Commander Wan rushed into the dense forest, but it was not good for cavalry.

After several hundred meters, the other side ran further.

But the commander had to withdraw.

Back on the road, when he saw the corpses all over the ground, commander Wan's anger suddenly came out.

After checking, they lost more than 700 people.

In fact, there were not many Wuhuan cavalry trapped and died, just over 100.

But this led to their formation chaos, and then they were killed by Zhao Yun's archers.

You know, for a while, the archers kept attacking, shooting more than ten rounds of arrows.

If it is not for fear that the retreat will be too late and there will be no approach attack, more enemies may be killed.

"I'm going to tear you up and tear you up." The commander was furious.

"Kill, kill me to Xiangping, I want to kill the city." Exclaimed the exasperated commander, holding his machete high.

This time, he was really angry. The moment before, he dreamed that he would attack Xiangping city before their leader arrived, and then plunder it first. He could show his ability in front of the leader, but who would think that he would be attacked the next moment, and he would lose a lot.

Wuhuan has a small population, and the loss of more than 700 people is also a great loss.

It can be said that they didn't lose so many people when they broke down a city before, but now they lose so much here. The key is to let the other party run away.

Commander Wan continued to go south with the rest of the cavalry. The corpses on the ground were not even in charge.

Arrogant, he didn't even send for their leader.

He didn't want their leader to know that he was incompetent, and even removed him as a pioneer.

You know, after he conquers Xiangping City, the leader will not pursue him at that time.

Zhao Yun took people to run for a long time and stopped after confirming that the cavalry of Wuhuan did not come after him.

"Hoo ~" Zhao Yun said with a long breath: "this time we will certainly be able to irritate the people of Wuhuan. As long as they speed up their journey to the south, we will have a chance."

Zhao Yun let people rest a little for half an hour, and then continue to drive.

At a meeting place, the scouts confirmed that the cavalry of Wuhuan had accelerated to the south.

"Well, let's go and help."

After completing the mission of provoking the enemy, Zhao Yun led the people on their way.

Wan Fu Long with the rest of the people to attack quickly, want to attack Xiangping as soon as possible.

One day later, Zhang Yu and they are all ready. But he was still a little nervous.

Although we made preparations in advance this time, the time is still too short.

Finally, Zhang Yu got the news that Zhao Yun succeeded.

"Be prepared. The Wuhuan people will arrive in more than an hour." Zhao Yun sent someone to inform Zhang Yu from the path, which was more than an hour earlier than Wuhuan people.

But that's enough, Zhang Yu. They're ready.

Thousands of people and horses were ambushed on each side.

The trap has been set up, waiting for the Wuhuan people to arrive.

All the way down the south, these Wuhuan people were more careful at first, but at this time they no longer cared.

The commander sent 300 people in front of him. If there was a stumbling horse or a horse pit, they could find it ahead of time, and they didn't care about the rest.

This place is very close to Xiangping City, so we have relaxed our vigilance.

They are moving at a high speed.

In his heart, commander Wan is also enthusiastic. It is always a miracle to conquer Xiangping city.


These Wuhuan people yelled, then raised their sabres and waved them.

Zhang Yu army hiding in the jungle can clearly see the arrogance of Wuhuan people.

"One hundred and fifty meters."

"One hundred meters."

"Fifty meters."

Zhang Yu has been looking at the Wuhuan people to see them close to their ambush.

"Archer, launch."

Without waiting for these Wuhuan people to enter the trap, Zhang Yu ordered the attack.

He didn't want hundreds of vanguards of Wuhuan people to destroy the traps in front of him, which were left to Wuhuan's army.

At Zhang Yu's command, the archers on both sides attacked madly.

In the twinkling of an eye, three rounds of arrow rain slanted down, and the people of Wuhuan were in chaos.

The people and horses of Wuhuan are concentrated. The archers are very good at attacking on this road. Just lean the arrow rain to the place where there are many people.

"Fight back, quick, fight back." Commander Wan shouts in a hurry and orders to fight back.

Wuhuan people rushed to fight back, and began to have arrows flying out to kill Zhangyu.

"Concentrate the archers and attack the places where there are many people. We can't let them organize, otherwise we are not the opponent." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu focused on shooting, while Huang Zhong organized archers to attack freely.

After several rounds of arrow rain, hundreds of Wuhuan people died.

Wan Fu grew up anxious. Up to now, more than 2000 people have been killed and injured in this battle.

The bows and arrows were suppressed. Zhang Yu concentrated his strength and hit them hard.

"Rush through." Wanfu grew up and cried. After he wanted to get close, he attacked with a saber.

"To die." When Zhang Yu saw that the people of Wuhuan began to charge, his face became a little ferocious.

"No, it's a horse pit."


"There are pitfalls."

What the horses fear most is that they are trapped and stumbling. How can Zhang Yu be unprepared.

"One thousand people continue to attack with bows and arrows, and the rest change their weapons." Zhang Yu called again.

At the first order, the soldiers threw their bows and arrows directly on the ground, and then picked up shields, knives, spears and other weapons.

After two seconds of changing clothes, Zhang Yu stares coldly at the bottom and shouts, "kill me."

In addition to the archers are still attacking, soldiers follow Zhang Yu rushed out.

On the other side, Huang Zhong rushed out.


A group of soldiers rushed out on both sides and entered the enemy line.

Zhang Yu took the lead, leaping into the enemy, crazy cutting.

Overlord halberd picked for a while, easy to say a Wuhuan people pick down.

At this time, the Wuhuan people were still in chaos and did not form a joint force.

"Let me disturb the enemy." Zhang Yu yelled.

He saw that Huang Zhong had been killed, and the enemy showed signs of gathering.

We can't let the enemy gather together, otherwise the enemy's combat power will be improved, and it will be more difficult to fight at that time.

So Zhang Yu and his men shuttled through the masses of the enemy. They didn't want to kill many enemies, as long as they couldn't get together.

Huang Zhong, on the other side, concentrated his strength to suppress the enemy.

After a while, the enemy fell under the horse.

At this time, Zhang Yu was covered with blood, but he still rushed to kill the enemy.

"Rush out, rush out."

The commander of Wuhuan was afraid.

He tried his best to command the army, but he couldn't gather all the time and was divided into several pieces by Zhang Yu.

In addition, the previous 2000 archers also gave up their bows and killed them from the back and side.

The situation is very urgent.

He had to run away.

The back road was blocked and they had to move on.

"Don't stop them. Cut them off." See Wuhuan people want to escape, Zhang Yu ordered to say.

If you block them in the front, you will be resisted by the enemy with all your strength. At that time, you will certainly lose a lot. It is the best choice to cut off some of them and say that they will be completely eliminated.