The people sent by Cao ang undoubtedly met with a soft nail, apologizing and paying compensation. It seems that they are sincere, but what's the use of that.

At the front line, Cao Cao suddenly received Zhang Yu and made a big noise. He stopped attacking again.

For Zhang Yu, Cao Cao had a premonition and was not very angry.

Cao Cao calmly called several counsellors over.

"Zhang Yu made a lot of noise. It may be true. Maybe it's just to hold us back." Cao Cao spoke calmly.

Cao Cao then said: "no matter whether Zhang Yu is coming this time or not, we can't stop. If we stop again, it will be a disaster for us. If we fight again next time, the soldiers will hesitate."

It's because Zhang Yu has stopped attacking once. If Zhang Yu stops attacking again this time, the soldiers will withdraw immediately next time.

Cao Cao is a hero. He knows he can't do this, so he firmly believes that even if Zhang Yu is really fighting, they can't just stop attacking.

Jia Xu first said: "the Lord is reasonable, but we can't ignore Zhang Yu's attack completely. His subordinates have a plan."

Cao Cao nodded approvingly, and then said, "Mr. Wenhe, please speak."

"Set a goal for the soldiers and finish it. Then we can attack or retreat."

Jia Xu said, Cheng Yu stroked his beard and said: "what Mr. Wen he said is that his subordinates think that if we shout the slogan of conquering Yecheng, as long as we have the support in Jizhou, we can attack and defend freely."

After deliberation, Cao Cao decided to ignore Zhang Yu and continue to attack.

Nothing can be said this time, otherwise the soldiers will leave a shadow in their heart, and how can they fight with Zhang Yu in the future.

Cao Cao immediately ordered Cao ang to stop Zhang Yu, delay time, and step back when necessary.

Zhang Yu returns to new Peiping.

Anxious to go back, there are several things he needs to decide.

Xuzhou has won. In Qingzhou's new Peiping, only Gu Yong, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia are absent.

Zhang Yu sent Guo Jia to Qingzhou and asked him to take charge of the training and confront Cao Jun.

Three days after Zhang Yu came back, he dealt with the general affairs, and then came to Gu Yong.

"Yuantan, you are the housekeeper of Youzhou. You know more about many specific things than me. What's the economic foundation of Youzhou? Does the merchant have more or less spare money Zhang Yu asked.

Naturally, the people in Youzhou are also quite rich. They are not as rich as those in Jiangdong. Because Jiangdong has fertile land, there is no war all the year round, and because of the climate, they are naturally much richer than those in Youzhou.

But compared with many other places, Youzhou is not bad at all.

"The people are naturally rich. Most of them have some spare money, but not too much. The businessmen in Youzhou are not as rich as Jiangdong on the whole, but some of them are very rich." Gu Yong said.

Zhang Yu is obviously not worried about the wealth of businessmen.

Some of the early businessmen, through North South trade, are really very rich.

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "I want to raise money in Youzhou. How much do you think I can raise?"

Gu Yong is not easy to answer. How can he guarantee that these merchants will borrow them? However, Zhang Yu asks, he always has to evaluate them.

"My Lord, Jiangdong can raise more than 200 million yuan, but my subordinates think that Youzhou is better off with 50 million yuan, and it won't have much influence."

Fifty million is enough to do a lot of things, and Zhang Yu doesn't have much expenditure at present.

This time, Zhang Yu borrowed money again to increase the capital of the bank. The influence of the bank is growing, and it is already a huge financial tool.

Of course, Zhang Yu wants to make the bank bigger, and then he starts to infiltrate slowly.

The bank is not only a financial instrument, but also a card in Zhang Yu's hand.

The last time Zhang Yu got married, he led many aristocratic families to deposit their money in the bank, which greatly increased the strength of the bank.

Zhang Yu can use this money to develop, but Zhang Yu does not, instead, he will continue to increase capital.

When the influence of banks continued to expand, when many families put money in.

When Zhang Yu attacked the enemy, these aristocratic families just had a lot of money in Zhang Yu's Bank. What do you think they would do?

In one case, Zhang Yu may give up supporting the original target because of the fact that they have gained a greater advantage.

That is to say, these people can fight for and rebel.

Therefore, Zhang Yu is to use the bank to do a lot of things.

The bank must infiltrate the enemy. Although it can't open the bank to the enemy's territory, it can make use of merchants and open many underground banks.

The most direct way for Zhang Yu to make use of the bank is to increase capital and expand influence.

The main purpose of this capital increase is to fully cover Qingzhou and Xuzhou, and to build up the banks in these two places.

Qingzhou and Xuzhou already have banks, but the scale is too small. Zhang Yu wants to expand the scale all at once.

"You should handle this matter and consult with some influential businessmen first." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu can raise money and get a lot of money.

Even if he borrows money from the common people, it's enough to borrow a lot of money, but Zhang Yu doesn't want to make trouble like this.

Zhang Yu doesn't want to act in such a high profile this time, so that others won't be wary of the bank.

The best way is to quietly complete, let the bank in the future good secret infiltration.

"You have to see Fusang."

Thinking of money, Zhang Yu thought of Fusang's silver mine.

Recently, the output of Fusang has obviously increased a lot. Zhang Yu asked Anyuan to send more people to mine it. At the same time, the tools there are also complete, and a lot of iron tools are used. The speed is much faster.

"Whether China can develop rapidly depends on Fusang. You can pay the debt of another time and space." Zhang Yu thought and made a decision in silence.

He will continue to squeeze Fusang.

"Let some farmers in Fusang give up farming and go to the mines for mining. As for grain, I have plenty in my hands." Zhang Yu thought.

Once implemented, Fusang will not have enough food, and its lifeline will be in its own hands.

Zhang Yu asked them to mine, and most of the gold and silver would become wealth that Zhang Yu could use.

Don't blame Zhang Yu for his ruthlessness. If you want to rise, you have to let a place sink.

After Zhang Yu tells Gu Yong, he goes out quietly. He wants to go to the headquarters of the bank to have a look.