The war is about to break out, and the battlefield is already murderous.

The people of Wuhuan were a little restless, and they kept weighing the machete in their hands.

Qiu Liju saw that his soldiers were ready after the battle, so he pulled out his knife.


With a simple roar, the army moved.

The people of Wuhuan rushed over. Zhang Yu's Halberd pointed to him and took the lead in the fight.

The armies of the two sides moved together, with ten thousand horses galloping.

The soldiers at the head of the city could feel the ground shaking.

The two sides approached quickly, and the soldiers and horses in front of them collided.

Zhang Yu waved his Bawang halberd and attacked with hatred. One halberd swept by and swept two Wuhuan soldiers out.

At the same time, Dianwei and Zhao Yun are on the attack.

The two of them are also full of anger, Dianwei's double halberds slashed and smashed, very violent.

Zhao Yun's long gun, like a poisonous snake, takes the life of a Wuhuan soldier every time he breathes.

The fight between the two sides.

The people of Wuhuan grew up on horseback when they were young. Zhang Yu suffered a little loss at the beginning.

At the beginning of the war, the advantages and disadvantages of both sides were not obvious, and they were fighting desperately.

Zhang Yu was in front of him, and his halberd was shining cold.

A halberd swept, killing two enemies, and then slashed, killing a Wuhuan soldier.

Zhang Yu and Zhao Yun cooperated with Dian Wei to carve out a small part of the enemy's formation, and then charged fiercely.

However, the Wuhuan people grew up on horseback, and the soldiers behind them kept coming up, making Zhang Yu unable to expand the gap.

"Ha ha, the Han people are too weak. Kill me. "

Half an hour after the war, Zhang Yu showed his weakness and was beaten by the Wuhuan people.

The general of Wuhuan yelled to wipe out Zhangyu.

"Kill them all and enter the city."

"Wealth and beauty are all ours."

After gaining the advantage, the Wuhuan people began to organize troops to continuously attack Zhangyu's defense line.

Some formations around Zhang Yu have been attacked by the enemy.

After a shock wave, the troops behind began to shock again.

Several times, the people of Wuhuan broke through the defense line and opened the gap. However, the army of Liaodong was not a coward. The soldiers filled it with their lives and pushed the other side back.

Being charged like this, the loss is naturally great, and the formation begins to be damaged.

If Zhang Yu had not been in the way of several of their generals, the situation would have been even more critical.

On one side of the taishici is also very hard to adhere to, about the fight to save the field.

Wuhuan people are very excited to see that they have opened many small gaps.

"Go, break through them, kill them."

"Ha ha, Han people will never be our rivals."

"Keep pounding. A few more blows will break."

The general of Wuhuan led the army to launch round after round of attacks.

Zhang Yu tried to resist them.

"Block, behind is our city, our home, must support."

Zhang Yu shouts as he kills for his soldiers.

Zhang Yu observes the battlefield, and the two sides have engaged in a deep battle.

"Hold on a little longer, and our heavy cavalry can be killed." Zhang Yu thought silently.

In order to make the heavy cavalry play a bigger role, he has been pressing them not to attack, in order to attack at the right time.

The two sides engage in a deep battle, so that the enemy's reserve forces are involved. When the time comes, the heavy cavalry will be killed, and the enemy has no surplus forces to deal with, then the maximum effect can be achieved.

Therefore, Zhang Yu has not been anxious to let Huang Zhong fight.

Ten thousand heavy cavalry hidden in the heavy, like the sea god needle.

After fighting for a while, the troops of the Wuhuan people put in a little bit, and most of the troops joined in.

"Good. It's a hit."

Zhang Yu found that all of Wu Huan's troops had been put in, so he began to prepare for the heavy cavalry to attack.

At this time, Zhang Yu and his family had lost more than 10000 lives and suffered great losses.

"Heavy cavalry."

When he was ready, Zhang Yu finally gave the order.

Huang Zhong in the back keeps staring at Zhang Yu, waiting for his order.

Seeing Zhang Yu waving his Bawang halberd and sending out a signal, Huang Zhong's eyes emit the cold light of hatred.


The heavy cavalry that Huang Zhong had been holding for a long time finally moved.

Huang Zhong, they started very slowly and gradually accelerated.

The hoofs of the heavy cavalry were very dull.

Huang Zhong, as they moved forward, naturally the army in front of them made way for them.

Before Zhang Yu was ready, Zhang Yu, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei were separated by more than 20 meters to open a gap in the enemy's formation in order to let Huang Zhong enter.

The heavy cavalry ran and killed him.

"Let's go."

Zhang Yu commands the army and opens a gap in the middle. Huang Zhong doesn't stop and kills him with his cavalry.

"What kind of army is that?"

"The whole body is armored, and the horses wear armor."

"No, that's heavy cavalry."

"What, the Han people have heavy cavalry."

When the Wuhuan people found the army, they were immediately shocked.

The heavy cavalry's armor is hard for Wuhuan's archers to break.

At the same time, they used to use machetes, which made it difficult to cut off the heavy cavalry's armor.

The best way to deal with heavy cavalry is to use brute force, spears and hammers.

The machete is not only light but also weak.


Huang Zhong and others killed in front of him, and the army suddenly ran into the formation of Wu Huan.

Castration does not reduce, continue to break through.

Keep fighting.

No one can stop it.

Huang Zhong showed an invincible state when he was killed. He was not afraid of encirclement and broke through to the center of the enemy with his cavalry.

The general of Wuhuan was flustered.

Because they found that this heavy cavalry was trying to pierce their formation.

"Come on, stop them."

The situation suddenly reversed. It was Zhang Yu who tried to resist each other's impact before, but now it is the Wuhuan people who want to start to resist Zhang Yu's impact.

Let alone being chiseled through the formation, even Huang Zhong and their impact on their center can bring huge chaos or even collapse to their formation.

Once it collapses, it can only be slaughtered.

Huang Zhong and Zhang Yu will not wait.


Zhang Yu immediately leads people to follow Huang Zhong and fight from both sides. Where Huang Zhong breaks down, they will kill him.

The enemy was shocked by the transposition of attack and defense.

Qiu Liju's face turned white in the rear. He had seen his own end.

Even if they win this battle, it will be a huge loss. At that time, he may not be able to control other tribes.

No one thought that Zhang Yu's army would hide a heavy cavalry.

Heavy cavalry can only be broken by heavy infantry. They are all light cavalry. There is no way to take this heavy cavalry.

Wuhuan people crazy impact Huang Zhong's heavy ride, but several times the impact can't make Huang Zhong stop.

Zhang Yu slaughtered the chaotic Wuhuan army behind them, causing great damage to them.

Huang Zhong and his men broke through all the time, tearing apart Wuhuan's army.