Chapter 852

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
The wind rises at the end of the green duckweed, and the waves become between the small waves.

The vast majority of the generals in the front line of mozhangling still can't feel these small waves from the upper level of Chongguo, but Chen Hai can still feel that the cruel and bloody era is coming soon.

In the winter of the 17th year of Jianxing, Jiang Yin, who has been in charge of the general's office of the northwest Zhu state for a hundred years, resigned as a general and handed over the military seal of general Panlong. The newly appointed general of the Zhu state is the 17th son of the supreme Emperor Qin Shimin, and is also the 17th uncle and strong king Qin ran of the Xi Emperor Qin pan sitting on the throne of Yongjing.

At the beginning of getting off the train, the fierce king Qin ran had no intention of weakening the status of the three sects in the northwest region.

Although he took 20000 Royal Palace tiger guards and countless tiger generals and advisers this time, he did not adjust the official position of the general's house of Zhu state, nor did he send his own people to master the power of the general's house of Zhu state, nor did he intend to adjust the appointment of 36 town leaders.

When King Qin ran went north this time, in addition to the elite tiger guard guards, he also brought a large group of beautiful Kabuki dancers. After he took office, he spent more time just enjoying songs and dances in other courtyards of the Royal Palace and rarely asked about the affairs of the general's house of the state of Zhu. However, Chen Hai and they all knew that this was just a trick to deceive the world and the sea by paralyzing the demon family in the upper Hall of Xuanyuan. A large number of elite will soon come, Go north from Yongjing and fill in the city fortress of mozhangling and other places.

In the letter sent by Jiang Yin, Chen Hai knows that Jiang Yin's resignation from the general of the state of Zhu is conditional, that is, the Xuanyuan upper hall needs to mobilize troops from Yongjing to recover and control Tianluo Valley, and can't use the children of 36 towns under the former general's office of the state of Zhu in the northwest.

In the battle directly presided over by Yong Jing, the former 36 town children's soldiers will be used as the second-line combat effectiveness, mainly responsible for the defense of key passes such as mozhang mountain and Pingma mountain.

In many people's opinion, the military strength in the northwest region has increased greatly. In addition to worrying that Yongjing may take the opportunity to extend his power to the northwest region and weaken sanzong's control over the northwest region, he doesn't worry about the threat that the demon clan can pose to the Terran.

In order to prevent the Xuanyuan upper hall from taking the opportunity to weaken the three sects' control over the place, it is difficult to agree on the opinions of Wanxian mountain, Yuanyang sect and xuanhuang hall, that is, to strengthen the construction of anti fortress passes such as mozhang mountain and Pingma mountain, so as to ensure that the war is over and Yongjing's soldiers and horses will withdraw from the northwest region as scheduled.

Beilingsai is also one of the key points of construction.

Although the three sects have no extravagant ideas about the legacy treasures of the Liuyang palace, and it is also stated that they will not bear the responsibility of directly engaging in a large-scale battle with the demon clan, they also want to take a share if they have the opportunity to intervene.

However, at this time, even if we increase our support for beilingsai, the materials that can really be transferred from yantaiguan to beilingsai are also very limited.

Jiang Yin was worried that the three cases were too optimistic, underestimated the attraction of the relics of Liuyang palace to the demon clan, and underestimated the forces of the demon clan finally gathered in the north of Tianluo valley. In addition to secretly and actively promoting the construction of defense lines such as Pingma mountain, he also accepted Chen Hai's suggestions and felt it necessary to focus on the construction of Dongdu mountain on the side of mozhang mountain.

Once the magic Zhangling is lost, Dongdu mountain will be connected with important terrain such as Pingshan horse to form a new defense line, so that the magic soldiers will not have the opportunity to penetrate into the hinterland of the three patriarchal regimes.

Although Jiang Yin stepped down as general of the state of Zhu, his prestige is still there, and he also has resources that ordinary people can't reach. He once collected 8000 craftsmen from Dongdu mountain and listened to Chen Hai's call.

The whole northwest region is in a state of tight inside and loose outside, including the general's house of Zhuguo in the northwest region, which secretly makes full preparations for the war, and xuanyang refined iron and other materials are in short supply all at once.

At present, there are more than 10000 craftsmen gathered in Dongdu mountain, but the xuanyang refined iron required for building city fortress, casting military armor and building Tianji war weapons is astronomical. The barren mines in Dongdu mountain and quyan Valley alone can not meet the production needs; The war in the nine prefectures has not subsided, and there is no surplus xuanyang refined iron and low-level magic medicine to cross the sea.

It's time to kill Fu Shaoqun. A million kilograms of xuanyang iron every month is very important to Chen Hai.

The new year is coming and it's snowing heavily.

On a simple outpost near the North lingsai, Fu Shaoqun and his entourage looked at the North lingsai from a distance.

The towering city gate of the northern mausoleum opened, and a team of armored elite rode out first and went far north; Behind Jingqi, five teams of thousands of people surrounded hundreds of chariots, dragging a winding formation, also headed east.

The soldiers and horses soon disappeared within the scope of Fu Shaoqun's divine knowledge perception. He frowned, turned back and said to his attendants: "no matter how I forced him that day, Chen Hai didn't promise to go to war. It's strange that he led his troops into the depths of the wasteland. What's his confidence that he can hunt and kill Luocha blood demons on the wasteland?"

When Fu Shaoqun had a foothold in the Aizhai ridge at the head of the west side of the northern mausoleum, he sent a marquis to touch the terrain around Tianluo valley. He knew that the current 89000 elite magic soldiers in Tianluo valley were led by the young king and Thai officer of the evil territory.

Maybe it's because they failed to attack Beiling fortress several times before. Instead, they lost their troops. In the past year, the magic soldiers in Tianluo valley have rarely taken the initiative to attack.

No matter how conceited Fu Shaoqun is, he doesn't dare to lead his troops into Tianluo valley full of magic fog and miasma to attack more than ten times his strong enemies. He doesn't believe that Chen Hai can do anything with only two thousand elite cavalry and five thousand infantry vehicles.

The people around Fu Shaoqun looked at each other and didn't know Chen Hai's specific plan.

Fu Shaoqun snorted coldly, "where is my loophole so easy to drill? If Chen Hai wants to deal with me with the head of two thousand miscellaneous demons, he wants to cheat one million kilograms of xuanyang refined iron from me every month, I'm afraid he's dreaming."

When King lie came to the general's residence of the northwest pillar state, he would also mobilize a large number of military materials from Yongjing in the early stage. Xuanyang refined iron is the main item, but as Fu Shaoqun knows, the first batch of xuanyang refined iron allocated by the Tianshu court is only one billion kilograms.

It's not easy for him to get one million jin of xuanyang refined iron from his highness King lie every month. Naturally, he won't ask Chen Haizi to deceive him easily.

An attendant behind him frowned and said, "Chen Hai and Jiang Yuwei have had a foothold in Beiling fortress and fought several tough battles with the demon clan. Why don't we send someone to follow up and see what they do?"

Fu Shaoqun nodded and sent a dozen elites who were good at hiding their tracks to watch the troops and horses of the Heifeng army out of the Beiling fortress to see what happened to them. However, Fu Shaoqun was in the camp the next day and waited to be carried back by Chen Hai's people on a stretcher.

"... General Chen ordered general Fu to leave his humble post. He led his troops to look for fighters this time in order to honor the gambling agreement with general Fu. Please don't send someone to stare at us again and wait for our good news here. That's to save the misunderstanding. He thought it was the reprimand sent by the demon clan, which almost hurt the lives of several senior brothers."

Fu Shaoqun looked at more than a dozen scouts with broken hands and feet. Unexpectedly, Chen Hai was so cruel. He bit his teeth and said, "OK, I'll be here waiting for General Chen's good news and send the demon soldier's head!"

At this time, Chen Hai, who is concerned by Fu Shaoqun, is moving forward in the dense forest, but his direction is not Tianluo Valley, but to the east of Tianluo valley.

Snow covered wasteland, sparse woods, leaves have withered clean, the world is particularly depressed, the sun scattered from the branches, shadowy.

Wei Han followed Chen Hai and said in a low voice, "we are in charge of the family. Are we too cruel? We all came from poor families?"

Chen Hai Leng snorted, "why did they treat themselves as poor children? After we caught them, they were arrogant one by one. I really thought I couldn't take them?"

Wei Han shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more. Chen Hai patted the golden lion dragon and continued on his way.

The young king and Thai officer of the evil territory hall now leads tens of thousands of elite magic soldiers to shrink in the Tianluo valley. The range of activities does not exceed 200 li of the Tianluo valley. Chen Hai is also unable to directly enter the Tianluo Valley and chew this hard bone.

However, the young king and Thai officer of the evil environment hall can gather so many elite magic soldiers in Tianluo valley. Frankly, they can only do this with the support of Tiancheng mountain.

At this time, on the wasteland forty or fifty thousand miles deep between Tianluo Valley and Tiancheng mountain, the demon family has also built many small magic strongholds during this period to ensure contact and material supply with Tianluo valley. However, the demon family is likely to think that the jade deficiency temple and other treasures are in the hands of Pandu, Dantu and other demons. At this time, it doesn't want to stimulate the nerves of the human race too early, The scale of these newly built magic strongholds is relatively ordinary.

Chen Hai is going to go around to the north of Tianluo Valley to attack these demon strongholds of the demon family and hunt the demon soldiers, so as to cash the bet and exchange xuanyang refined iron from Fu Shaoqun.

During the procession, in mid air, a shining Linghu suddenly came down from the clouds and fell lightly on Chen Hai's shoulder.

Chen Hai took down the secret letter tied to Linghu's leg, smiled and let go, and let the Linghu fly out.

Not long after, with the order, the marching team accelerated a little. According to the news, a team of 5000 Luocha magic soldiers came out of Tiancheng mountain a few days ago and are passing through a magic stronghold and heading for Tianluo valley.

Ambushing magic soldiers is definitely more advantageous than attacking magic stronghold. Chen Hai immediately adjusted his battle plan