a moment“ Contacted, the website said that it has received a lot of complaints, and now it is checking whether the background data is abnormal. "“ Hum, it's going up so fast that there's no problem with the data! " Muyang hums coldly. After a while, I saw that I was still in the second place on the list, and the angel of dreams didn't fall off the list, on the contrary, the popularity increased a lot. From the beginning, the popularity of Muyang has been tens of thousands ahead of Muyang, but it has become hundreds of thousands. Such exaggerated data makes Muyang gnash his teeth“ Ask again! What's the matter? Don't you deal with such an obvious list swipe? " Muyang directly blew up his lungs. The new song Golden Melody competition is a prosperous time held by Xia state TV station, and now there are countless contestants in the strength list of different media. Of course, those small media with little influence can't represent anything and won't be noticed. The most authoritative is the evaluation list on, which is also the list Muyang sees now. is the most powerful media in China besides the official media. Its ranking is not as good as those unscrupulous small media. If you give some money, you can raise your ranking. But after the comprehensive strength evaluation, plus the current popularity value of the bonus row out. So Muyang is very sure that before the nameless dream angel combination is certainly not enough comprehensive strength, only with brush popularity to rush to the top of the list. The assistant went to contact Dongfang. Com again. When he came back, he was surprised and said, "there's no problem with the background data. After more than ten rounds of manual sampling, every IP number supporting popularity is real and effective."