Is Zhang Yu's argument about whether Yuan Shu is qualified to be emperor in order to clean up Yuan Shu?

Of course not, Yuan Shu is unpopular. To wash him white is to make trouble for himself.

Naturally, Zhang Yu also has deep considerations.

Guo Jia immediately understood Zhang Yu's statement.

"Wonderful, Lord. In this way, the imperial power will be greatly damaged. It's very good for us." Guo Jia also had to beat the knot to praise, Zhang Yu out of intrigue, a simple thing, can make so many things.

It is unpopular for Yuan Shu to be emperor. Zhang Yu only needs to attack Yuan Shu.

But in this way, it is tantamount to recognizing the imperial power and the fact that the Great Han is still their Liu family.

Zhang Yu hates the Liu family very much. How can he help them? What Zhang Yu has to do is to go down the drain.

Several other people have not understood, are looking at Zhang Yu in doubt.

Zhang Yu did not explain, but machine repair said: "we started from the three emperors and five emperors, until the Qin and Han Dynasties, recounting the changes of the kings of the past dynasties, telling the world that this world has never been their Liu family, since ancient times it has been a place of virtue."

Zhang Yu finished, Guo Jia added: "Lord, we need to point out why the Dynasty will change, that is, the son of heaven has no virtue, the people have no livelihood. Compared with the current situation, it proves that the Liu family has no virtue. Liu Xie and their Liu family are not qualified to continue to be the emperor."

"Ha ha, what fengxiao said is exactly what I want." Zhang Yu laughed.

Zhang Zhao also understood Zhang Yu's plan.

Zhang Yu continued: "at the end of the article, we should criticize Yuan Shu for not being the emperor, and make it clear that Yuan Shu is not qualified to be emperor. Of course, this is not the key point. The key point is to attack the status of the Liu family and Liu Xie, and let the imperial power gradually lose its authority."

Is there any problem with this article?

Naturally, there is no problem. Of course, there is no problem why Zhang Yu listed the sages and praised the past sages and even Liu Bang.

But he also explained in detail the change of imperial power to the public. The Liu family was just one of them and could be replaced at any time.

In addition, it explains the conditions of being replaced. In this troubled time, the people are in dire straits, and it is time for the people to rise up and revolt.

In this way, I do not know how many people will not respect the imperial power.

Then, Zhang Yu explained that Yuan Shu was not qualified to be emperor, and the position of this article was OK.

In this way, on the surface, it is a blow to Yuan Shu. In fact, it is not a big blow to Yuan Shu. On the contrary, it is a support for him.

In fact, it's right to support him to be called emperor, but Yuan Shu has no virtue and can't be called emperor, so he has to be replaced.

Zhang Yu asked Zhang Zhao to write this article with Guo Jia. Originally, there were a group of great scholars in the Academy, who were more qualified and able to write this article.

But many of them still care about the great men. Zhang Yu doesn't dare to give them such important articles. Even Zhang Yu just wants them to teach well and not to participate in politics.

Two days later, the article was written with the title of an article against Yuan Shu.

Zhang Yu immediately asked Kuaima to set out and send it to the whole big man.

In addition, Zhang Yu also printed a large number of articles and then spread them out.

At the same time, Zhang Yu bribed many people to go to teahouses and pubs to discuss this article.

Under the operation of Zhang Yu, it spread very fast.

In a few days, it spread to many areas.

"Well, the analysis of this article is very reasonable. From so many examples of emperors from ancient times to modern times, it shows that Yuan Shu is not worthy to be called emperor at all."

"Is it a sign of a change of dynasty that the world is in turmoil and treacherous officials are in charge? Isn't this a very treacherous sentence? "

"What's wrong? Are the examples analyzed false? What's wrong with Gaozu taking over the world from the hands of Bao Qin? "

"That's true, but now the world is in turmoil and treacherous officials are in charge."

This article covers all other articles against Yuan Shu.

When Yuan Shu became emperor, I don't know how many people came up to attack him. Whether it was for fame or for other reasons, there were hundreds of influential speeches from various princes, many aristocratic families.

But no matter which one, it is not as influential as Zhang Yu's proclamation.

Zhang Yu's topic is whether Yuan Shu is qualified to be emperor, not whether Yuan Shu can be emperor.

Other people's crusade against Yuan Shu is based on the position of the Great Han, while Zhang Yu's position is based on the position of the common people in the world.

Zhang Yu is a higher level than them. No one can say that Zhang Yu is not.

Zhang Yu's example is also the example of some sages, which makes them unable to refute.

A group of students gathered in a teahouse in Xuzhou.

"Come on, everybody, sit here. I'll read you an article." A young student called all the people around him. Then he stood in the middle and began to read.

What he read was Zhang Yu's article against Yuan Shu.

After reading, the crowd began to get busy.

"Yuan Shu runs counter to the law, and everyone will be punished."

"The article says well, only those who have virtue are qualified to be emperor."

"Like Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shu has no right to be emperor."

"When the world is in chaos, it's time for heroes to be born."


The topic is biased. The focus of this article is not to crusade against Yuan Shu. The only way to crusade against Yuan Shu is under what conditions can he be called emperor. Of course, the world is in chaos and the people who set things right can be called emperor.

Now, by contrast, it's time for the world to be in chaos and heroes to emerge in large numbers.

This also proves that today's emperor has no virtue, and the people can rise up to revolt. Today's emperor has no virtue and should be replaced.

Many people have been imperceptibly influenced, and have not seen the great influence of this article at all.

After Xuzhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, then Jizhou, Luoyang

One place after another was affected, and groups of people joined in the discussion of this topic.

This article has swept the whole Han Dynasty in a short time.

At first, it was just a discussion among the people.

It wasn't long before all the princes joined in.

Yuan Shao had long had the ambition to be emperor, but he knew very well that he could not be emperor.

After seeing the article, I was so excited that I immediately asked my subordinates to write the article to echo Zhang Yu.

Sun CE, Ma Teng, Li Yi and others also support this article.

Of course, there were also princes who opposed this article.

"His heart is to blame, his heart is to blame."

"It is ordered that this article should not be spread in Jingzhou. Once someone hides this article or spreads it, they should be arrested." After Liu Biao saw the article, he immediately realized that it was not good.

This article is not to tell the world that now is the time to revolt.

Liu Biao's rights come from the Han Dynasty, and he is also a descendant of Liu family. This article does too much harm to him, and even shakes his legitimacy.

When there was a big problem, Liu Biao was very worried.

He immediately ordered, but Cai Mao was not stupid. After a few days of fermentation, he also understood the purpose of this article, and understood that it could attack Liu Biao's authority and consolidate his position.