Chapter 341

When I got home, my parents had already come back, and there were some more medicine on the table. My father was urging my mother to take medicine quickly, but my mother was reluctant. Seeing me coming back, my mother drank water and asked, "where have you been? Have you eaten yet? "

"Yes, Ma. Where did you get the medicine?" I sat down and pretended to know nothing about what they said last night. My mother didn't want me to worry.

"Just prescribe some common tonics. If you don't have a meal, ask your father to cook." My mother is still the usual cheerful look, she has been rubbing feet, I took a look. There seems to be some swelling.

I don't want them to be in trouble, and I want to continue to lie, but my stomach screams. My father knows that I haven't eaten when he looks at me. He wants to get up and cook with a straight face. I know he must be thinking about where I went, I stopped him: "Dad, I'm really not hungry, or I'll go out to eat, you can rest assured. I promise not to go to Liang Sheng. "

My father was surprised by my honesty, obviously he didn't believe me. I gave him my mobile phone: "I don't have my mobile phone, so I'll go down and have something to eat."

"Just let her eat. Do you want to interfere in her freedom when she is such a big person?" My mother saw my father reluctantly and said angrily.

My father's face slowed down, and he gave me back his mobile phone: "take it, in case something happens, I can't find anyone."

I took my cell phone and went downstairs again. I didn't really go downstairs to eat. I just feel guilty when I see my parents' faces. Especially my father, for the sake of Liang Sheng, I had a lot of quarrels with him, which made him angry. Now the result is so ironic, which confirms that my father's warning to me is so correct.

When I went downstairs, I went out of the community and walked along the roadside to see where I wanted to eat. Finally, I chose a Korean restaurant, which seemed to be a new one. I wanted to try something new. I ordered a pickled rice and fried chicken beer. The heroines in Korean dramas seemed to eat all these. I sat there staring at the pickles. Am I the heroine of Korean dramas now, Although I didn't get any brain cancer and I didn't have a car accident, I had the heaviest blow in my life.

"Just looking, not eating?" I was just dazzled when someone sat down opposite me. When I looked up, it turned out to be he FeiMo.

Why is he here? I turned my head and looked around: "are you alone? What are you doing here? "

He FeiMo and I haven't seen each other for several days. He doesn't speak much and doesn't update any news. Recently, he doesn't even reprint the information about the real estate. I don't know what he is doing, but it's not something I should care about.

"Send a friend back, hungry down to buy something to eat, did not expect to see you." He FeiMo is wearing a formal suit today. There is a mature man's calm demeanor, he also ordered the same thing as me, after the waiter put the food up, he took out the chopsticks for me: "eat, do not eat your meal will be cold."

I found that I had been sitting for a long time, but I didn't even open the chopsticks. I took the chopsticks awkwardly and ate them.

"You look in a bad mood?" He FeiMo asked while drinking beer.

"Not bad. This pickle is delicious." I reluctantly showed a smile. In fact, I didn't really feel the taste of pickle in my mouth. I just ate it mechanically. When I said it, I felt very spicy. I immediately poured a glass of beer and drank it, choking and coughing.

He FeiMo took out a paper towel and handed it to me, with some helplessness on his face: "absent-minded."

I am now full of Liang Sheng's business, and my mother's physical problems, where there is leisure to experience Korean style food, I put down my chopsticks. He FeiMo didn't continue to ask me. He looked down at his face and blurted out: "when your girlfriend was gone. How do you feel? "

After asking, I really want to ask myself two big ear melon seeds. What a bullshit question!

He FeiMo's eating action stopped for a while, and I looked at him uneasily. Is this forcing people to relive the pain again? I seem to be looking for a person who can sympathize with me and feel my pain personally.

"I don't want to do anything. I don't want to talk. My head is blank. I can think of her when I see anything, and then I imagine if she's still there. " He FeiMo didn't avoid my topic, his tone was very calm. There is no hard to say or miss in my imagination.

"And now?" I asked.

He FeiMo stares at me. His eyes are similar to Liang Sheng in that he never shows his emotions easily, but Liang Sheng is more calm and indifferent. He is calm and silent.

"All things will pass, no matter how sad and miserable you are now, it will pass when you can mention and recall them calmly after a period of time." He FeiMo's words. It's like saying it to me.

Is it? I looked at he FeiMo in a daze, and he also looked at me quietly. The atmosphere was quiet for a while. There were no other guests in the shop, so he FeiMo and I sat there looking at each other. I feel that he FeiMo knows me very well at this time, otherwise he would not have said that to me on purpose.

Someone came into the shop to order a meal, which broke the peace. Then I took back my eyes and drank a big sip of beer as if I was embarrassed. Don't say, fried chicken with beer is really delicious. I just ordered another one and said to he FeiMo, "I'll treat you today. You'll have enough!"

"Good." He FeiMo accepted without any hesitation.

of course. I forgot to bring my money. When I got home, I put my bag on the sofa, but when I came out, I forgot to bring it. When the waiter saw that I didn't bring any money, he FeiMo was waiting for him to pay. He couldn't help laughing. When he laughed, I was even more ashamed. He FeiMo was very calm and full name was poker face. Still expressionless, habitual facial paralysis, after paying the money said to me: "just found that you really can eat."

I'm full of black lines. The fried chicken here is really delicious. Plus, I haven't eaten all day. I ate six more.

After leaving the Korean restaurant, he FeiMo sent me downstairs. After saying goodbye, I went upstairs, and my parents were already asleep. After I quietly washed, I went back to my room, turned on my computer and browsed the news and TV for a while. It seemed that I didn't have any interest, so I went back to bed and lay down. I know that I can't sleep for sure, and I will think wildly when I calm down.

My mobile phone was always turned off. After I turned it on, I received a text message from Xuanxuan. She asked me if I had time to go shopping together tomorrow. I hesitated. Although Liang Sheng and I had already done this, we didn't have any conflicts with Xuanxuan. After a while, I returned to her: "tomorrow I may go back to the company to have a look and get ready for work."

I really want to go back to the company. I don't want to spend time like before, but I really want to help my mother share some things, even though I'm not interested in taking over the company. But the current situation does not allow me to engage in the work I want to do willfully.

"Yan Yan, are you and Mr. Liang OK?" Xuanxuan returned the message.

"Nothing. What's the matter?" I'll reply immediately.

When Xuanxuan called, she said with exaggeration: "Yan Yan, don't you know? Today, Mr. Liang suddenly went to Ling Yu, and they fought again. It's a tough fight. Chu Jin and I can't do it at all. "

It's not the first time for Liang Sheng and Ling Yu to start. I'm afraid the contradiction between them is not only because Ling Yu told me those things. I think the scar on Liang Sheng's face I saw today should be left when they started. I don't have much reaction. I don't worry about Liang Sheng's loss. Now I think the people in the world can make Liang Sheng suffer, I'm afraid it's only Liang Muhua, because he's Liang Sheng's father and can't break his relationship.

"Why aren't you surprised? Did Ling Yu go to see you? " Xuanxuan asked strangely.

"It's OK. Liang Sheng has already told me about it, so I'm mentally prepared." I replied.

"Well, you must be careful. Ling Yu is a little crazy and paranoid. If he asks for you, don't pay attention to him." Xuanxuan asked me seriously. I perfunctorily replied that if Ling Yu came to me, I might not be able to avoid seeing her.