17 Ginro and Lucifer!

*One Month has passed*

Ginro is living in the forrest beside the river, Margaret is still unconscious and Ginro is taking care of her, he always washes every corner of margaret's body to make it clean and beautiful, he does house chores and hunt to survive in the past month. Ginro notices that Margaret's body doesn't change at all in these past month, Even though she doesn't eat nor drink. Ginro starts to think that it is because of her being a demon.

*On Heaven*

Lucifer are going to meet the god, while walking on corridor Michael's aware of Lucifer movement she feels like something is off so she guard herself to Lucifer. When they are near of the chamber of the God, Lucifer start talking to the God with sad feelings and powering herself

God: "So you did come lucifer!."

Lucifer: "My Friend! *Clenching her Sword tightly*."

Michael: "....."

God: "I see so thats what your answer!?"

Lucifer run to the God and try to slay her, but Michael use a bind magic to Lucifer so her sword din't reach on God's neck. Michael cast the bind magic spell when they are walking in corridor just in case and most likely her intuition was right. Michael start talking to lucifer.

Michael: "LUCIFER!, What's the meaning of this?"

Lucifer: "Your... OUT OF THIS MICHAEL!"

Michael: "YOU KNOW YOUR PUNISHMENT AFTER THIS!, Yo.. your wings need to be cut off! and fall to hell or human world!"


Michael can see the despair on lucifer eyes and just pity her, While the God looking at lucifer and touch her face.

God: "Lucifer, My friend! You gonna atone your own punishment to try to kill me, im gonna send you to earth and makes you a miserable life and become a slave on one of the demon candidate hands!"

Lucifer smiled and said, "Do as you wish!, some day i will be back on this heaven and become a God!", Michael cuts Lucifer wings, she drag her to the Human world and start falling from sky.

*On Ginro's Location*

Ginro are cooking the meat of wild pig outside of the house. he leaves it alone, let it cook by itself and wash the laundry. After a minute while hangging the clothes of Margaret, Ginro saw someone falling from sky where Margaret's location is, he saw that the girl seems don't know what to do so he run instantly to the house while looking the sky, Ginro opened his hand to catch the girl, but the girl refuse to catch her so she kick ginro's face to stop herself from impact on ground and ginro lost consciousness.

Meanwhile Margaret already awake because of the presence she felt comming on her way, She saw herself naked but she don't care at all, she get the bedding to cover her body and run outside to see what she felt, when Margaret's opened the door she saw a girl standing on Ginro's face and throw a fireball at 'her', the girl Dodge it easily and the one who take the damage is Ginro.

Margaret seems happy because she hit Ginro but the big problem is the girl standing infront of her, Margaret start asking the girl.

Margaret: "LU CI FER!"

Lucifer: "Wow i din't know I'm gonna see the two of you!, this is faster than i thought!"

Ginro start standing slowly and shaking his head, Margaret saw Ginro starting to back his consciousness and shouted at ginro to run quickly. suddenly Ginro felt a a huge presence beside him and slowly look where it's comming, she saw a beautiful woman and Ginro let his guard down

Ginro: "(Wow... she have an angelic face, her hair is so white it feels like they are shining, her breast is quite small but it's perfect to her body, bu..but) WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!"

Ginro thought the blood dripping on her is comming from her vagina, his eyes is wide opened and can't believe what he saw so he looks up and saw Lucifer smiling at him and said, "i'm so-sorry for my rude behavior, *Lucifer turned around* as you can see the blood is comming from my back, so can you help me out? MY MASTER!".

Ginro: "my.. my master?"