Chapter 33

Name:The Stepmother Has Left Author:AO형

Adolf sent everyone standing around him out of the gallery.

Seeing the men being driven away by him, the Duke approached and asked what was going on.

Adolf finally asked to have a chat with Cassia over a cup of coffee in this gallery.

He said he would regret the decision he made if he didn’t comply with this kind of request even though he showed up at best.

The Duke allowed them only a certain amount of time, saying that they could not delay for a long time.

Finally, Adolf wanted to feel the perfect traveller’s life as before.

He wanted all the knights to be sent out of the gallery, and the Duke finally accepted it.

Cassia’s gallery quickly transformed into the same shape as before.

Cassia scooped out two cups of coffee that smelled fragrant and handed one to him.

“It’s good to see your gallery is back to its original shape, Cassia.”

“I know, right? It’s all thanks to your order, Adolf.”

“I kept thinking about it. This is your place, but it was occupied by knights. It was because of me, so I was concerned. I wanted to leave after seeing the gallery return to its original state with my own two eyes.”

“No. If there is anyone who has done anything wrong, it is the person who occupied this place. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault.”

“Thank you for thinking that way. It feels like the burden on my heart has been lifted a little.”

After taking a sip of the fragrant coffee, he muttered, “As expected, the taste of coffee is always good.”

Cassia thought the situation was ironic. 

Outside, the knights were standing in line and waiting. It was unfamiliar to them to have a relaxed conversation going back and forth in such a situation.

Cassia, too, was once a duchess, so she was used to this kind of situation, but the level of the escort was much stronger than usual, and it was frustrating.

But for Adolf, these must have been the things he had been feeling in his life.

The countless knights surrounding him like a lattice, a world where the leisure he felt was all he had.

To such an Imperial palace, he will now return.

“…I think you’ll be leaving Lawrencia in a few hours. I’m sure you’ve heard it.”

‘Did she read my mind?’ Adolf put down his glass and slowly opened his mouth.

“Do you, by any chance, regret having encouraged me?”


Cassia replied with a smile.

“No matter what choice you make, I want you to make a choice for yourself. I will bless you no matter what the road is. It’s a pity that the moment we have to part is approaching.”

He looked at her without a word. The next moment he opened his mouth.

“Would you like to come with me?”

“…What did you just say?”

Cassia put down her coffee cup and looked at him at the words he asked carefully. Because it was something she hadn’t expected at all.

“So, I want to go to the capital with you. Cassia.”


“I don’t want to part ways with you. So, aren’t we friends.”

Embarrassment came first at his suggestion, and she looked at him, unable to speak properly.

It was a kind of speech she hadn’t expected at all. She thought he would just say goodbye to her and leave.

They decided to be friends in the future, but looking at today’s situation, she realized that it would not be easy realistically.

So when he said he was leaving, she tried not to raise expectations of seeing him again in the future.

Besides, she was about to divorce the Duke. After the divorce, she will become almost nothing like a commoner.

Now that he is returning to the status of the Third Prince, there will be a limit to how close she can be to him, who is nothing more than a commoner.

But go to the capital together…

Her first thought was, ‘Can I continue to be close to him?’

Her heart was pounding.

“And if you go to the capital with me, I will support you in all circumstances so that you can paint to your heart’s content.”

He turned and looked at her paintings on the wall.

“Anyway, I thought it would be the best gift I could make for you.”

Even if she returned to the Imperial Palace, she had an expression that he would never give up on his relationship with her, including painting.

“Oh, of course, I have no intention of burdening you, so you can say no.”


“But I have the power to create the best environment for you. I want to give you a lot of support so that you can use your talents with your abilities. In the name of the Third Prince, in the name of the Imperial family.”

His cautious voice continued. 

Cassia looked at him and smiled slightly.

True, his proposal was tempting, but returning to the capital was not an easy decision.

Returning there meant that she could often run into the Duke of Whidrian.

They have been associated with the Imperial family for a long time, and that is why they often appeared in the capital or at Imperial events.

In addition, the capital was crowded with various dignitaries and nobles from all walks of life.

She didn’t think her position in the social world would be that great, but she was concerned about the gazes and words that would pour on her when she would go there.

From the moment she made the decision to protect Diana’s precious things, she had been swept up in countless rumours.

It was thanks to thinking only of her dead friend that she could ignore them.

But now it wasn’t.

She was freed from the shackles she put on herself, and started to stand on her own, so she also had the right not to be hurt by people’s opinions.

“I do not know. I think I need some time to think about the offer.”

“You don’t have to make a decision right now. It’s just a very small, personal suggestion.”


“Was the offer a bit too burdensome? If so, I apologize. What I hadn’t-”

“No. It’s not like that at all.”

Looking at her in thought, he spoke carefully. Cassia replied, waving her hand.

“It’s just, it’s a grateful offer for me. That you care about me this much.”


“But I think it is an issue that requires a little thought. It’s something I’d never even thought of.”

Going to the capital…

Returning to the place related to the Duke. She never thought that something like that would happen to her again.

For Cassia, as if she had disappeared entirely, she wanted to hide all her existence and live only here thoroughly.

Adolf warmly looked at her seriously concerned expression, and opened his mouth to speak.

“When you have a hard time choosing, it’s good to think about what you really want.”


“Think about what you really want. Is it a painting or a break? Things like that.”

Cassia looked at him. His suggestion was something she needed to think about a little more, but at least it felt like a warm heart that thought of her, and it made her feel better. She smiled.

“I know what you mean. Thanks for taking care of me, Adolf.”

“Of course. Aren’t we friends?”

He answered with a happy-young smile on his lips. 

There was a firm belief in that smile.

Yes, it was a smile of friendship. 

Cassia smiled as if responding to that thought.

“That’s right, friend.”

‘We are friends.’

‘No matter who I am, what you are, wherever we are.’

It was the only story that would never change.

* * *

Not long after, a knight opened the gallery door and came in, announcing that the allotted time had come to an end.

“Wemust leave now, My Lord.”

An hour passed quickly.

Now the time had come to really set off for the Imperial Palace.

Disappointment flashed on Adolf’s face, but he got up from his seat.

He quietly left the gallery, escorted by a knight, and Cassia followed him out of the gallery.

While they were talking, the knights stood in a line in formation as if they were all ready to leave.

A dignified horse was prepared for Adolf to ride in front of him. It was a pure white horse that resembled him.

Adolf rode on his horse in a graceful position, then turned to Cassia and said, “Think about it. And if you want to accept my offer, feel free to come to me, Cassia.”


“I will always be waiting for you.”

Cassia looked at him, who gave her a warm smile, and nodded.

The Duke on the horse standing next to him also looked at her and said, “Now we have to leave. After escorting His Highness to the imperial family safely, I will send a message as soon as we arrive at the mansion.”


Soon a loud beating sound rang out. The captain of the knights on horseback announced the start of the long procession.

Upon hearing the news of the return of the Third Prince, the residents of Lawrencia lined up here and there.

They knelt reverently towards Adolf and shouted his name, rejoicing over the return of the Third Prince.

In the meantime, Adolf looked back at Cassia one last time, and soon began to speed up his horse towards the front.

She stared at him for a long time, until his back grew distant and farther away, becoming a dot and disappearing.

And… Adolf left Lawrencia.


Kofi shop updated till chapter 38.