Chapter 187

My mother immediately felt that the situation was not good, and quickly came up to reconcile, "don't quarrel, now is not the time to tangle this, first deal with the" see you on Monday "thing, and then I don't care how you like to quarrel or quarrel, OK?"

My father's anger is like a mouthful of blood, and his expression is very gloomy. I feel guilty when I say something wrong. If my mother didn't change the topic, my father would slap me in the face again, maybe he would cut off the relationship with me.

When the living room suddenly quieted down, Liang Sheng said, "don't worry, uncle and aunt. I'll deal with this matter naturally. As for me, I'll talk to you. I hope you can calm down and give us a chance. Yanyan is a good girl. I don't want to let her down and I don't want to let her alone. If you're worried that I'll hurt her, I can send her back to you, and I'll get her back when this is over. "

"No My father refused without hesitation and said directly, "Shen Yan. You quit now. Yuansheng won't go in the future. I'll look for a new job for you. "

I can understand my father's fear of being hurt, but I really can't accept his arrangement, especially my work. I looked at him and answered without thinking: "I won't resign! Dad, I know you are good for me, but I have grown up. Can I choose the life I want? What's the difference between me and a puppet when you interfere with me so domineeringly? "

My mother knows that my father and I have a bad temper. If we go on this trend, we will have more fierce quarrels. She advised me not to do so. She just ran over and sent Liang Sheng out half pushed and half pulled. "You go back first. It's our family business. We'll solve it ourselves. As for that, if you need help, please let me know. I'm sorry."

Liang Sheng pushed the door and looked at me worried. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He was pushed out by my mother and slammed the door.

As soon as Liang Sheng left, my father's anger suddenly rose, "do you know what is the most important thing for a woman? At the age of 25, even at 30, you will never have something for the second time in your life. Do you know what kind of person he is? Do you know what kind of family he is? Do you think he is right to admit that you are his girlfriend? I don't comment on his family and his status, How many can't help it? The more successful a man is, the more difficult he is to give you happiness. If you follow him, you will suffer a lot. I say you are for your own good. If you are a son, I don't care who you stay with and who you spend the night with, but you are a girl. Girls should know how to keep themselves clean... "

My mother also echoed a few words. Say I really shouldn't. I know this is their bottom line and their principle, but I will also be confused and heartless. When I used to be with Liu Nanhao, I did have the same idea as them. Precious things were never handed over casually. But when I was with Liang Sheng, I wavered. After all, I crossed the thunder pool. At this time, I was like Adam and Eve who ate the forbidden fruit. Even if I was sent to the 18th level of hell, I had nothing to say.

After Liang Sheng left, I sat on the sofa and cried, tears streaming, without making any sound. I'm not angry that my parents' education is wrong. I'm angry that they openly oppose Liang Sheng and me. No matter how big the storm is, no matter how much the pain is, I want to stay with Liang Sheng. Even if Liang Mohua doesn't approve me now, Yuan Sheng doesn't approve me. As long as I work together with him, I will move everyone sooner or later.

I believe that persistence always pays off.

With that, my father went to the kitchen and lit a cigarette. I haven't been out for a long time. The smell of smoke filled the narrow space and made me cough constantly.

My mother sat down beside me, drew a paper towel to wipe my tears, quietly advised me: "although my mother does not object to you and Liang Sheng together, your father is right. Now that Liang Muhua is back, he will definitely interfere with you and Liang Sheng. You are both young. Even if he is willing to fight against his father for you now, there is no marriage blessed by his parents. Don't you think it's incomplete? Besides, what guarantee do you take that Liang Sheng will not be shaken one day? By that time, you will be over the best age. How can you marry a good family

I'm choking. I want to talk, but I can't speak.

My mother continued to hand me the tissue. "Don't blame your father. He's a man and looks better than us. Moreover, he has been in contact with Liang Muhua and knows a lot more than us. There are reasons why he will object. You should understand your father more. "

I took a deep breath and nodded. Of course I can understand him. But it doesn't mean that I will abandon my insistence to conform to his meaning.

Parents hope to use their loyal advice to avoid the setbacks we may suffer in the future, obedient children may give up their own choice of road, and even if I am rebellious, anyway, I hope to finish my own road. Those setbacks and tribulations that may be encountered will be left for the future. I will not arbitrarily change the present that I insist on because of the future that has not happened.

Because I haven't had breakfast yet, my mother took me downstairs to eat for fear that I would be hungry. My father has been smoking on the sofa in the living room since he came out of the kitchen. Dignified expression of low head, also don't scold me, also don't get angry, just one after another smoking.

I don't have much appetite, so I'll have something to eat with my mother at the wonton restaurant in the community. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Liang Sheng sitting there. On the dining table in front of him were two bowls of wonton. His side was extremely lonely, and his face was full-bodied and terrible.

"Mr. Liang?" My mother was surprised.

Liang Sheng saw that we were waiting for me at last. He said, "sit down quickly. I'll give you some wondun. Eat it while it's hot."

He didn't say anything and didn't ask. That's what he said. My tears almost came out, but the aunt of chaos shop came out to speak for her: "Oh, sit here and wait for two or three hours. Chaos has changed more than ten bowls. Girl, you don't bring such a tossing man. This guy is good. "

My mother took a meaningful look at Liang Sheng and didn't speak. Liang Sheng and I looked at each other. He raised his hand, as if to wipe my tears, due to my mother in, he just laughed, "eat it." Then he turned to my mother and said, "Auntie. What kind of stuffing do you want? I'll order another one for you

Although my mother refused, her tone was obviously better.

I hold the spoon, tears or rolled a, in the wonton blunt, took a breath. "You've been sitting here waiting for me," he said

Liang Sheng nodded and didn't look at me.

"How do you know I'll come in case I go to another store?" I asked him in a low voice.

Liang Sheng as if nothing had happened to smile: "when you are in a bad mood, you like to eat some soup, I also hold a try attitude."

"If I don't come all the time, when will you wait?" I can't hold back my tears any longer, big ones fall down.

It's embarrassing for my mother to sit on one side, but it's hard for her to let me and Liang Sheng be alone at this time. If my father knows, she will be even seated. Although my mother is the master at home at ordinary times, my mother still listens to my father when there is really something big. My father is afraid of my mother at ordinary times, but at the critical moment, my mother does not dare to disobey my father.

Liang Sheng took out a paper towel and handed it to me, changing the topic: "eat something first. Don't think about it. I'm waiting for you, not to see you cry. How can I leave at ease when you do this? "

I took his tissue and asked like a child, "are you leaving? Where are you going?"

Liang Sheng swapped the wondun in front of him with mine. Pretending to be relaxed, he said with a smile: "of course, I'm going to deal with it. Don't think too much about it first. Please pacify your father a lot. I'll explain it to him when it's finished."

My mother just cut in: "her father is a bull. Even if he doesn't have it, he will also oppose you. Ah, although I think you are very good, after all, you are Liang Muhua's son. You are in a high position. Our family doesn't think much about it. We will suffer a lot when we stay with you. I don't oppose but I don't support you, Look at yourself. "