Chapter 279

Name:The Strongest Tycoon Author:神土
Because of this evening's online black dream angel combination event, many people in the entertainment industry began to pay attention to the new company Star Moon entertainment.

The reason why many stars who are not very ideal come to interview is not only to see the ability and determination of Xingyue entertainment to maintain its artists.

In the process of the birth of the dream angel group, we can see the powerful star making ability of Xingyue entertainment.

If you want to further develop in the entertainment industry, you will get more opportunities to enter this company.

That's what Han Cheng thought. He also sent in his resume. After getting the reply from Xingyue entertainment to interview tomorrow, he couldn't help getting excited.

The company he signed up with didn't attach great importance to him. Over the years, resources have been inclined to those traffic stars. For Han Cheng, who looks ordinary and has acting skills, it's dispensable to have no traffic in the company.

Although few fans like his performance style, after all, the number is too small to play a role in his future in the entertainment industry.

It can only be regarded as a little comfort. After so many years of obscurity, now that the contract is due, Han Cheng doesn't want to renew it, considering whether he wants to quit the entertainment industry and do something else.

However, with the outbreak of Tongguang media incident, Han Cheng happened to pay attention to it and also saw the strength of the owner behind the dream angel combination.

Han Cheng, who is not very willing to quit the entertainment industry, wants to have a last try.

I thought I would wait a long time after sending my resume. But in less than one day, Xingyue entertainment sent him a receipt and asked him to attend an interview tomorrow.

Han Cheng with a little excited to send this message to his personal micro blog.

[go to Xingyue entertainment interview to make a final fight, whether you can continue to stay in the entertainment industry depends on tomorrow's results.]

Soon, some fans saw the message and responded.

[star moon entertainment? Brother Cheng, are you going to change jobs

I haven't heard of this company. Why didn't chengge change to a famous company

[do you just have access to the Internet in your village? I don't know about Xingyue entertainment. Let's get to know about the dream angel group!]

[crouching trough! This company seems to be very powerful. Do you really want to go? I wish the signing of the contract goes smoothly!]

[it's unfair to all of us fans that brother Cheng has been depressed for so many years!]

[that is, Mingming's acting skills are so good, but they don't get attention. I hope Xingyue entertainment company can become brother Cheng's bole

Although there are not many fans, they all send their best wishes to Han Cheng at the first time, hoping that he can get more opportunities.

Han Cheng is very moved. It is with the support of these fans that he has the motivation to continue to roam in the entertainment industry.


Li Cai is also an actress whose contract has expired. Her fortune is better than Han Cheng's. she is a third tier star and has a large number of fans.

She is beautiful and has good acting skills. The most important thing is that she is versatile. She is not only good at singing and dancing, but also skillfully plays many musical instruments.

With such conditions, it is not impossible to become a first-line star if you can participate in some good works.

But the fight between the entertainers in the entertainment company she worked for was very complicated, and she was often beaten by a sister in the company.

With the new play, the main role will also be robbed by the company's related users. She can only play some dispensable roles, and has no chance to get ahead.

Now that the contract has expired, Li Cai has long been tired of the intrigue here. He wants to change the environment. Maybe the new company is not as bad as here.

Originally, several large entertainment companies had contacted her in private and offered her superior treatment to poach her. However, Li Cai knew that these companies, like their current owners, had all kinds of bloody infighting among internal artists.

At this time, Star Entertainment entered her field of vision, strength, but also cultivate a dream angel combination of this potential future superstar.

The most important thing is that the company is newly established and there are not many artists.

Li Cai thought that if he could enter this company now, he would be able to get ahead easily.

If there are not many artists, there will be less intrigue and more resources.


In addition to Han Cheng and Li Cai, there are many similar situations.

They all have no position in the entertainment circle. They want to get ahead and sign a contract with a better company.

Star entertainment side, Qiao Chen and personnel manager sent out of his office, Lin fan will lean on the chair and slowly sleep in the past.

Yesterday I had a drink with Lao Gai. I'm still dizzy.

Lin Fan didn't wake up until ten o'clock in the evening.

The company is off work long ago, but several offices are still on.

Because Wang Mo wanted to shoot the MV, time was still very tight, so he stayed in the company with Hou Jing and worked overtime to make it.

The location shot yesterday should be edited in time, and then special effects and rendering should be done. Hou Jing is very capable. He can be a team envoy by himself. However, Wang Mo still left several employees to assist him and guarantee that he will be safe. Although the MV time is not long, only a few minutes, but also a meticulous work, and sometimes even more difficult than making a movie. Fortunately, the manpower is still sufficient. Wang Mo also supervises the work in turn and can make it before the competition. Besides Wang Mo, Xu Muran and Qiao Chen are also in the company. Lin Fan didn't go, neither did they. Qiao Chen is the president, because most of the day in school, can only go back to the company in the evening to deal with the daily affairs accumulated by the company. While Xu Muran stayed in his own design room and continued to make props and costumes for MV and movies. It's all tedious work. If you want to make the most exquisite clothes, you have to work slowly, otherwise it will be rough. Whether it is MV or film and television, the audience enjoy watching, but the production behind the scenes is extremely cumbersome. It's a lot of people who spent countless experiences and time shooting them. Of course, those rubbish works that only know how to fool the audience are another thing to say. Lin Fan came out for a turn and saw that everyone was busy and didn't disturb him. Quietly back to his office, let Xia Xuan make a cup of coffee to refresh herself“ You wake up Said Jo Chen, pushing the door in“ Well, don't work so late. Have a rest early. " Lin fan is concerned. Qiao Chen shook his head, but said: "can't rest, tomorrow will also hold an interview, a lot of work have to be ready, or you will get into trouble."“ What kind of interview Lin Fan said blankly.