Chapter 1039

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Instead of immediately attacking the Terran defense lines at Taihua mountain and danxiadu, the main force of the magic soldiers dominated by the reincarnation hall demon family stopped at the ghost ridge, where hundreds of millions of corpses were accumulated on the East and West wings of the ghost ridge, and two ten thousand evil skeleton arrays were laid.

When the sky was cloudy, the generals in Taihua mountain could even hear ghosts crying and wolves howling from the depths of the sky.

The whole ghost mountain thousands of miles around is shrouded in clouds and rain all day, and the vegetation is rotten. I don't know how many fierce souls and evil spirits breed in the dark among the valleys where the spirit of yin and evil is most likely to deposit; Even if one day there are powerful ghosts breeding, it is not surprising at all.

The ghost ridge was originally an ancient battlefield between the human and demon races. In the early days of the Liuyang Empire, there were several civil strife among the human race. The ghost ridge was also the main battlefield, and the plot was very fierce. At this time, it completely turned the demon clan into a place of Yin and evil.

At the same time, the magic soldiers of Xuanyin Valley and the remnant of Tiancheng mountain led by ghost Xi old devil also moved south from the northwest of Beiting and established a stronghold in Wuhou ridge about 10000 miles north of Yinhun ridge.

Although Wuhou mountain is facing the jijingxing channel at the south foot of Zibai mountain, the demon clan obviously did not tear open the extravagant hope of jijingxing attacking Beiling. After Wuhou mountain established a large stronghold, the remnants of Xuanyin Valley demon clan and Tiancheng mountain did not stop when they gathered in Wuhou mountain, but also continued to gather in the South and Yinhun mountain.

The main force of Xuanyin Valley magic soldiers, with several times of strong troops, was blocked by the elite of Northwest Qin Wang led by Qin Hushan in suolongxing, Shiwei mountain. They failed to fight for more than two years, which shows that the advantage of mountain and river danger can be brought into full play by the elite of the Terran with strong fighting will.

The mountain and river danger of Zibai mountain is not under Shiwei mountain. Beiling army has set up three capital protectors in Zibai mountain, which are respectively responsible for defending Jingxing, xianhukou and Feihu road in the depths of Zibai mountain. One million troops and horses are deployed respectively, which is enough to block two or three times the number of magic soldiers outside Zibai mountain.

Even more than one million elite troops have been deployed at each pass. When reinforcements can be recruited at any time, it is enough to rely on the dangers of mountains and rivers, deploy three or five million elite troops and one or two Heaven and earth protection arrays. The reason why millions of troops are deployed is that a large number of ordinary people are still stranded in Zibai mountain and use the basins and valleys deep in the mountains to cultivate seeds and nourish themselves, Some troops and horses need to be assigned to guard against the attack of demons.

After the subsequent local defense system is established and the large and small strongholds have certain defense power, the garrison in the hinterland of Zibai mountain can continue to be reduced.

In this case, it is obviously not of much strategic significance for the demon clan to hoard its superior forces in the lakes abandoned by the Terrans to the east of Zibai mountain.

The demons continue to move the troops and horses on the north line to the south, and take the ghost ridge as the main base and extend westward along the lower reaches of Wantao River, so as to form greater pressure on Beiling Prefecture.

Although rivers such as the Wantao River and the Nu Chuan River, which are often more than a hundred miles wide, are difficult to be directly frozen by technical methods (after all, in addition to the impact of water from the upstream, the Terrans also have mysterious methods to repair and destroy the ice cover), after winter every year, the northern part of Haidong continent is shrouded in cold and evil, and the rivers are frozen together for tens of thousands of miles from the upstream to the downstream, When crossing from Danxia to Hailing city at the north foot of Shandong, the nearly 40000 Li River became a channel for the demons to attack the Beiling Prefecture.

In this case, compared with Zibai mountain, which can block the demon attack by relying on three or five strong cities, the defense situation along the Wantao river is obviously ten times or a hundred times more severe.

The demon clan has never thought of delaying the completion of the battle until after winter. In summer and autumn, on the one hand, it will continue to strengthen the ten thousand bones and withered demons array in the ghost mountain, to make the ghost mountain the most important and largest demon breeding land and human demon domain in Chongguo. On the other hand, it will continue to extend its troops to the west, select the places where the ghost is easy to accumulate, and establish strongholds of different sizes, It not only put pressure on the Wantao River defense line of Beiling Prefecture, but also formed an offensive springboard for Anxi Prefecture, which retreated the border line to the east foot of Hengduan Mountains.

At this time, the demon clan also continuously sent small groups of elite demon soldiers and demons to cross the Wantao River, penetrate into the hinterland of the Terran defense line, attack the villages of the people, and destroy the dams and roads built by the Terran along the Wantao River and nuchuan River, causing floods and destroying the homes of the people.

Facing the tactics of the demon clan sending elite combat forces to infiltrate and raid, Chen Hai had no choice but to divide the most elite imperial capital forbidden camp dragon army into parts and spread it to the defense belt extending nearly 40000 miles from danxiadu to Hailing. Relying on the two capital guards and 24 military towns on the defense belt, he fought with those magic schools and magic generals who infiltrated from the defense gap.

In the middle and lower reaches of the Wantao River and the Nu Chuan River, the land is flat, broad and fertile. It is the most densely populated area for Beiling people and clans. Thirty or five thousand miles deep, it has tens of thousands of cities and villages, and there are countless. More than one billion people work here during the day and rest at night. It is also the most important grain growing area in Beiling Prefecture.

Elite demon soldiers and demons will infiltrate, attack and kill, and the casualties are relatively limited. After all, after the police, the nearby Terran defense forces will be dispatched immediately. Even if the magic school infiltrates, the direct death of ordinary people in a year may be between millions.

The most serious situation is the flood caused by the destruction and breach of the embankment, so that hundreds of millions of people can only flee their homes in a hurry and evacuate to the north.

Most of the embankments on both sides of the Wantao River and the Nu Chuan River are mud embankments. It is very easy for the magic school to open a small hole. Then, the water potential is used to impact and expand the breach of the dam. With the upstream water rolling down, the flood is continuous, destroying countless farmland, roads and houses.

In summer and autumn, there was plenty of water and rain, and countless people drowned.

The demon clan is extremely vicious when using this plan.

Hundreds of millions of fertile fields have been destroyed, hundreds of millions of ordinary people have been displaced, coupled with the large-scale withdrawal of ordinary people from Beiting in the early stage, the food tension and contradiction within Beiling county have become increasingly prominent, and hunger everywhere.

No matter how strong Chen Hai's ability is and how united the newly established Beiling is internally, it still faces a serious crisis.

Although hundreds of billions of kilograms of grain can be transported from Yanzhou every year, it can not slow down the famine in Beiling state. At the same time, it also consumes most of the transportation capacity.

At the end of October, the cold current rolled south, with withered leaves and yellow grass.

The disciples of the above cultivation in the spirit setting can almost avoid the cold and heat, but the countless hungry people who fled to the mountains to escape the flood are ragged and trembling in the cold wind.

Chen Hai can do nothing about it, because he can't change more food and clothes.

With Chen Hai's cultivation, it is easy to travel thousands of miles in the sky every day, but he can't recognize the suffering in the world when flying around at high altitude. Even in the flooded area, Chen Hai is used to riding with cangyu and Ning chaner, but he sees too much. He can't solve the suffering of every people, We can only urge the local official system to operate more effectively.

After entering Hailing City, Chen Hai saw that the direction of the rear residence of the garrison was shrouded in a dark blue light. He was still surprised that there was no enemy attack on the left and right. He started the defense array for no reason. However, he shielded the space of dozens of Mu in the rear residence of the garrison. What is it?

Chen Hai didn't let the captain of Chengmen inform him. Accompanied by Qin Hushan, Qin Qian and others, he rode directly to the direction of the town hall with Fu Siyuan, cangyu and Ning chaner.

Probably it was also the Hailing garrison envoy who sensed that Chen Hai and them entered the city in time, withdrew the array in a hurry, and led the officials out of the house to meet them.

Looking at the dark crowd in front of him, Chen Hai's face was gloomy. He could feel that in the back house of the garrison envoy's house, those Kabuki singing girls were hastily hiding in the room with Qin and Xiao.

The garrison general named Tian chongchou in front of him is the supreme elder of Yuanyang sect. His generation is half higher than that of Qin Hushan. This time, Qin Hushan, the Duke of Hailing, knew that Chen Hai was going to visit hailing and even started a large array to facilitate his lust and pleasure. He was quite speechless, but it was difficult to say anything.

Hailing city is not only the most important defense barrier in the west of Wantao River defense line, but also the capital of Hailing Hou Tian chongchou and Tian family.

The biggest drawback of Emperor Qin Ran's policy of enfeoffment lies here.

Chen Haiyan could do nothing but call Tian chongchou to his body and scold him angrily.

For Tian chongchou, he is also full of resentment and complaints. Other people's feudal princes are far away from the hinterland of magic robbery, but his city may be swallowed up by demons like ancient flood tide at any time.

In addition, the defense of Hailing city is also directed by the Nanzhen Yamen and the Xiajiang capital guard.

"Most of the generals and ministers of the prefectures and countries have their own positions, but there are many important positions missing, and they have not been able to find talents to fill them. I heard Qin Duhu say that Marquis Tian is proficient in music and understands the true meaning of Xiyin. The magic weapon of his life, Fengtong Shenqin, is also a rare music attack treasure in the world. I was thinking that the grand Si Le of the prefectures and countries still lacks talents, and Marquis Tian may be resigned!" Chen Hai went to the discussion Hall of the garrison envoy's house, He went to the Central Jade case and sat down. Before Tian chongchou could sit down, he directly wanted to change his job. He could not refuse, and continued, "Don't say you don't like it, Lord Tian. If the rivers are about to freeze and the demon clan doesn't launch a large-scale offensive, we must be fully prepared. There are loopholes in Hailing defense. If I sit idly by and continue to stay here, once I lose the city and land, I have to use the head on Lord Tian's neck to make an example to the world. I'm afraid Lord Tian will be even more unhappy at that time..."

Tian chongchou's old face turned red. It took a long time to suppress the anger in his chest. He bowed and said, "chongchou sincerely leads the king's decree and dare not disobey it. However, chongchou's practice has made some mistakes some time ago. His breath is unstable and needs time to recuperate. I'm afraid it's difficult to go to Wangdu to serve his life in three or five years. Please forgive him!"

"It doesn't matter if Marquis Tian wants to recuperate for another three or five years," Chen Hai didn't expect Tian chongchou to take the post of grand Si Le in Beiling city again. He came here to remove Tian chongchou's post as the guard envoy of hailing and replace Qin Qian to preside over the defense with Hailing city as the core and thousands of miles away. He turned and said to Qin Hushan and Qin Qian, "If Hailing controls the mountains and rivers and can defend them, then Hailing will travel 20000 miles west to Wanghai city without worry. If it can't defend them, the connection between Beiling and Anxi will also be cut. The situation will be abrupt and ferocious, and the situation of resisting demons on the eastern line will be even more severe. Qin Qian, your responsibility is not small. Be careful that the demon clan can raid Hailing with light troops at any time."

"The end will spare no effort to make Hailing fall into the devil's land unless he dies!" Qin Qian said resolutely.

Hailing is 20000 miles away from the mouth of Wantao river. Across the river, it is Qihuang ridge at the Northeast foot of Hengduan Mountain. Xianzhu mountain, which Hailing city depends on and stretches for thousands of miles, can also be said to be an extension of Hengduan Mountain to Beiling.

Wantao river lies between qifengling mountain and Xianzhu mountain. The river channel sandwiched between the mountains is narrow and dangerous, also known as duanlong gorge.

After the collapse of Tashan defense line, Anxi Zong valve family abandoned their land and fled West.

Although the jurisdiction of the general's office of the former anxizhu state was designated as the territory of Anxi Prefecture, the defense line of Anxi defense force was almost between tianwu mountain in the South and Qihuang mountain in the north, forming a vertical straight line more than 50000 miles long from the north to the South and obtained by using the steep terrain of the mountain.