4 The Another girl

After ginro washing himself, he go out on cave and continue walking to the north, he realized that it is already day light. after walking an hour, ginro find himself on a cliff of the forrest, he needs to go down on a cliff to go to kingdom of luku, but ginro scared of the height and said. "I am sure there is a path, if i go down on that height im gonna die!". ginro tried to find another path but there is no another way to go down so ginro go back to the cliff, ginro sat down and start praying. "O F*cking God, Please! if i Jump here please let me survive!" But ginro remember that he have a power for being a demon lord, so he prayed to the demon also, "O you Mother F*cking demon lord please Allow me to jump safely!".

After ginro's praying, he see a cartage below of the cliff surrounded by a soldier and bandits fighting each other. ginro doesn't really care of what's happening so he just watch, he found out that the bandits is winning and try to steal the cartage. when ginro looked over on the cartage, there is a beautiful blond hair girl inside, ginro shocked of what he see because the girl is look calmly and elegant while her soldier is dying, the three bandits is going inside of the cartage by lusting face. when the bandits got inside they start undressing they're clothes and closed the window, Ginro gets angry and suddenly his eye turned to red and jump down from cliff without hesitation.

Ginro's landing makes a very loud sound, the bandits are shocked because they see ginro jump over the cliff, ginro looked at the bandtis by his red eyes and start counting how many of them, the ten bandits can't move a single finger because of fear. 'The cartage is start shaking', Ginro clenched his teeth and fist because of angry he starting walking at them, within a flash all the bandits died by a slash type even ginro doesn't have a sword.

Ginro opened the cartage when he got inside the girl is already naked with full of blood he also find that the three bandits that go inside are already dead, ginro feels relief and prepared for what's gonna happened, the girl start casting a magic and ginro eyes are start turning to red, the girl see what's the color of ginro eyes and just smiling at him and said "don't worry, this magic won't hurt you im just gonna clean my body because of the blood". ginro can't move his eye because of the beautiful magic that processing to girl to clean herself, and the girl start dressing herself.

Ginro asked the girl where is she gonna go, the girl reply with smiling face "i'm gonna go to my country named kingdom of luku on north, im gonna meet my father before of his birthday". ginro shocked because she is gonna go to the same direction, so ginro asked for the help "May i.... come with you?". the girl reply "of course, but before that can you help me to go outside?". ginro gets the hand of the girl, and they are gently walking outside. the girl see the ten bandits died already, ginro shocked what he see on the bandits, because it is like on the previous demon who attack him the bodies is scattered all over the places.

the girl asked, "is this your doing?" ginro reply with scary face "i think no, i think it is". the girl hug him and put his head on her chest, "it's fine... you do this to protect me right?". ginro gonna cried not because of what have he done, it is because of the big breast in front of him, he start cuddling too and push his face on the girl breast "(this breast is so soft and her body is smells good)". in ginro's mind. he looked up the girl face while making 'gonna cried face' and he see that the girl smiling at him so ginro pushed his face again on the girl breast and said "i am sorry... i dont know what i have done".