Seeing bulma leading the Saiya woman, Monkey King and Beek stopped and looked at them in doubt.

"Bulma, who is she?" Asked the monkey king strangely.

Bulma said, "I don't know. Anyway, it came from hongshanxing and said it was for you."

The woman nodded and came to the monkey king with a whole face: "Mr. kakarot, my name is Hester. I'm captain Elsie's teammate. This time I came to earth because captain Elsie is going to get married soon, so I arranged to come and pick you up to the red mountain star."

Then the female Saiya man named Hester looked at the monkey king and seemed to see the difference between the monkey king and other Saiya people, but after looking for a long time, she couldn't see the difference. However, Hester did not dare to underestimate each other, because she knew that the simple young man in front of her was her captain's brother, the second son of the great Lord badak, and the fourth strong man to reach the realm of super Saiya.

Suddenly, hearing that the Saiya woman in front of him said that his sister Elsie was going to get married, Monkey King was surprised. He said he hadn't seen his sister for a long time and asked, "let's go to Hongshan star now?"

"Yes, in addition, your wife and son will also take our spaceship to Hongshan star."

"Really? Ha ha, it's a long way. I've never been to such a far place. I don't know what's on the red mountain star." Although it has long been said that there are many Saiya people living on the red mountain star, the monkey king has never been there. This time he had the opportunity to pass, which immediately made him feel a little excited.

"Hongshan star is in the East galaxy. If ordinary spacecraft used to fly for several years... Should we go for several years?" As a scientist, bulma is very sensitive to technology and so on.

Hester smiled: "our spacecraft uses the most advanced navigation technology of the Galactic patrol organization. It can cross the galaxy in a few days, so we don't have to worry about the journey time."

"So advanced?" Bulma's eyes lit up.

Hester smiled and nodded.

At this time, bick, who stood on one side, felt that he was not suitable to participate in other people's family activities, so he said goodbye to the monkey king and them: "if you have something to do, I'll leave first."

"Ah, OK, bick, go back first." The monkey king responded.

"Goodbye, uncle bick." Sun WuFan waved his hand.

Bick nodded to the monkey fan and flew up to the hillside where he usually lived.

Watching bick fly away, bulma said with great interest, "when shall we start?"

"Anytime." Then he took out a universal capsule and threw it out. With a puff, a medium-sized spacecraft appeared in the open space. It was more than 40 meters long. It was a long strip. The silver gray body looked full of science fiction color, which was divided into several compartments.

Suddenly seeing such an advanced spaceship, bulma began to shine his eyes, touched the appearance of the spaceship and said intoxicated, "ah, what an advanced spaceship. When did the universal capsule become popular in the universe?"


Hester smiled and explained to them that after several people entered the spaceship, the spaceship engine started silently, gravity naturally transited, and soon rose into space. With a flash of lightning, Hester flew out of the solar system and headed for the East Milky way.

Five days later, red mountain star.

Carrying the spacecraft of the monkey king family into the range of Hongshan star, the sky blue planet appeared in the field of vision, and then flew into the landing site of the spacecraft under the guidance of the control center.

"Mr. kakarot, we are going to enter the red mountain star soon. Because the gravity of the red mountain star is 12 times that of the earth, in order to prevent accidents, please ask Miss bulma to put on this gravity Bracelet device." Before the spaceship landed, Hester took out a chic bracelet for bulma to wear.

Aware of her weak physique, bulma readily took the bracelet and put it on. It looked good. Bulma waved her arms at everyone.

The spacecraft successfully docked at the landing point. Monkey King, bulma and monkey rice stepped off the spacecraft and walked out of the airport under the leadership of Hester. Hongshanxing's civil spacecraft docking points are located in four directions of the city, with a total of four. They are the main airports in addition to the large-scale docking points in the city center. Together with the central docking points, hongshanxing's overall aviation organization is constructed, which plays a role in dredging passenger flow in wartime.

"Come with me, please."

Hester politely led them out of the lighthouse airport, bypassed the spacious square, there was no road ahead, and then needed to fly through the dense forest to reach the Saiyan city.

Picking up bulma, the monkey king followed him into the city. As soon as they entered the city, strange buildings appeared in front of them. Sun Wukong recognized that these buildings were practice rooms, which were very similar to those on his baozi mountain, but these practice rooms on the red mountain star were larger and more complex.

All the way through the leisure area and training area, we soon came to the front of badak's villa.

At this time, badak, Jinai and ELSI had been waiting at the door for a long time. When they saw their son's family coming, badak greeted them with a smile: "hahaha, kakarot, I heard that you have become a super Saiya, very good, very good."

Badak smiled very happily, while Gina held bulma's hand and chatted, and then stroked sun WuFan's purple hair.

"Xiao WuFan, let my aunt see." Elsie looked at sun WuFan with a smile.

"Aunt." With a polite cry, sun WuFan looked at his grandmother Ji Nei again.

Ji Nei is petite. Because Saiya people have maintained adolescence for a long time, and because they have drunk the spring of youth, Ji Nei looks exactly like a young girl. The "grandma" of sun WuFan can't shout out.

Keener didn't care at all. With a smile on his face, he shouted to latiz, "latiz, come and see your brother and nephew."

Latiz, who was in a daze, suddenly heard his mother's cry, answered and ran from a distance. Latiz used to look down on his brother, who was judged as a low-level soldier at birth, but since he came to red mountain star, latiz's values have been greatly impacted and forcibly reversed.

It turns out that low-level soldiers can also become very strong, but with the same efforts, they are slightly inferior to high-level soldiers. However, due to different personal opportunities, there will be differences in the way of development. The counter attack of low-level soldiers has been common on Hongshan star. Gradually, no one underestimates the so-called low-level soldiers. What low-level soldiers do not exist!

Although she has such psychological preparation, latiz still feels as if she is dreaming when it comes that her brother has also become a super Saiya.

Low level warrior kakarot, is this already a super Saiya? The whole red mountain star doesn't seem to have many super saiyas, does it?

Latiz couldn't believe it, so standing in front of kakarot and facing the young soldier, latiz had an inexplicable embarrassment. The reality told him that the younger brother he despised at the beginning now needs to look up to.

The monkey king and his family were entertained into the house. Rich meals had been prepared in the luxurious villa. After a gluttonous feast, the monkey king and badak talked about their daily life.

Badak listened to the practice on jiewang and the battle on namec in detail. Badak listened carefully and said, "I predicted very early that you might become a super Saiya on namec, so I kept you on earth and didn't pick you up. Now it seems that this decision is very correct."

Monkey King scratched his head, laughed and said seriously, "maybe it is because of life on earth that I have learned a lot."