30 Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Website: qidian china

Views: 10.27million

Rating: 9.2 (1918)

Chapters: 1694

Status: hiatus

Word count: 5.41million

Author: Bu Zheng

author level: great

No of works: 1

Disscussion: 3560

Year started: 2012

Translated works :

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Xuanhuan

Tags: Appearance Changes, Appearance, Different from Actual Age, Assassins, Beautiful Female Lead, Bloodlines, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Charming Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Complex Family Relationships, Confident Protagonist, Cultivation, Doctors, Doting Older Siblings, Doting Parents, Fast Cultivation, Fast Learner, Fat to Fit, Genius Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hiding True Identity, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Magic Beasts, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Medical Knowledge, Modern Day, Mysterious Family Background, Mysterious Past, Nationalism, Older Love Interests, Personality Changes, Polygamy, Poor to Rich, Racism, Romantic Subplot, Ruthless Protagonist, Seeing Things Other Humans Can't, Siblings, Not Related by Blood, Sudden Strength Gain, Sudden Wealth, Transmigration, Transplanted Memories, Transported into Another World, Weak to Strong, Younger Sisters

Popularity: Well popular in China.

Last edited: 1/jan/2019


Website: qidian international (webnovel.com)

Views: 2.4million

Rating: 4.0(95)

Chapters: 160

Rank: 92

Status: ongoing

Schedule: 16ch/week



Premium: No

Popularity: mildly popular here

Last edited: 1/jan/2019


Synopsis :

Lingyun, a fierce and savage cultivation genius takes over a dead teenager's body. Coincidentally, they are both named Lingyun. Set in a alternate version of the 21st century, teenager Lingyun has been killed by someone with a grudge.



This novel is well written, by far is very funny and interesting as soon as I started reading I couldn't take my eyes off of it and continued reading until it was the last chapter. Very good I recommend people to read this. To me, its honestly good and gives me a good laugh.

- LordPandemonium (webnovel.com)



Im out at 350 chapter.

I really like novel in our modern time/on earth. But like always author had to put racism... of course classic conflict with Japan... MC got some power and feel like superman, don't afraid nothing! Goes everywhere and show his mussle, because he is MC. He doesn't need brain. For example..


conflict Japan/China for some island for many years, but no problem for MC. He goes there, kill people. Japanase told him, they got island with support USA. What did MC? F2ck off, from now it belong to China (me), who comes i'll kill! The most funniest thing is MC power is enough only for small pray! Any better elder can kill him with one palm...

There are more like that. And he is man with 2 lives? He is like idiot/spoiled kid.

Romance? If you like pokemon-catch its for you. It is like: MC meet new girl, he dosn't need to do anything, girl in next 5 minutes will open her legs for him! Why? Because he is super handsome! And his dimple are...!!! WTF almost in every chapter author need to write how handsome he is with dimple!

My dimple I choose you! Go! In next 5 secounds! Congratulations! You have catch new girl!!!

And MC never kill woman! Even enemy/assassin woman! Why? Because she will join to him!

Enemies? Only stupid arrogant charactes without brain like MC.

And the best is his low-key at start novel. I need to be low-key. In next chapter...


he fought with 30 gangsters in school! He thrown/tossed human to sky like ball to 10m in school on eyes many people! Fought with police, slapped many important people (for example police director) in public and everyone cheer for him.

Lol wtf! 0 realism...

1/5 (only for modern novel). Should be 0/5.

- kunbaskier(NU)


In my library : No