In Yangzhou, by the Yangtze River, the flood came suddenly.

Days of heavy rain, so that many places in the lower reaches of the water level soared, and finally led to a major flood.

Many people lost their homes in the flood.

Many people were killed and injured, at least 100000 people died or disappeared.

No doubt no one would like to see such a result, but it has already happened.

Local officials still have something to do. After all, they started the rescue at the first time.

But they found that they could mobilize hundreds of policemen, who were not enough to protect and distribute food.

If there is no one to protect the food, I am afraid it will be looted by the victims.

The more serious problem is that they don't have enough food.

Several counties rushed to disaster relief, but let them resettle a lot of refugees, but the affected people are a little more.

"What can we do for you, my lord?"

"My Lord, please tell me what we need to do."

"My Lord, we don't have any other skills, but we have all the strength."

A county magistrate in Yangzhou was very busy. There were not many people available to him. At this time, a group of men came. They were very dirty and muddy. They might be victims.

The magistrate just wanted to refuse. These people are all men of unknown origin. If the food is robbed by them, there will be a big problem at that time.

"My Lord, please believe us. We are all retired troops. If the people are in trouble, how can we ignore it? If we ignore it, are we not ashamed of the teachings of our Lord?" Said one of the men.

The magistrate, Chen Wu, was very happy.

"Great, I'm short of people here. You need to help maintain order and carry food and grass." Chen Wu had no doubt when he heard that they were veterans.

He called two policemen and said to a group of people, "they are also veterans. Now they are policemen. Follow him and let him take you."

Chen Wu dares to use these people because he is also a retired soldier. Because he was injured in the war, he was not suitable to go to the battlefield again, so he became a county magistrate.

The reason why he became a county magistrate is that he has studied in a higher college and a military academy. He is a talented person. It's no problem to be a county magistrate after retirement.

They are all from the army. He knows very well that these people have faith. It's no problem to leave things to them.

Chen Wu is still worried about this, but he wants to mobilize all the veterans because of the manpower problem.

The Empire has been fighting for years, and many retired soldiers have been called together.

There are also militiamen, who have undergone a lot of training. If they are organized, they can provide disaster relief.

Chen Wu went up and arranged for people to contact him. As long as he contacted enough veterans and militia, the manpower problem could be solved.

Then there is the food problem.

He gathered all the food in the city and could hold it up for a while, but he didn't know how many victims there were. There were tens of thousands of people in his County alone.

Tens of thousands of victims need to consume a lot of food.

Walking on the street, he wanted to gather food, but he saw the bank.

"Yes, the bank, borrowing in the name of the county, can borrow a sum of money, money can buy food."

Chen Wu knows very well that the empire is not short of food. On the contrary, it has a lot of food. It should be possible to buy it.

Chen Wu took his official seal and went directly to ICBC.

"I'm Chen Wu, the county magistrate. Now I need a lot of money for disaster relief. I want to borrow a sum of money from the bank." After Chen Wuliang identified himself, he explained his intention directly.

Soon, Chen Wu borrowed more than one million silver coins. He had to change some of the money into copper coins.

There is not enough cash in the bank. Most of them are silver bills. Now the disaster relief needs small silver and copper coins.

But if you have money, you have confidence.

After Chen Wu got the money, he went to buy grain first. Grain can be paid with a large amount of money.

The first batch of grain bought tens of thousands of silver coins, which has been able to solve part of the problem.

There is not enough food in the city. He has to go to other places to buy it.

Now with money, everything is easy.

He immediately arranged for a group of policemen with weapons, and then went down to buy food with the help of a group of militia.

There are so many victims that they are afraid that someone will rob them of food.

And he has to organize disaster relief, and at the same time, he wants them to help themselves.

This flood not only needs food, but also needs epidemic prevention, medicine, and more importantly, a place to live.

Chen Wu went up to arrange others.

Chen Wu organized some victims to help themselves, some with tents, some with temporary houses.

Some people who have not been affected by the disaster have also volunteered to provide disaster relief, and their families can solve some problems by accepting a few victims.

The mood of the victims in Chen Wu's county has stabilized, and there is no big trouble.

Because he has grain in his hand, the people are not flustered.

Home is gone, very sad, but they are still alive, still have to continue.

So they started saving themselves.

But Chen Wu knows that if he can't buy food, the problem will be more serious at that time.

The food he went to buy was from the north where there was no flood.

Everything is going on in an orderly way.

Many other counties also suffered heavy losses. Some people, like Chen Wu, were active in disaster relief, while others were slow to respond.

There are millions of victims this time. We can't underestimate them at all.

Within a few days after the flood, they were all helping themselves. Some people were seriously ill and died.

But most of them survived, and there was no mass displacement, and they were temporarily resettled.

Chen Wu did a good job and asked the victims to take a bath.

In particular, no one can drink raw water.

When the disaster is under control, Chen Wu gets the news that they have bought the grain and are on their way.

By the way, I bought a lot of drugs.

After five or six consecutive days, Chen Wu finally settled the victims.

More than 100000 victims have been resettled in his County alone.

Originally, there were not so many of them, but other places could not accommodate so many victims, so some of them came here

Chen Wu did not turn them away, but actively helped them.

A few days later, the support from other places finally arrived, and some food, medicine and tents were finally sent over, so that Chen Wu was completely relieved.

However, what bothers Chen Wu is the resettlement of more than 100000 victims in the later stage.

Now we have saved them, but we can't just ignore them.

In the past few days, he has spent more than one million silver coins, which is a lot of money, but there are too many victims.

This makes it impossible for him to carry out his plan of resettling the victims later. He can't deal with it without money.

However, Chen Wu suddenly found that the number of victims is decreasing. They have left, so they don't have to settle by themselves.

"How could that be?"

After learning about it, Chen Wu was also shocked. These victims were taken away by many workshop owners.

Directly take them to work in the workshop, and then all the problems will be solved.