40 Another Pas

Dave: "its been three days"

Lucifer: "Yeah!.... Yuri still regaining her lost mana, even though it should be recovered already in one day, it seems like she have been through a lot!. Secondly still...."

Dave: "Yeah... Ginro hasn't back yet! i think he die-"

Margaret: "NO!, Ginro still alive! if he died our contract will be vanished!"

Lucifer: "Yeah, Margaret was right! i can also tell if he still alive because of our contract but... if Ginro doesn't back in time.... the plan will continue without him!"

Dave: "Yeahh..."

Three days ago in meeting room inside of the guild.

Lilith: "The truth is.... this is not a guild"

Margaret, Dave and Lucifer: "WHHAAATTT!!!!"

Lilith: "this is a group called, Red-Crimson!, as you can see we're only five members here, our main goal is to kill the king on this land... Hercules! because of his brutless and being a evil leader, some people gave us so much money to accept their request but...."

Fran: "we don't know if we can defeat Hercules in our current level... as we know that he became a hero and king on this land because he is the only man who stands-up to kill the previous king on its ugly management on this kingdom,"

Lilith: "we know that the previous king before Hercules is strong enough to go alone in the center of the world"


Dave: "...."

Margaret: "ahhmmm i dont know whats going on but... what's in the center of the world!"

Dave: "the center of the world is like a secondary underworld... the underworld is slightly different there because..."

Lucifer: "because of demon kings they ruled the underworld and became stable, but the center of the world is different..."

Dave: "No one can bind a law there... also no one can get out of alive there once you set on your foot there. the stronger you're the longer you can live, weaklings can't do anything..."

Lucifer: "Also some people said that, there's a lot of different monster that you can't never see on this place... that's why the only way to go to other kingdom's, you need to go ahead into other kingdoms.."

Margaret: "then... the underworld will surely be like that by now!"

Dave: "Yeah!, Because the current demon king.... our king... is here on our place"

Lilith: "because of the oath of the previous war, the demon likes us stay on this realm but the other demons stay on underworld..."

Margaret: "How can you guys be sure that the center of the world is like that?"

Fran: "Because... the war happened there!"

Lucifer: "yeah.... the heaven is the place for angels or gods and goddesses to receive a power by the faith of the people... but once the heavens people's set their foot on the land that no one believe their existence, their power will be gone, that's why no one on heavens set their foot on land... but if angel or god and goddesses near on the church or on their own statue... it will become a different story.


Lucifer: "Welll that's because...."


Back on the present.

Lucifer: "in the end, we accept it"

Dave: "Yeah..."

Margaret: "We even don't know how powerful Hercules is... but i'm sure we can overcome this."

Dave and Lucifer: "<Shocked>"

Margaret: "What!?"

Dave: "That's the first time i heard that from you! when we are in our kingdom you are stubborn, prideful and unfriendly... we elite demons called you a 'unfriendly witch'.... you really chance uh!?"

Margaret: "w-w-what!? it should be the same on you!"

Dave: "No! i am not! i'm always like this!"

Suddenly Lucifer look outside of the window, just out of curiosity.

Lucifer: "Lately, its been too noisy outsidel

Yuri: "Because there was a war comming in"

Dave and Lucifer: "Yuri!"

Margaret: "....."

Lucifer: "How are you?, you're fine now?"

Yuri: "Yeah.... a little"

Dave: "Seems like you've change to uh?, your precense totally different now... how should i said it... you too calm"

Margaret: "....."

Yuri: "Uh? really? hehehehe i don't think so."

Lucifer: "whats with your hair? there is a little white? here"

When Lucifer nearly touch the white hair of Yuri. Yuri suddenly sway the hand of Lucifer.

Lucifer: "uh?"

Yuri: "N-no, I-I"

Lucifer: "it's fine but... i think you should take a rest now..."

Yuri: "n-n-no i'm really fine now, but where we now... uh.... the war!"

Dave: "Yeah what do you mean by that!?"

Yuri: "it seems like the war is between Kingdom of Luku and Tesh... and it seems like the cause of it is because of cancelation of a arrange marriage."

Lucifer and Dave: "WHAT!?"

Margaret: "<Chuckles> how can you said that!?"

Yuri: "..... well..... it feels like it's my familiar doing..."

Yuri Looked on the ground and avoid an eye to eye contact to everyone.

Yuri: "(i can't totally say to them that, i can really talk to the plants or trees... well it just happened, when i woke up suddenly i heard voices... then after being paranoid, i found out that the plants and trees talking to me, but that's not all... i can also receive a mana or recover my mana as long as i am near on this things... i'm not quite sure of things that i din't know."

Suddenly Lucifer Touch Yuri shoulder and encourage her.

Lucifer: "Well its good to you, also thanks to you we havean information about this, Dave tell to Lilith of what we know"

Dave: "Yeah"

On The Kingdom of Luku,

Alice: "Surely, Everyone is preparing for an incoming war... [Holds tightly the black griomore] (It's because of my fault!)"

Meanwhile on Ginro's Place. The Fox Girl cames back to Ginro from her home

Fox Girl: (its been three days already and his body's already thin...)"

The Fox Girl touches Ginro's neck and feel its pulse.

Fox Girl: "He's still alive! How can that be!?"

The Fox Girl suddenly change her eyes. her eyes change when Ginro and She first met.

Fox Girl: "i see.... so... THIS CLOTHES IS NUISANCE!!! I'LL GET RID OF IT!!!"

Suddenly a shadow that shaped like a hand touch her arm and stop her to wreck Ginro's clothes.

Fox Girl: "YOU!!!! WHO ARE YOU!!?"