Chapter 559

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Liquan is divided into inner city and outer city. Liquan's head office is the core organization of Liquan. It is in charge of military and political affairs and the distribution of more than 40 million jin of quenched gold and iron produced every year. It has great power and responsibility. It has always been in the charge of nine vassal states in turn.

Outside the main hall of the strict manager's house, an old man stood trembling. When he heard the "bang Dang" in the hall, he heard Dong Chou's roar from the hall: "100000 ants can't disappear, let alone 100000 soldiers. Go and explore again."

Then an earthy black armour officer stumbled out of the hall. Then, after a while, with a sharp cry, dozens of war birds rose from the barracks behind the general manager's house and flew to the depths of Jueling mountain in the west of Qintong.

After some time, when he heard that there was no other voice in the hall, the old man hurriedly summoned two clever waitresses to enter the hall and clean up the mess on the ground. He didn't dare to ask and escaped.

During the years when Dong Liang, the Marquis of Wuwei, was in charge of military and political affairs in Hexi with the respect of his son. During the past 20 years, Dong Chou took care of Hexi in an orderly manner. In the 79th year of emperor Yitian, he brazenly swallowed the whole county of Hechuan County, forcing the Helan sword sect to hide in the mountains and forests, and its achievements are not brilliant.

In detail, all this is more or less stained with the light of Chen Hai, but since Chen Hai established his own door and secretly fought against Hexi, the pace of Hexi expansion has been forced to stop.

Tianshui County, which has been weak for many years, is much worse than Hexiang County dominated by Helan Jianzong. However, Chen Hai has secretly and openly imported a large number of Tianji war weapons to Tianshui County in recent years to help it cultivate its soldiers and solve the barbaric problems in the north. As a result, millions of iron riders in Hexi county are to the west of Tianshui County, and can no longer get an inch of land for several years.

This time, Dong Chou thought that he had caught Chen Hai's death, and the means of uniting jiufan and Huang to coerce Tianji school palace was not bad.

In his opinion, as long as they can block the neck of the Dragon army's reinforcements to Beijing in Liquan, Chen Hai's great powers will never be able to use 150000 disabled and weak soldiers to fight 500000 elite of the Su Wei army.

As long as the 150000 disabled soldiers of Yao valve and Long Xiang army in Gyeonggi are eaten by the 500000 elite of the Suwei army led by the inner court, Long Xiang army is quite broken in one arm.

Time changes and potential changes. Dong Chou believes that even if they do not attack juquanling, the Tianji school palace will collapse and cannot continue to maintain.

Not many disciples will follow forces whose future is uncertain and will be extinguished by other sects at any time. Moreover, these disciples have no obligation to be loyal to Tianji learning palace.

In that case, Hexi can not only get more supply of quenched gold and iron materials, but also completely cut off the supply of quenched gold and iron materials of Longxiang army.

Taking Yandang as a place thousands of miles away, there is no shortage to raise the four or five million elite combat power of the Dragon army. Gradually, the Dragon army will no longer be a threat to Hexi. At that time, it is not impossible to subdue Chen Hai for Hexi again.

Dong Chou's calculation is not deep, but he didn't expect that the elite of 100000 dragon troops transferred to Hengshan city lost their trace overnight.

One hundred thousand people and horses can't be lost for no reason. Since Hexi is lurking in the secret room of Hengshan, the detective can't find the trace of the one hundred thousand people and horses, it probably means that the one hundred thousand people and horses have entered qintongshan and are coming to Juquan ridge for reinforcements.

A few years ago, in order to transport hundreds of millions of kilograms of copper and iron ore out of Qintong mountain, Chen Hai used a lot of manpower and materials to dredge waterways and build a large number of plank roads and mining villages along the Tonghe River in the depths of Jueling at the Western foot of Qintong mountain.

However, from Hengshan to Juquan ridge, the West foot is 800 Li Jueling xiongshan, with a drop of three or four thousand meters. Even after the Shutan River, it has to pass through twelve large hanging waterfalls more than two or three hundred meters high.

From juquanling, a large number of materials are transported from top to bottom through a large number of rail lifting devices installed near the big hanging waterfall. It is more convenient to transport a large number of people, horses and materials from bottom to top, but the difficulty will increase ten times, and the efficiency will naturally slow down several times.

Even in the cold winter, the rivers in the depths of Qintong mountain are frozen, and people and horses can tread on the river ice. However, the bottleneck caused by these 12 large hanging waterfalls makes it take at least three months for 100000 people and horses, together with a large number of war equipment and horses, to cross Qintong mountain and enter Liquan.

Moreover, the twelve great hanging waterfalls are relatively open, and are actually exposed to the attack of the coalition war bird camp. The Dragon army should take precautions, which will slow down the transportation of people and horses.

In theory, unless the inner court dragged on in Gyeonggi for three or five months, he didn't start with Yao valve. Otherwise, Chen Hai couldn't have time to reinforce Tianji school Palace by dispatching troops from Hengshan, but Chen Hai did it!

What is the backing behind Chen Hai?

Dong Chou once again completely couldn't see what Chen Hai's calculations were, which made him suddenly lose his sense of propriety today, and his mood became irritable. He realized that there were problems, but he couldn't think through and understand. Today, he didn't know how many tea sets had suffered.

It was not until the setting sun shone obliquely that new spies came in a hurry.

After a day's search, he reconfirmed the whereabouts of the 100000 troops of the Longxiang army, and as Dong Chou expected, the 100000 troops had entered the depths of the Western foot of Qintong. Dong Chou thought hard for two hours, suddenly figured out a joint, and suddenly felt that his vest was cool.

He sat after the long case, speechless for a long time.

Dong Chou's face was so blue that he asked the representatives of Bafan to come to discuss the matter. Ge Xuanqiao and Dong pan almost rushed from BAISHILING to Liquan manager's house at the same time. They were also surprised to see that Dong Chou wrote "mine cave" on the white paper on the book case.

At this time, they also figured out where Chen Hai's plan to transport troops was!

Liang Yong, the representative of Miao Yue and Miao Zijin, almost followed Huang Peiyi when he stepped into the hall of deliberation. He saw Dong Chou and others sitting in the hall with gloomy faces, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

"What's the matter? Have you detected the whereabouts of 100000 soldiers and horses of the Dragon army?" Miao Zijin sat next to Dong pan and asked in a pressed voice.

"It's clear that after a night's March, 100000 troops and horses appeared on heishifeng at noon today!" Dong Pan said.

"How could it be?" Miao Zijin was scared to jump up when he heard Dong Pan's words.

Heishi peak is located in the depth of the Western foot of Qintong two hundred miles east of Hengshan city.

For the elite soldiers, even if they don't ride the Imperial war horse, it's easy to run 200 miles a night, but it's the speed of marching along the flat road. However, from Hengshan city to the East, there are high and low mountains. Can all these 100000 soldiers and horses have the magic of flying against the wind?

"Kuangdong," Dong pan told Miao Zijin about his son Dong Chou's conjecture, "In recent years, we all know that the Longxiang army mined a large amount of copper and iron ore in the depths of Qintong mountain and imported it into the original city of Yandang along the Tonghe river. If these mines are not simple mines, but deep mountains and deep roads that have been dug, it can be explained that the Longxiang army can move quickly in the depths of Qintong mountain! You and I also know that the Longxiang army has built trestles and mine strongholds in the depths of Qintong mountain in recent years, It's all around mine caves! "

Miao Zijin's body seemed to be hit by the binding magic power. He sat there like an ice sculpture and didn't know what to say for a long time.

Dong Chou rubbed his stiff face and said, "if the mines along the Tonghe River have been dug through, the 100000 elite of the Dragon army may enter Liquan within ten days as soon as possible. What do you think of the current situation?"

"How could it be?" Miao Yue, the elder of the Miao clan, still didn't believe Dong Chou's speculation and said, "how much manpower and material resources would it take if the stone mountains were completely excavated?"

They didn't think of this possibility before, because they know how difficult it is to dig through a stone mountain ten miles thick!

They also had a very in-depth study on the terrain at the Western foot of Qintong mountain before. They knew that the Long Xiang army needed to excavate at least ten stone mountain deep roads with a total length of more than 100 Li to connect the intermittent plank roads built in the depths of Qintong mountain.

How could the Dragon army have spare power to do so many things in recent years?

But if it were not for this possibility, why did the Dragon Army March so fast overnight, and why did Chen Hai have such confidence and directly transfer 100000 elite to reinforce Lequan?

"Chen Hai is used to fooling the enemy with treacherous tricks. This time, maybe Chen Hai is bluffing again?" someone whispered. "In fact, they may only get through one or two mines and use this bluff to force us to retreat?"

"..." people thought what this man said was very reasonable.

In their view, the Dragon army must really link up the deep mountains of the Qin Tong Shanxi foothills, and the movements will not be small, and how can they not perceive them in the eyes of Lequan?

"Maybe we can wait another two days, or maybe we can directly send a war bird camp to attack the mining stronghold along the way and see what happened?" Miao Zijin suggested.

There is a dead silence in the hall. The Dragon army has been very strict in defense against the mining strongholds deep in qintongshan in recent years. There are more than 20 mining strongholds, and almost every mining stronghold has seven or eight heavy bore crossbows. At this time, the defense should be further strengthened.

This is not to mention that the Dragon army also has war bird camps, which can quickly reinforce these mine strongholds at any time and resist their strong attacks according to the strong defense barrier of the mine stronghold.

What's more, if they really want to find out that these mines have been completely opened, what will they do next?

Should the various valves also send expeditionary forces to reinforce Lequan?

Even if the Zong valve agrees, how can their troops and horses fly over the heavily closed mountains and enter the hinterland of Qintong mountain?

After discussion, everyone felt that Chen Hai was more likely to be bluffing based on the current situation. They couldn't mess up because of Chen Hai's little plot.