When Zhang Yu set out, he had already moved 100000 troops to the north, still on the island, and did not immediately appear on the land of Youzhou.

Zhang Yu has begun to organize the fleet quietly.

Most of the newly built ships were expropriated.

The new acquisition of ships will not have much impact on the original business system.

More than ten days later, Zhang Yu secretly went to the new Peiping city. This time, he came quietly. Instead of living in the prefecture, he lived in the courtyard next to him.

This is in order not to attract other people's attention, I believe that there will be people staring at the prefecture.

After Zhang Yu disguised himself and lived in other places, he would not attract anyone's attention.

In the evening, Zhang Yu enters the Prefecture as a bodyguard and asks Xi Zhicai to come out with Gu Yong. When he sees him, he will also be watched. So Zhang Yu asks people to say hello to them and wait for him in the Prefecture in the evening.

When Zhang Yu enters the prefecture, Xi Zhicai and Zhang Zhao are waiting there.

"See you, my Lord."

After the two salute, Zhang Yu signals them to sit down, and the three hold a secret meeting in the prefecture.

"200000 troops are ready. 100000 troops will attack Qingzhou by sea at that time. Our ships are limited, so we can't requisition a large number of civilian ships, otherwise it will arouse others' vigilance."

200000 troops have been training on the island for a long time, waiting for a fatal blow to the enemy.

"In addition, Youzhou should arrange 100000 troops to attack by land. When the time comes, the remaining 100000 troops on the island will be added to Youzhou, which will not lead to the emptiness of Youzhou."

"Lord, all these preparations are based on the judgment of Yuan Shaohui's failure. Once yuan Shaohui wins, we can only feint to support Cao Cao and prevent him from being destroyed by Yuan Shaohui." Gu Yong said.

Gu Yong thinks Zhang Yu is too risky.

Xizhicai said with a smile: "although Yuan Shao still has the advantage, the victory is also in the middle of May. It should be no problem to prepare ahead of time."

Zhang Yu said: "if we don't discuss winning or losing, even if Yuan Shao wins, it will certainly hurt his strength this time. We have enough reasons to attack him. Besides, even if Cao Cao loses, we have other arrangements in Jiangdong."

Zhang Yu didn't discuss winning or losing, and then continued: "Kyushu must arrange ahead of time, and transport a large amount of grain in the past, because there will be a large number of refugees to be transferred soon. What's your good suggestion?"

Gu Yong said: "my Lord, we should send a capable person to coordinate everything. According to my Lord's plan, in the next two or three years, we will use troops on other islands of Fusang. At this time, we must lay a good foundation and use Kyushu as the base."

"Who is it?"

Zhang Yu also understood that he had to arrange for people to go. He had arranged for Guo Jia before, but now there is going to be a war, and some important people Zhang Yu can't be sent out at this time.

"Anyuan, he has been a prefect now, and he is very capable." Gu Yong said.

Anyuan Zhangyu knew that he had rescued him from the grassland, and later helped build Shenyang City and new Beiping city.

"Well, just him. In addition, we should provide him with dozens of assistants. We should do a good job in Kyushu as soon as possible." Zhang Yu stressed again.

Zhang Yu had to arrange the affairs of the refugees before he could let go.

Zhang Yu discussed the military arrangement with Gu Yong and Xi Zhicai, and then disappeared.

Zhang Yu sent someone to contact several generals, but they couldn't leave easily. Instead of meeting with them, Zhang Yu asked someone to send a message to make them ready.

Zhang Yu lived in seclusion in the new Peiping City, waiting for the change of the war situation.

Before the war between Yuan and Cao came to an end, he first received the news that Guo Si was king.

Guo Si occupied Chang'an and Luoyang, and became king at this time.

Soon afterwards, Liu Zhang became king again.

They were also influenced by Yuan Shao's claim to be king, so he was also king.

Soon after, it was reported that Ma Teng and Liu Biao wanted to be king.

It's hard to judge whether it's true or not. The princes must have moved their minds. Maybe they let out the wind to test the following, or someone took the opportunity to make a rumor.

In any case, the Great Han's prestige was suppressed again. Before long, Liu Xie in Cao Cao's hands was not as important as the imperial seal in Zhang Yu's hands.

Zhang Yu had the imperial seal in his hand, and he also used it. When he issued the imperial examination, Zhang Yu asked Cai Mao to help him with his fist, but only to deter sun CE. This kind of thing is good for Cai Mao, and he is willing to do it. If Cai Mao really wants to attack sun CE, Zhang Yu must give him enough advantage.

"Gongjin, this CAI Mao obviously doesn't want to fight, just to cooperate with Zhang Yu, but we have to spend here." Sun CE said helplessly.

Zhou Yu also said with a bitter smile, "there's no way. If we really want to leave, Cai Mao will really fight."

"What's Gong Jin's opinion on the princes being king?" Sun CE asked.

"Bofu, it's the trend of the times to be king. Everyone will be king, but I suggest you slow down and we'll be king again when everyone is king." Zhou Yu said.

It's good to be a king. A large group of people who follow you are looking forward to your prosperity and prosperity.

Sun CE nodded and did not continue to talk about this topic.

It seems that the land of China has ushered in the era of kings.

There are also many small princes, or some grassroots kings, who follow suit and call themselves kings. It seems that the prince of a big Han only needs a few soldiers.

Zhang Yu was also very speechless when he got the news.

"Call them all kings, and the great man is doomed." Zhang Yu said.

The great man's prestige will continue to decline, and it won't be long before it disappears.

Zhang Yu did not wait for the outcome of the war between Yuan and Cao, but for the era of kings.

Zhang Yu's bodyguard came in a hurry and sent a piece of information.


Open the information, it was sent by Xu you.

"Stains, this Xu you unexpectedly wants the seller."

Zhang Yu opens the letter in his room. Inside is the information sent by Xu you. The information is very simple. Just one message, Yuan Shao intends to make yuan Shang his son.

"It's useful information. It's useful when it's critical." Zhang Yu said.

Xu you didn't sell the key intelligence, but he sold the peripheral intelligence. In his opinion, Yuan Shao still has hope to turn the situation around, but he made prevention ahead of time.

Xu you was afraid that Yuan Shao might fail, so he began to invest everywhere.

"You can use it to see if it will cause any change."

The intelligence depends on how to use it. If it is used well, it can make yuan's family quarrel and Yuan Shaojun chaos.