Guo Jia's plan went well. He directly bribed the guard General of Hanzhong, who promised to cooperate with each other.

Hanzhong is the gateway of Sichuan. As long as you enter Hanzhong, everything will be OK.

It's up to Guo Jia and Zhang Yu to handle the matter. There's only one Sichuan left. It's not very difficult.

Zhang Yu began to pay attention to the imperial finance.

Now the Empire's finances are very good.

Tobacco has formed a certain scale. Because of the government's monopoly, it can bring about 10 million silver coins to the Empire in a year.

10 million, which is already a very good income. As smokers continue to expand, their income will be higher in the future.

Of course, many are exports.

What Zhang Yu didn't expect was that the Fushou ointment was on fire in the west, and many Western businessmen came to sell it.

But the price of Fushou ointment was not cheap. They didn't have enough money to trade slaves for it.

You know, the west is still a slave society. There are slaves everywhere.

Knowing that they had no money, Zhang Yu agreed to trade some of them for slaves.

When these Westerners come to their own hands, they can let them dig canals and build roads, as long as they are fed.

"It's a good labor force. If it's larger, it can keep them building roads, and the empire can reduce a lot of expenses." The empire is rich now, but Zhang Yu still has a lot to do.

For example, study larger ships.

For example, cement roads will be built in all provinces.

I don't know how many years and how much money it will take to complete it, but if there is the profit of Fushou ointment to support it, Zhang Yu thinks he can complete this arduous task.

In this way, the inter state slave trade began. Zhang Yu didn't expect that in this world, the slave trade started because of him.

The transnational trade began, and the slave trade also began.

Zhang Yu will not pity the westerners, the Orient has been slowly transformed into a Chinese nation by him.

For example, the descendants of the people on the Mahayana Peninsula are no different from the Chinese. The Fusang people have been gradually transformed, and they will all become Chinese in one or two generations.

At that time, overseas are all Chinese, and there will be nothing more for them.

Perhaps later generations of Zhang Yu will also wipe out the West.

Zhang Yu began to take charge of a huge empire, which was not only Huaxia, but also a large number of overseas territories.

Today's overseas territories can also bring a lot of wealth to Zhang Yu every year.

Nowadays, Zhang Yu has money and people. He still has many things to do, such as sorting out ancient books and records.

As long as it's books or books with certain value, Zhang Yu has to make them up. Later on, Confucianism did not know how many things were deleted.

As long as they are different from Confucianism, many books have disappeared.

Zhang Yu didn't allow such a existence. He had to repair books and let academies around the country edit all kinds of books and send them to the capital for printing and collecting.

If Zhang Yu advocates the contention of a hundred schools of thought, he will not allow Confucianism to be the only one, and other schools should also develop.

Zhang Yu suddenly felt that he had a lot to do, such as building roads, books and canals.

As long as Zhang Yu works in the palace and makes a general plan, someone will do it.

But some things still need to be done by Zhang Yu himself.

One of the great things he wants to do is to write his own book.

The book to be published by Zhang Yu is called ten thousand conjectures.

What are ten thousand guesses?

Zhang Yu actually popularized science for the ancients. He guessed steam engine, electricity and some basic science.

Other people's books like this will definitely become counter books, while Zhang Yu's books will become divine books, which will be studied by many people.

Zhang Yu really wants to have 10000 conjectures, such as steam engine, which can be completed, such as making trains and ships with steam engine.

As long as basic science is in place, then everything is not a problem.

Zhang Yu didn't come up with the advanced things of later generations, but he could have all kinds of basic scientific conjectures. He wrote a general idea for himself, and then let the ancients explore it slowly.

Zhang Yu first wrote several articles, from the gravity of objects falling to the ground, to the steam engine of kettle boiling.

Zhang Yu published directly in quest magazine, and signed himself.

Zhang Yu advertises in person, and Zhang Yu markets in person. This search magazine sells well.

Zhang Yu doesn't know how long these things will germinate, but it shouldn't be long.

Zhang Yu also needs to innovate various basic theories, such as management, economics and other sciences.

He doesn't know much, but it's enough to start a rudiment of this discipline, and then let future generations slowly improve it.

What Zhang Yu needs to do now is to be a godfather and let all kinds of theories develop.

However, this is not very good for a society. Zhang Yu also called together a group of Confucian masters to study Confucian theory.

Although Confucianism can not be the dominant position, it is still very important.

Zhang Yu began to guide the development of various disciplines.

He doesn't spend much time in the imperial palace now, on the contrary, he spends more time in the Academy.

Under the foundation of Zhang Yu, various disciplines can at least have a rudiment and develop slowly.


On Guo Jia's side, not long after Zhuge Liang arrived, Guo Jia began to take action.

With an internal agent, the army went directly into Sichuan.

When they occupied Hanzhong, other troops began to move, and the ready troops moved quickly.

When Guo Jia and they occupied Hanzhong, everything was not a problem.

When the army came together, the army of Shuchuan could not resist.

Even many of the troops surrendered directly.

Shuchuan has been occupied by Zhang Yu's army.

After occupying Shuchuan, China was unified.

After unifying China, Zhang Yu ordered the army to retire in an orderly way, and at the same time, he also made the army undertake some non combat obligations.

After recovering Shu Chuan, Zhang Yu set the total force at about 800000, most of which defended the northern region.

However, there is no one-time retirement. Some people are retired every year, and some people are recruited again every year. The newly recruited army must serve as a soldier for three years.

There are 800000 regular troops, but there are still many police forces. Once there is a war with the armed police, Zhang Yu is not short of military use.

After a large number of troops retired, Zhang Yu had more money in his hand.

More money will be spent. Zhang Yu directly asks 200000 troops to build roads. Of course, it's not free labor, but wages. After they retire, they will have a large amount of money in their hands, which is enough to go back and have a good life.

The Empire was unprecedentedly prosperous.

Zhang Yu can start to implement various systems slowly.

With the money, the national medical system is gradually set up. At least one public hospital has been set up in every province.

There are not enough students in medical school every year, and some of them are recruited from the people.

When the provincial level is established, the cities and counties should also be established gradually.