After a fight, Zhang Yu adjusted his defense.

The remaining well fences should be protected and can no longer be destroyed by the enemy.

Although they destroyed more than half of the railings, the situation did not improve much.

Because they lost a great general, which had a great impact on their morale.

"It's hard to fight. I guess I'll have to fight hard. I don't know how much we'll lose. " Looking at the tall city wall, Zhang Yu is deeply helpless.

I don't like this way of playing. It's a big loss, but there's no good way now.

The strong attack continued. After a day's fighting, Zhang Yu's losses increased significantly.

Without more than half of the archers on the well fence to suppress, Zhang Yu's battle damage increased a lot.

At night, Zhang Yu walked alone outside the camp, watching the soldiers patrol back and forth, and seeing the soldiers on the well fence watching.

"Yes, you can see everything on the top of the city from the well fence. Isn't this the watchtower of later generations?"

If there is a watchtower above, the shells below me will be ready to fight. As long as they command well, the archers below will have the same eyes to fight wherever they point.

After having an idea, Zhang Yu goes back in a hurry. After going back, Zhang Yu comes to Guo Jia.

"Fengxiao, let the soldiers on the well fence observe the movement of the city, and then command the archers below, so that the archers can strike accurately." Zhang Yu said.

Guo Jia thought carefully and said: "Lord, it's easy to command the direction. As long as the flag is pointed, the soldiers can know which direction, but how to command the distance is difficult."

What Guo Jia said is reasonable. Distance is the key.

Not only to let the shooter know the distance, the first observation of the hand is to know the visual distance.

Visual distance, and then add the direction, which can give the archer a guide to the target.

"If there is a way, we will take the city wall as the baseline. The archers below have been fighting for so many days. They are very clear about the distance of the city wall and where they stand."

"After that, with the view of the watchtower, the archer can also hit the target behind the wall."

The watchtower's function is not only to observe the movement of the city wall, but also to observe the movement behind the city wall.

Where there are many troops, where there are transportation of materials, where there are preparations for a strong attack, where are the positions of archers.

All this information is useful.

Zhang Yu trained a group of observers overnight, and then discussed with them how to command.

There are also some problems with the commander, that is, the archer can't always look at the commander on the well fence.

So Zhang Yu set up a few people in front of him to observe the flag bearers. They were facing the archers and back to the city wall.

However, it's very dangerous. It's close to the city wall and has entered the range of the enemy. Several people need to protect them with shields.

The flagman on the watchtower will send the information to the flagman on the ground, and the flagman on the ground will send it to the archer, and all will be directed by the command flag.

It's also easy to command, with one hand directing the direction and the other hand directing the distance.

It's not difficult to command the distance. All kinds of movements represent different distances.

Zhang Yu worked out a good way, let them start to practice.

After daybreak, Zhang Yu and they began to attack.

Suddenly, a part of the well fence came out with a flag in hand, and there were two soldiers protecting them.

Under the city, too, there are more people. Most of them are holding shields to protect one person.

As soon as the attack began, a high-intensity war broke out between the two sides.

"It's strange that the archers of Jiangdong army are so disorderly today. Is there any conspiracy?" Chen Gong guessed after seeing it.

Both the flagman on the well fence and the flagman below Chen Gong know it, but they haven't guessed their role yet.

Chen Gong also guessed that it was commanding the archers on the ground. The problem was that their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced by their command.

It's easy to understand. At the beginning, the flag bearers on the ground can't react accurately and command the archers.

And the archers can't react immediately after seeing these actions. There are always many people who don't understand.

Archers do not shoot in time, and many people follow the distance in the wrong direction, which does not form a resultant force.

The overall reason is that the operation of this plan is not smooth.

"Send two more people up, one to direct the direction, one to direct the distance, and the other to shout out the distance to me." After watching for more than an hour, Zhang Yu still made too many mistakes when commanding, so he arranged for people to go up again.

The flag bearers selected by Zhang Yu have all been to Jiangdong University. Although most of them are primary schools, their cultural level is not low, their brains are flexible and they learn fast.

After sending two more people out, the effect is much better. At least the flagman needs only one hand to command, and the action will not make mistakes. There is no need to worry about the situation of drawing square with one hand and circle with the other.

At least some archers in the front who can hear the shouting are quick and accurate.

The archer's skill is improved and his reaction speed is gradually increased.

In the afternoon, Chen Gong found that archers began to have their own rules, sometimes causing great harm to themselves.

Flagmen command more and more accurately. They attack wherever there are many people in the city.

"It's very troublesome for Zhang Yu to come up with such a way."

Now the power has not been fully reflected, but there are signs, so Chen Gong has to be on guard.

Chen Gong tried several ways to get rid of the flag bearers, but in the end he failed.

These people are well protected. Unless you go out of town to kill them, it's hard to kill them with archers or even javelin.

After trying for a day, Zhang Yu felt that the effect was gradually reflected. If the archer had eyes, it would be easier to fight a lot.

It was not a successful day because neither side was familiar with it.

That night, Zhang Yu called all the flag bearers together.

"Let me tell you, we should focus on attacking important targets, not attacking where there are many people."

"Key targets, unprotected targets, generals, transport teams, as well as suppressing the enemy in time and cooperating with siege teams."

Zhang Yu called them in for training to make them command better.

The general at the head of the city is undoubtedly an important target. He stares at a man and kills him with hundreds of arrows. Even if he can't kill him, he will be scared to death, so that he can't concentrate on his command. If he is not careful, he has to hang up.

After Zhang Yu's training, these people went back to work.

This time, they will choose the target for their attack. It's not where people attack.

For example, they found a young general on the head of the city, commanding hundreds of archers to attack together, and the young general was shot into a hedgehog.

As soon as the young general died, there was chaos around him.

This is a great blow to the morale of the enemy. Many generals are timid when commanding, and the soldiers are afraid when they see it.

In addition, there are also people who carry rolling wood and stones. They are in the internal test, but they are also attacked after they are found. They are not prepared at all and are killed a lot.