Although Xu you loves money, he's also very smart. He suddenly raises his image very high.

This time, he will make a great contribution.

"Good, happy cooperation. Please push forward this matter as soon as possible so that we can end the war as soon as possible." Zhang Yu said.

Before Guo Tu sent 30 million, Zhang Yu quickly took it back.

This time it was sent to Youzhou. Zhang Yu wanted to fight against Fusang. He needed money very much.

Xu you went back again and informed Yuan Shao of the result of the negotiation.

Of course, Yuan Shao was not very satisfied, but not with Xu you, but with Zhang Yu.

"Give it to Zhang Yu first, fight tomorrow, and the arrow will be sent later." Zhang Yu said to Xu you, "Ziyuan, it's really wrong to let you be a hostage this time. When the war is over, I'll make it up to you."

Moved, Xu you bowed deeply and said, "thank you. We grew up together. This is what I should do."

Xu you moved nature is false, he went there is no danger.

After half a day's preparation, Yuan Shao prepared the money and asked Xu you to send it.

I have to say that Yuan Shao's efficiency is high.

With the money, Zhang Yu naturally said that the military expenditure of sending troops to Fusang was settled.

Youzhou has been preparing for the war for a long time. We'll start the war after the end of our own side.

It is good for Zhang Yu and Yuan Shao to reach an agreement to solve xiapi City, and they began to cooperate sincerely.

On the head of the city, Chen Gong said helplessly: "although Fengxian is in the fourth battle of Xuzhou, Zhang Yu is an assistant, but he has no reservation. With the supplement of Yuan Shao's arrow, Zhang Yu also began to attack the city.

The flagman and the archer are very familiar with each other.

The pressure of the defenders on the city is also very huge.

Yuan Shao attacked the two walls, and several generals took the lead in the attack.

Zhang Yu also made a fierce attack here.

Chen Gong, Lv Bu and all his generals went to the city to command the battle.

The war lasted for three days, and all parties suffered heavy losses.

One day after the war, xiapi City counted the losses.

"In three days, they have lost more than 20000 troops like madmen. If they go on like this, they can't last ten days." Lu Bu roared.

Chen Gong, who was sitting next to him, said, "if there is no accident, xiapi city will not be preserved. Even if I have the ability, I can only protect it for a while. Fengxian must make a decision now."

Chen Gong continued: "surrender, surrender who, or break out, we'll find a place to make a comeback."

Lu Bu was not willing to own the territory of a state, but lost it in the end.

He has been attached to others several times. If he surrenders again, it will be hard to accept.

"Is there no other way? Like asking for help from Yuan Shu? "

Chen Gong shook his head and said, "yuan shukong has a million troops. He is powerless to break through Zhang Yu's blockade."

Lu Bu is a little desperate. Xiapi city can't be kept.

"OK, then break out." Said Lu Bu.

It's really very difficult to break through the encirclement. They have four or five times as many troops outside the city, and they are not miscellaneous soldiers.

"Fengxian, if you want to break out of the encirclement, you have to go out and fight. The well fence outside is like a scout. You can see the situation inside the city and must be destroyed." Chen Gong said.

They have to arrange. If they are watched all day long, the other party will warn them in advance, and they will not be able to break through.

Chen Gong began to make arrangements.

When a new day came, Lu Bu really went out to fight. He came out with 5000 troops and killed them twice, but only attacked those siege teams.

He came and went like the wind, swept a piece and then went back.

Both attacks choose to attack Yuan Shao's soldiers and horses. He knows that Zhang Yu's soldiers and horses will arouse Zhang Yu's vigilance.

"Gongtai, Yuan Shao's troops had no special protection for those well fences, so it was not difficult to capture them." Said Lu Bu when he came back.

To let Lv Bu go to war is to test yuan Shaojun's reaction.

Chen Gong nodded and said, "harass them a few times in the afternoon, so that they don't know our purpose, and attack at the same time tomorrow."

If we fight now, we will certainly destroy some of the well fences, at least one of the well fences of the city wall, but that will alarm the enemy, and the well fences on the other side will not be able to attack.

In the afternoon, Lu Bu went out to fight several times, lost thousands of troops and horses, and caused great damage to the enemy.

That night, Zhang Yu received the news.

"Lord, Lu Bu must have acted." Guo Jia said.

"Filial piety, can we analyze Lv Bu's possible actions?"

Guo jiasisuo said for a while: "the current situation is very obvious, xiapi city is not protected, Lu Bu may choose to break through."

Zhang Yu doesn't care. As long as Lv Bu leaves Xuzhou, he doesn't appear around him.

However, if possible, Zhang Yu still wants to take Lv Bu, whether it's to capture, surrender or kill him.

Lu Bu's running away is definitely a big disaster. He can't stay.

But Lu Bu is not a devil. Zhang Yu and his family have many ways to deal with Lu Bu.

Guess Lu Bu may want to break through, then Zhang Yu began to study his escape route.

"Lord, Lu Bu has few choices. It's impossible for him to go north or south. To the East is the sea. Cao Cao and Yuan Shu are the closest to him."

Guo Jiayi analyzed the situation and almost knew Lu Bu's intention.

"It's impossible to go to Cao Cao. Now Cao Cao's strength is damaged. With me and Yuan Shao, I'm afraid he dare not accept Lv Bu. Then Lv Bu may go to Yuan Shu."

The more Zhang Yu thinks about it, the more likely it is. Lv Bu doesn't have many choices.

"Arrange the interception immediately, and cooperate with Yu ban." Zhang Yu said.

He can't go in person. Once he disappears, Chen Gong will be suspicious.

Zhang Yu asked Guo Jia to arrange, arranged 50000 cavalry, under the leadership of Dian Wei and Yu Jin, ready to kill.

Early the next morning, shortly after the attack began, Lu Bu himself took thousands of soldiers and horses, and Zang Ba and other generals also took thousands of soldiers and horses to kill him.

This time they went straight to the well.

When Yuan Shaojun saw that Lv Bu was out of the city again, he rushed up. This time, they arranged several generals to wait for Lv Bu.