Chapter 89

"Ma, what are you talking about! Don't say that I have an ordinary relationship with Mr. Liang. Even if I really have something to do with him, I have nothing to do with Liu Nanhao. Liu Nanhao and I have been separated since we graduated! "

My mother has always been a very righteous mother. In the past, when she was at school, the parents of other students did not allow their children to fall in love, but my mother was very clear, as long as the people I played with could help me, she would not object. So when I was with Liu Nanhao, I told her the first time. She is also very happy, said it was my first love, must call Liu Nanhao to our home for dinner. But at that time Liu Nan Hao always said sorry, has been refused. So my mother doesn't know what Liu Nanhao looks like.

In fact, now think about it, the reason why Liu Nan Hao would refuse is not entirely embarrassed. I didn't like it more because he didn't plan to have a future with me, so he refused to see his parents. But it's good, at least when we break up, there's no barrier, it won't involve each other's families.

Good bye, it's over.

"Then you tell mom that you and Liu Nanhao have been talking for five years. How can you say that you broke up and broke up?" Obviously, my mother didn't believe me, so she decided that I broke up with Liu Nanhao because I moved my heart and didn't fall in love with Liang Sheng.

I don't want to recall those unforgettable memories, and I don't want to see yuan Yushan in front of my mother, because my mother doesn't like yuan Yushan. She thinks I don't have friends because of Yuan Yushan. She thinks I should make friends with similar children. When I asked her what it meant to be "similar" to me, she couldn't answer it. Later, she said it was up to me. After that, I also took yuan Yushan home for the night as usual. She would still happily make spaghetti for us. Maybe this is maternal love. Even if she didn't like it, she would respect my preference.

Later, I finally understood what she meant by "almost the same". There may be some vague barriers between Yuan Yushan and me from the beginning to the end. This gap can not be eliminated by wearing the same brand of clothing, eating the same high-end Western food or studying in the same school. My inborn arrogance and her inferiority from childhood make it difficult to get close to the distance between me and her even in ten or twenty years.

When my mother saw that I didn't speak, she knew that she had hurt me, so she said with all her heart, "my dear daughter. If we divide, we deserve better. "

Is Liang Sheng better?

I asked my mother, "are we good at Liang?"

My mother gave me a squint: "you won't really be with the boss, will you?"

My eyes were flickering, and I said, "no, I'll just ask."

"Yuansheng's boss, I also know that he is young and capable. He is really excellent. But Yan Yan, such an excellent person, are you sure he can treat you sincerely? Let's not say anything else, that child is also handsome, what kind of wife do not want, although we are not bad. But I don't want you to live too tired in the future. Mom is hoping that you can find a self-motivated, down-to-earth boyfriend. There's nothing wrong with being ordinary. "

My mother suddenly preached, and I didn't know how to respond. I think with her words, Liang Sheng's excellence is obvious to all. There are indeed many excellent pursuers around him. A noble family like him should pay attention to the right family, right. His future daughter-in-law should be a strong female entrepreneur like my mother, rather than a career loser like me.

I casually back to my mother's words: "you want me to find a capable person to help you with your business."

My mother laughed and said, "my little padded jacket knows me, ha ha."

I gave her a white look. I'm too lazy to talk.

When the car stopped on the playground in front of grandma's house, Grandma had been waiting at the door for a long time. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw her rickets gradually, and her nose was sore. I rushed over and held her, bending over and dawdling in her arms. Grandma likes me to be coquettish, because she thinks I'm still a child. And she's not old.

"Yan Yan, my dear baby, grandma is looking forward to your return." Grandma caressed my cheek lovingly. A little cataract eyes suddenly filled with tears.

I forced myself to cry. I broke away from her arms and said with a smile, "I brought you Haicheng's specialty. I'll get it."

I got back in the car. He wiped his tears directly with his sleeve, and then got off the car again with the four or five bags of gift boxes that Liang Sheng bought.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw my grandfather's portrait hanging on the wall of the living room. I said goodbye. Not afraid to see is not afraid, but afraid that they can't control tears, make Grandma sad.

I held up the gift bag to grandma and explained one by one, "these are the specialties of Haicheng. Here, this is sea urchin. This is sea cucumber, this, eh. What's this, Ma? "

My mother chatted with my brother-in-law and looked back, "that should also be a tonic. You put it, tell your grandmother that your grandmother doesn't understand, and then let my uncle teach her how to eat. "

I turned my attention to the conversation between my mother and my uncle. They were talking about grandma's illness. Grandma was old and had some minor physical problems, but it didn't matter much until this time last year when my grandfather died. She seemed to grow old overnight. When my grandfather died, I didn't see my grandmother shed a tear in the whole process, but I know she was the most sad. She had a good face and didn't want to show it. Most of them don't want their children to worry.

But after that time, I noticed that grandma's head would swing slightly uncontrollably. I checked on the Internet and said it was probably Parkinson's disease, a chronic degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. It can damage the patient's animal skills, language ability and other functions. Last year, I told her that I would take her to the hospital for examination and treatment, but she didn't agree. She said that it didn't matter, it didn't affect daily life, and she didn't want to spend the money. My mother and uncle have been talking in her ear for nearly a year, but they have not been able to persuade her. This time back, my mother is cruel, she said even if tie also want to tie my grandmother to hospital treatment.

My uncle was the son of Grandpa's brother. My grandpa's brother died when I was very young. My mother's mother was dumb and unable to speak. So my uncle and we had much more communication with me. My grandmother was almost his second mother. When we were in Haicheng, we mostly relied on my uncle to take care of my grandmother at home.

My brother-in-law said, "my aunt is stubborn. We can't persuade her. We can only take extraordinary measures."

The extraordinary means in his mouth are about the same as my mother's.

I took grandma out to chat and tried not to let her hear me.

Grandma also knows about me and Liu Nanhao. She can't remember too much, so she knows the name of Liu Nanhao. She took my hand and asked me, "Yan Yan, how are you with Liu Nanhao? When will you bring it back for grandma to see