When Liu Biao received Zhang Yu's request for materials, he had a rich expression.

"Hu ~ Zhang Yu is always so shameless. If you give him materials, he will still fight." Liu Biao breathed and choked back the breath in his chest.

Liu Biao is a lot older. Jingzhou is not peaceful. There are too many things for him to worry about.

Especially after the death and departure of Kuai brothers, the strength of his staff was greatly reduced, and no one could check and balance Cai Mao, so that Cai Mao could grow rapidly.

Originally, there were Huang Chengyan, Pang Degong and other families who could check and balance Cai Mao, but after Zhang Yu deeply intervened in this matter, these families all withdrew from the Jingzhou dispute. They still had a high status in Jingzhou, but they were not involved in the power struggle.

All this is because Zhang Yu and Cai Mao know it very well.

That's why he hated Zhang Yu more than ever.

Without Zhang Yu, he would not have lost most of his power.

Therefore, Zhang Yu blackmailed materials, but he refused to give them.

However, his aides pointed out that if Zhang Yu was not given permission, it would cause trouble and create public opinion in the name of Bohai king.

"Well, then give him some supplies and send someone to send Zhang Yu 100 loads of grain and 100 pieces of cloth." Liu Biao said after listening to his staff.

This is obviously to insult Zhang Yu, the 100000 troops. What can this material do.

Naturally, it doesn't work at all, but Liu Biao gives it.

If Zhang Yu wants it and Liu Biao gives it, what else can Zhang Yu say?

Liu Biao is proud that he can humiliate Zhang Yu, which is also a great victory.

Liu Biao immediately sent someone to do it, and he was very proud.

More than an hour later, Zhang Yu received this material.

"Haha, Liu Biao still has the heart to humiliate me at this time. It seems that our strategy is very successful, but he didn't find it at all. There is no one in Jingzhou. " Zhang Yu looked at the materials brought back by the soldiers and said.

Zhang Yu pointed to Yu Jin, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan and Cao ang, who were on the other side of the materials, and said, "Liu Jingsheng is a herdsman in Jingzhou. He is so small. No wonder he doesn't know how to lose Jingzhou. If Cao Cao is faced with this situation, what do you say?"

Zhang Yu asked several people.

They are all Cao Cao Fang's people. The difference is that Yu Jin has belonged to Zhang Yu, while Xia Hou brothers and Cao ang are still Zhang Yu's hostages.

Several of them didn't know Zhang Yu's plan, but they really thought Liu Biao was stingy and would use this little trick to humiliate Zhang Yu.

It's just that they don't know that Liu Biao is going crazy.

Liu Biao is not easy at all. He has lost most of his power. Now he can humiliate Zhang Yu and balance his mind.

Who would have known that a state herdsman would be like this.

Zhang Yu calmly accepted these materials, and then he didn't say anything.

Zhang Yu is still outside Xiangyang City. They are only under one wall and there is no siege.

There was no siege, because Zhang Yu declared at the beginning that he was passing by, not to attack Xiangyang, so he didn't want to siege.

Although there is no siege and Liu Biao has more troops than Zhang Yu, Liu Biao is still very worried and afraid of Zhang Yu.

What Liu Biao fears most is that he and Cai Mao will unite.

Liu Biao is worried inside the city, while Zhang Yu has no movement after building the fortifications outside the city, and there has been no attack.

Zhang Yu has been in the city for five days. Liu Biao has been very nervous from the beginning, and now he is a little relaxed.

"It's time to move."

As soon as Liu Biao was released, Zhang Yu began to take action.

Twenty thousand infantry began training early.

This training, the slogan is naturally very loud, alerted the garrison, and then alerted the city's Liu Biao and his staff.

Liu Biao was still asleep, and was pulled up from the bed by the soldiers, and then rushed to the main hall.

At this time, his staff had not arrived. After a while, a group of staff were also pulled up in their sleep.

"Zhang Yu really started. He must have felt that he couldn't blackmail anything. He couldn't help it." Liu Biao said.

Several staff members also came to give advice in a hurry.

"Mr. Zhou mu, Zhang Yu can't help it. As long as we give him a head-on blow, he will not dare to force his troops."

"Mr. Zhou mu, once Zhang Yu attacks, we will fight and let him retreat."

"Zhang Yu is also bullying others and dare not fight back."

Several of the staff began to come up with ideas.

If Zhang Yu is present, he will surely laugh to death. These so-called staff are too poor.

In the past, the Kuai brothers had a high level and could compete with CAI Mao. Now these staff are just making up for the number.

Some of the staff's ideas are not very good. If there is a real war, Zhang Yu can easily defeat them.

Liu Biao didn't have a better way, so he had to adopt their method.

The order passed quickly.

But Zhang Yu, they are training under the city, and they don't attack.

Liu Biao and they waited anxiously for a long time, but nothing happened.

When they got there, they were all hungry.

"Report to Mr. Zhou Mu that Zhang Yu's troops have been withdrawn." The Herald reported.

An aide said, "Mr. Zhou mu, Zhang Yu is really pretending. He wants to lure us out of the city."

"There must be an ambush for Zhang Yu."

"I can't help waiting for Zhang Yu to be impatient and easy to make mistakes."

The crowd began to come up with ideas again.

In this way, they can finally have a good lunch, Zhang Yu did not disturb them.

Why did Zhang Yu withdraw suddenly?

Because of the end of the training, it's natural to withdraw.

After lunch, Liu Biao and they continued to wait.

After an hour and a half of lunch, Zhang Yu began training again. This time, he changed his army.

Liu Biao and they are observing closely again. The army under the city and on the city have been ready for a long time.

A lot of archers were arranged to carry a lot of materials.

Fight with Zhang Yu when necessary.

But Zhang Yu's army is still training below, and they have no intention of fighting.

This will be Liu Biao and others to toss bad.

Liu Biao's health is not good at all. He is old and has no rest. He can't hold on.

Liu Biao wants to have a rest, but Zhang Yu's training is going on all the time.

In the evening, the cavalry had dinner ahead of time, and the infantry had not rested, so they began to train again.

Just like in Wancheng, they trained around the city. The difference is that they didn't shoot arrows at Xiangyang City.

Such a toss makes Liu Biao uneasy.

He had no appetite for food, and he was very tired.

The other staff are almost the same. They are all elderly people.

Late at night, Liu Biao and others finally couldn't hold on to rest.

But I can't rest well.

Because outside the city there were still shouts of killing. Just after I fell asleep, I was awakened by the shouts.

Some are awakened by nightmares.

Zhang Yu is tossing all over Xiangyang. It's a pity that Liu Biao didn't dare to fight in the first World War. He didn't dare to attack Zhang Yu, and he didn't dare to provoke Cai Mao.