Cao ang may get another answer, maybe have the opportunity to have another solution.

Xun you doesn't worry. He doesn't have any position now. Because of Xun Yu, even if Zhang Yu comes in, they won't be ok as long as they don't resist.

He had two cups of tea made, and then he drank it.

Cao ang didn't speak and drank a few mouthfuls of tea, but he didn't really want to taste it.

Xun you began to think after drinking tea.

After a while, Xun you said, "in my spare time, I have been reading books, especially those published by Datang Academy."

"The more you study, the more you know that your knowledge is too superficial. There is a huge gap between the understanding of this aristocratic family and the transcendence of knowledge in Datang."

"The advice I give you is entirely based on Zhang Yu's mind. If Zhang Yu's mind is big enough, the Luoyang issue will be easy to solve."

Cao ang was still puzzled. He also admired Jiangdong Academy. Cao ang had been in Jiangdong for more than a year and studied in the Academy for a long time. He knew the advanced knowledge.

But Cao ang still didn't understand what Xun you wanted to say.

"The size of this aristocratic family is far beyond our imagination. I admire Zhang Yu's mind very much. Zhang Yu has never focused on the Central Plains or China. His vision has been on the whole world."

"You can negotiate with Zhang Yu. If you give up Luoyang, he will give you the way to be born, help you go out to sea and build an empire overseas."

"Overseas has more land than Huaxia, and there are more resources overseas. The only shortage is the shortage of population. If the eldest son has enough courage, overseas will be the survival place of the Cao family."

Xun you's words made Cao angju shocked. He never thought that he could emigrate overseas and open up a big empire.

"Is this feasible?"

How many of his subordinates are willing to follow him?

And will Zhang Yu agree?

When they give up Luoyang, what if Zhang Yu repents?

There are too many concerns.

"Young master, in my judgment, Zhang Yu is very likely to agree. China is unified, and there is no one to stop it. For overseas, Zhang Yu can have other hearts to accommodate." Xun you said.

Cao ang sat still, he didn't know how to decide.

Xun you's words undoubtedly shocked him.

If Huaxia can't stay, then going overseas may be their only hope.

However, they don't have many bargaining chips to negotiate with. Zhang Yu doesn't have to talk to them at all.

"It's too hard to accept, sir. I can't accept it all at once." Said Cao ang.

Xun you also understood that he had many worries and didn't know how much they needed to consider.

However, Xun you believes that this is their only choice. Of course, they can also choose to surrender. If they surrender, Zhang Yu will not embarrass them.

Now Zhang Yu has enough strength and mind.

However, once the war starts, they will not have much choice. When Zhang Yu starts to fight, they will not stop until Luoyang is defeated.

When they are defeated, they will not be qualified for any negotiation.

"Young master, time is running out. I hope you will take care of it."

Cao ang left with a sad face when he came, and it was the same when he left.

When I left, I had a lot of things on my face.

He didn't know whether the choice was good or bad, but it was time to make a choice.

Zhang Yu gave them three days to think about it, and one day has passed.

After going back, Cao ang didn't deal with other things and was locked in the room alone.

We should leave China, stay away from here, and go overseas thousands of miles away.

It's hard for him to accept psychologically.

At the same time, he also knows that this may be his only choice.

Of course, they can also surrender. As long as they surrender at this time, there will be enough guarantee.

Anyway, time is running out.

Cao ang thought deeply for a long time, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

Staying alone until midnight, Cao ang still didn't figure it out.

In the middle of the night, Cao ang had a rest.

Cao Cao let Cao ang up, his heart is very chaotic.

Intellectually, this is their only way out.

Emotionally, he is the hero of the generation. He grew up in the Central Plains, and his ancestral grave is also here. It's hard for him to leave.

Let him go thousands of miles away, far away from his native land, Cao Cao felt uncomfortable whatever he thought.

"Make an appointment with Zhang Yu for me. I'll see him tomorrow morning." Said Cao Cao.

Cao ang was ordered to leave.

Now, Cao Cao doesn't know what he really thinks.

It is difficult for him to accept that he is far away from the Central Plains. Once he leaves, he has no hope of coming back. It is impossible for him to come back for hundreds of years at least.

Intellectually, only in this way can the Cao family and the Xiahou family continue to prosper. Of course, there are also great uncertainties overseas.

It's hard for Cao Cao to make up his mind.

He needs to think, he needs time.