Chapter 75 Episode 73 Cry of the Collapse

Bassau, a city in the southern part of the empire. A small mansion in this city that should be counted from the bottom among the many territories in the south. The lord of the Lynfia village, who would otherwise be the territory of the territory, Count Count Dennis von Sitterheim, was struggling.

"I mean ... Duke Kruger doesn't mean to help me?"

Listening to a messenger from under Sven von Kruger, Dennis looks like a bite of a worm.

"So what do I do?" "I want you to be the mastermind of the case. Everything is up to you."

The messenger who said such a thing was a smile. Dennis believes in accepting it.

"For the southern part ..." "Yes. One third of the southern nobles, including you, cooperate with the Duke of Kruger. I want you to be sacrificed to protect many southern nobles. I'm inevitably pursuing you. ''

Why did this happen? Dennis sighed deeply. Dennis is 33 years old this year. He became lord ten years ago, but now he was ashamed of that. At first it was my father's will. One year after the emperor's declaration that the immigrants were imperial subjects, Dennis's father died. At that time, Dennis' father told Dennis that the immigrants were never my lord, even if they were imperial subjects. Dennis' father was once injured by a rampaging emigrant and has been incapacitated ever since. It was a grudge from that, and young Dennis accepted it. A few years later, it was revealed to the Duke of Kruger. If discovered, they would be threatened to be relegated to the status of lord and helped with a prostitution organization. There is now a base for a hunting organization under the mansion, and the knights of Duke Kruger are walking around the mansion to prevent Dennis from betraying it. He has been cornered to the point where he cannot turn back and is about to be truncated.

"If I obey, do you guarantee the security of the nation?" "Of course." T rans la ted b y Jpm t m

The messenger's words sounded terrible. In the past, Dennis once tried to appeal to the emperor from conscience. At that time, the county of Sitterheim was heavily harassed by its nobles in the south, disturbing its circulation and destroying crops. Crops do not grow satisfactorily and are hungry if distribution is hindered. Dennis apologized to Duke Kruger and swore allegiance. It was to protect the people. What kind of eyes do the territory encounter if they try to betray this time? So Dennis was giving up in the middle.

"I'll do it. I'll catch you as the mastermind." "Thank you. I won't forget you sacrificed for the south." "Such words are good. "Take control of most of the south, act like a king, and what are you thinking?" "It doesn't matter to you." "It doesn't matter. It's a stepping stone for the Duke of Kruger." "Well, are you thinking about usurping?" "Huh ... I don't think of that kind of thing, but let's just say it's all for the throne battle." Will you rebel the rebels and put your Highness in the Imperial throne, and the Duke of Kruger is the dominant relative, the fifth queen? No, it's not usurpation, it's takeover. "

The messenger is not moved by the criticism of Denis. It is not unusual in the history of an empire. However, emperors who value their relatives in that way do not last long. It loses the centripetal power of other nobles. What does Duke Kruger think about that? A man who manipulates a prostitution organization behind the scenes and skillfully incorporates southern nobility. Something will be thinking. But that doesn't matter. So when Dennis ridiculed, the messenger's body suddenly grew a blade.

"Go! ..." "Now !?" "I'm sorry ... Lord."

The young woman knight muttered that. The knight, dressed in orange-brown light brown hair, was not just a knight for Dennis.

"Rebecca! What are you doing !?" "Don't believe what they say! They were going to kill the lord!" "What !?" "They confess to the lord I'm going to kill him after letting him write it, and stick out with Prince Leonard!

Tran sl a te d b y jpm tl.c o m I saw that there were several knights in the room besides Rebecca. Knights swear loyalty to the county of Sittheim, one of the few houses.

"Let's go under Prince Leonard and accuse the Duke of evil! The prince is so personal that he has not forsaken the victims in the Principality of Albatro! He will surely help!"

Dennis shuts down briefly after hearing Rebecca's words. You can escape from this city. But can we escape? There is no reason not to beware of betrayal in this important phase. Anyway, Dennis is trying to betray him once. There is definitely an ambush on the way under Leonard. Dennis read, and exhaled deeply. And laughed at his stupidity.

"Hahaha ... I am a useless man" "Lord?" "... Knight Rebecca.

Dennis steps on the floor in the corner of the room. Then it opened with Pakari and a letter came out from inside. A letter written by Dennis describing the evils of the Duke of Kruger and other southern nobles. Dennis himself wrote it, stamped with a magical blood stamp used during special contracts. The presence of the stamp increases the authenticity of this letter.

"Take this letter and head to the Imperial City." "Such !? Do you just want to escape?" "You are my best friend's daughter. For me who has no children, you were like a daughter ... Please go to the Imperial City and give this letter to the Emperor. "" I don't want to! I'm with my lord! "" Nan. You're young. You shouldn't lose your life here. "

Dennis picks up the sword he was leaning on. After seeing it, Rebecca realized that Dennis was dying. It has been over 10 years since my parents died when I was young. My Lord, who has been my parent, is about to die. Rebecca was unacceptable.

"I will fight! I will reward you for raising me!" "I did not raise it to die! I will live. Please listen to my request that I am sorry for." "I do not want to hear! Please at least let the lord run away! "" I forsaken many children ... I don't think I'll be able to live longer now. Of course, it's not an honorary death. There is no honor in my home any more. I have to fulfill my responsibilities as an aristocrat for the last minute. ''

Dennis looks over the knights except Rebecca. Everyone had a determined face. Originally, he was hungry to escape the lord even if he died. If the lord had the last thing to do, there was no one to stop.

"What is the duty of the aristocrat ... is it the duty to die !?" "No, save it. The children gathered from the south once concentrate here, because they determine how valuable it is. Many children are still in this mansion. I can't escape, right? "" But ... I'm a knight! "" Knight's duty is to protect the Lord's life. I'm no longer selfish! Go! Knight Rebecca! "

It was a strong tone that could not be said. Receiving the order, Rebecca sheeps on her knees while tears and receives the letter. And footsteps came from outside. Dennis who heard it skips the last instruction.

"Get out of the window. While we're fighting, feel about the rebellion in the city. Go to the Imperial City in the mess!" "Yes ..."

Rebecca is instructed to wait by the window. Dennis kicked through the door and began to engage with the breathtaking knights of the Duke of Kruger. With his back burned to his eyes, Rebecca walked out of the window. And.

"It's a rebellion! A rebellion has taken place at the lord's residence! Run away, everyone!"

Out of the mansion, Rebecca screamed and began a long way to the Imperial City.

Tr a n s l a t ed by jp m tl .c om ■■■

"Wow !!"

Dennis surrendered one knight and rammed another knight. Already Dennis and others have invaded the basement of the mansion. The knights swearing loyalty to Dennis were in the mansion more than Dennis had imagined, and the knights of the Duke of Kruger who were walking in their mansions with their own faces as lions for the lord Defeated.

"Hey! ??" "I'm in the way!"

Slave merchants in the basement of the mansion settle down, but Dennis drops his head without hesitation. They are in the basement of the Kruger family, who were sorting children under the mansion. Dennis didn't have any compassion. And Dennis, with a few knights, finally arrived in a prison with children. Dozens of children were collared in the dim prison. Seeing everyone thin in an unsanitary jail, Dennis was regretted why he did not act faster.

"It's okay! I came to help!"

Dennis then steals the key from the killed guard and opens the prison. However, the children do not try to move on the edge. Seeing that, Dennis sheathed the sword and slowly entered the prison.

"It's alright ... I'll get out of here ..." "True ...?"

One girl mutters. Unusual iris The girl's eyes, around the age of ten, were red and blue. Dennis clenches her lips, presuming that she is probably the child of a villager.

"Oh, it's true ..." "I can go back to the village ...?" "Oh, I can go home ..." "I can see Rin-sister ...?" "Oh, I can see you. A gentle person called Prince Leonard is coming close That person will help you. "

Dennis slowly approaches the girl. Dennis embraced the dirty girl gently.

"I'm sorry ... I'm sorry ..." "I want to go back ... I want to go back ..."

Denise nods deeply, stroking the sobbing girl's hair. Dennis looks over and declares the other children.

"I'll give you home, definitely."

A smile appears on the children's faces in the words. But.

T r an s l ated by jp m t m "I can't say that." "Gogh ..."

A man dressed in black clothes from behind pierced Dennis' chest from behind. Dennis vomits blood, but she squeezes her power, pulls out the sword, and slashes at the man. However, the attack is not hit. The man was an instructor who turned a talented child into an assassin, not an enemy with some knowledge of the sword. It was even more pierced and evident in the dying state than looking at the fire. However, Dennis does not give up. I didn't have the qualification to give up. Although. There was a difference in ability that could not be helped by feeling alone. Dennis rushes out in desperation.

"Wow !!!!!"

The instructor cut off Dennis's head so that he could pass by. Unusual iris The neck flew in the air, rolling under the girl with Kolo Kolo. Looking at the head of the man who said he would help them, the girl did not know for a moment what had happened. However, the moment when Denise's eyes were thin and open. Faint hope shattered, fear and despair ruled the girl's heart.

"No !!!!"

The girl's cry is high and echoes widely. At the same time, the girl's eyes glowed, and the prison was wrapped in something black.