10 Going Back to The Kingdom of Luku

When Ginro's dead the blackshadow appeared again on his consciousness and said "You died again? by your idiocy". Ginro's can't help it because he want to try something and said with cheeky face. "But... i am immortal right?" the blackshadow reply to him. "yeah but it doesn't mean you can freely kill yourself like that, and one more thing! i know you already know the person who wants to kill you right?, they carrying your body now on deep forrest i think they will bury you there. ginro reply while smiling. "i already prepared something to escape". Then ginro is awaken, he found out that there is no light and so tight on his graveyard. "Mother fu... They bury me without a coffin!".

On the kingdom it's already daylight, the king is doing some paperwork on his room then suddenly eve arrive and whisper to the king and the king said "Good Work now make yourself confort" but then there is a person shouting in hallway and its comming to The Kings's room, the door opened loudly and it's alice she is going to cry and don't know what she gonna do.

Alice: "Father!, Ginro is missing i can't find him anywhere!

The King: "Don't you think 'he' already leave?"

Alice: "NO!, Ginro is not type of a person who will leave without saying to others!"

The King: "And how you know it?, it is the first day you met him!"

Alice: "ah... ah... i just feel it"

Alice is so sad because his father was right he just recentlt meet ginro and he doesn't know what kind of person 'he' is.

On Ginro's side he use teleported magic that he learned on book to the kingdom, he teleported on male bathroom, he found a mirror and he find himself covered of mud so he take off his clothes and use some kind of magic to wash it and dissapeae then Ginro's dive on water to wash himself, after washing, ginro heared alice voice shouting from distance he quickly stand up and use magic to appear his clothes and teleport where alice is.

On alice side, because of her sadness she is going back to her room now when she opened the door, ginro is already standing infront of her, The king and eve shocked of what they see so the king whisper to eve,

The King: "you said you already killed him!"

Eve: "Yes sir!, i conforme it, i stab his head and hearth i check his pulse and its not beating!"

The King: "Then why ks that goddamn demon still alive!?"

Eve: "Sir?"

Then Ginro hugged alice and said, "are you alright!?, i heard you shouting from bathroom!?" alice is already crying and punching ginro's body and said "IDIOT!, i thought you leave already without saying goodbye!". Ginro hugged alice and look to The king and Eve with his red eyes and said. "Why would i do that?, there is a LOT of question and answer i needed.... A LOT of question and answer!" then he smiled to The King and Eve.