Hundreds of thousands of people at the same time called for victory, which is a huge voice.

Wave after wave, it put great pressure on the garrison at the head of the city.

After Zhang Liao finished, he waved his big hand and the army began to move on.

To move on is to attack the city.

A large number of siege equipment are used, this time Zhang Liao arranged to attack for ten days without stopping.


The army was mobilized.

The soldiers began to attack. They were brave enough to die.

They are not afraid of death because they have been trained. At the same time, they have no worries.

Military family members have not only great security, but also great honor.

Even for this honor, they are not allowed to be afraid of death.

The army began to attack, several people carrying the ladder, after the frame, some troops began to climb.

Bow and arrow close to attack, in the face of the counterattack on the head of the city, in order not to disturb the formation, they do not evade the arrows from the other side.

"Dog left, I went up first, if we can live, our two families will marry."

"Big dog, it's agreed to go back and marry a daughter-in-law together. You can't die."

"Zhao Er, remember to visit my mother more."

Many soldiers, they do not know whether they can survive, they have a lot of concern in their hearts.

However, no matter how much concern, at this moment, they have nothing to be afraid of, they are still willing to kill.

The army began to attack, and the soldiers were not afraid of life and death.

More than 100000 troops have begun to climb the city.

The archers gave them great support.

Many soldiers, leaving all kinds of feelings behind, now only the enemy and the city in front of them.

Wancheng, the soldiers on the top of it were also spared. Since the beginning of the war, they have been given a lot of military pay. As long as they can survive and take the money back, their families can have a good life for a while.

Those who have nothing to worry about, they can eat enough in the barracks, but also have to continue to fight.

Cao ang was good to them. He gave them military pay and enough food to eat.

So they don't want the city to be broken.

The armies of both sides have reasons to work hard. For their own reasons, both sides are playing with their lives up and down the wall.

The arrow broke through the air again, and the archers of both sides attacked each other at the same time.

The arrows came down from the sky and flew to their respective targets.

"Poop poop"

Under the city, one fell down immediately.

In fact, many soldiers can see and hide when they see the arrow.

But they didn't evade. If they could block it, they would block it. If they couldn't block it, they would let the arrow go through.

If they evade, they are bound to knock down their comrades in arms. Their comrades in arms will bump into others, and then the whole formation will be in disorder.

If the formation is in disorder, we can't fight back. When we attack with the enemy, we will suffer a great loss.

There is a certain distance between bows and arrows. As long as those who can evade at this distance, or block with bows and arrows or small shields on their arms, this is allowed.

The archers on the top of the city did not evade and attacked with huge casualties.

Both sides are so desperate that they have their own reasons.

At this moment, the flesh and blood are so strong.

Zhang Liao in the back, watching a soldier die, is so solemn and stirring.

"You are all good. The Empire will never forget you. You should be the heroes of the Empire."

Zhang Yu deliberately portrays ordinary soldiers as heroes.

The strength of the living soldiers may be insignificant, but they are brave. With their faith, many soldiers just want to make their families live better, then fight with the enemy and die calmly.

A soldier is small, and their combined strength is infinite.

Many soldiers were portrayed as heroes, flesh and blood, not too much sensation, not as famous as the generals of the various armies, but the soldiers were moved and the people were shocked.

All the heroes are invincible.

Every soldier has a story about every soldier. Their ideas are very simple and great in the ordinary.

The generals of all armies are first-class heroes among the people. There are a lot of legends to be sung.

But ordinary people give them to the myth, respect them, and even worship them.

Only those ordinary soldiers are their own children and soldiers in their hearts.

They fight with the general of the God of war. They are mortals, and they can reach them.

For example, it was said in a village that Li Dali of our village had killed two enemies and was rewarded by the general.

"Yes, he used to be very timid, but now he has become a hero."

"No, I didn't dare to pit when I was bullied before, but now I've been on the battlefield and killed people."

"The Li family is promising."

"Who knows he can have such a promising future? As long as he comes back, I will introduce some good girls to him."

"Still need you to introduce, a few matchmakers often go to his home around, as long as he can come back alive, it is not optional."

The common people are simple, and so are the soldiers they raise.

One by one, they burst out their fighting capacity and dedicated all of them to their posts.

The army continued to storm.

The army in several directions was like this, and the army guarding the city felt very hard.

Some veterans who have fought with other armies have never felt so hard.

It's just the beginning, and they're going to do their best.

"It's really hard to deal with the army of the Tang Dynasty, and I don't know what's going on with my father?"

Cao ang made a round-trip inspection to stabilize the morale of the army, but he was also very anxious.

He knew that Wancheng could not be held. Even if Zhang Yu consumed hundreds of thousands of troops, the rear could immediately pull out hundreds of thousands of troops.

But they also have a lot of talents. Maybe there is a way to defeat the enemy.

Cao Cao must actively think of ways, what he wants to do is to fight for more time.

Time is won. He can work hard.

"It's all stable. The enemy can't attack."

"We don't need to save the materials for guarding the city. We can win."

"Archer, avoid."

Cao ang ran back and forth to resolve crises.

He knew that although there were many materials in the city, they would not be unlimited, but he could not save the soldiers.

Save it? Won't win this time?

Therefore, Cao ang did not emphasize saving.

A few hours later, both sides suffered a lot of casualties, but the army of Datang changed two groups and still didn't mean to stop.

Cao ang heart slowly sink down, once so, the consequences are very serious.

"Young master, I'm afraid the army of the Tang Dynasty will attack day and night. We must keep some troops out."

Zhang xiushou found Cao ang for several hours and said.

This day, unlike before, playing two or three hours to stop attacking, but non-stop attacking.

"Well, general Zhang, you can prepare. You can't be careless at night." Cao ang said to Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu nodded and went to prepare.

They guessed well. Zhang Liao didn't plan to stop.