Chapter 460

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
Ning Chan's nature is like this. She always has to negotiate the benefits before doing anything.

"The shark demon has been entrenched here for at least three or four hundred years. If you can find its nest, you're afraid it won't do you any good?" Chen Hai shook his head and said, "we must make a deal. We'll take the shark demon's nest according to the old rules of Jinzhou this time. If there's anything good, you and elder Cang will choose first, and give me the rest you can't use."

Cang Yi had long noticed that in the past three or four hundred years, there were a group of silver sharks in the sea area north of Yaoshan, but although these silver sharks were led by some intelligent monsters, they had never thought that there was an old demon with Taoist cultivation and can compete with Cang Yi with Qingguang stone.

To say, the Qingguang stone is really powerful. Chen Hai guesses that Ning chan'er is plotting the Qingguang stone.

Ning chan'er has been in contact with Chen Hai for a long time. She knows that Chen Hai cares more about the establishment of power and doesn't care much about three or five powerful magic weapons or elixirs, but it's hard to say.

Ning Chan's son looks to the sky.

Cang Yi frowned angrily. Although he didn't know when Ning chan'er had solved his spiritual prohibition, he just snorted coldly and didn't want to pay attention to the witch who jumped out to talk to him in a few days.

At present, although the situation in Yaoshan has stabilized, it is uncertain that Tuoba department will attack at any time. After some discussion, Chen Hai, Cangyi and Ning chaner will go after the shark demon, and the other big demons will stay in Beiya. It is not good for these big demons to go to the sea.

Cangyi then pulled the demon ape, black horned demon tiger, black scale cunning and green giant wolf to intimidate him. Then he went with Chen hai to the depths of the blue sea.

With the decision to resist the water, Chen Hai and Ning chan'er walked flat in the depths of the sea. They didn't feel the great pressure of the sea at all, but they were not as fast as flying in the air. Under the cover of Cang Yi's breath, the three patrolled the sea area near the cliff like swimming fish.

Whether in his previous life or in this life, Chen Hai has no chance to see this wonderful deep-sea world. When he first enters the water, the sun refracts in. Slowly, he can't see far with his eyesight alone.

The three slowly spread out their divine consciousness and searched in the endless sea. At first, they could search with a little bloody gas of the injured shark demon, but with the passage of time, the bloody gas soon disappeared -- the parade speed of silver sharks on the seabed was much faster than Chen Hai and them.

At the beginning, the strange fish also made Chen Hai very novel, but after seven or eight days, he was a little tired.

Ning chan'er wipes the creeping soul Pill on the spirit sword and cuts the silver shark demon. The breath of the creeping soul pill will unknowingly integrate into the blood of the silver shark demon, which can last for about a month, but Ning chan'er must enter a hundred miles to sense the breath of the creeping soul pill with a special method.

The sea area near the cliff is tens of thousands of miles, and the silver shark demon is not a dead thing. In this vast sea, it is not easy to feel the smell of the creeping soul pill when you are close to the silver shark demon within a hundred miles.

At this time, Chen Hai really felt the pain of looking for a needle in a haystack, but this is at least their best means to search for the enemy. At this time, it was a cold winter. The Hanhai sea was covered with thick ice. The silver sharks were moving in the deep sea under the ice. They had no way to search for the traces of the silver sharks from the air.

Fortunately, few people set foot at the bottom of the sea. Although they didn't mention treasures everywhere, they searched all the way and found many gold and iron elixirs that can be used to refine utensils or elixirs. Even if they couldn't find shark demons, it was a worthwhile trip.

Half a month later, Chen Hai and his family searched the sea area three thousand miles away from Yaoshan. They were trying to break through the ice and get a link with mother-in-law he. They asked her to take the gold and iron elixir they had searched for these days back to the North cliff and empty their storage rings again. At this time, they suddenly felt that the water flow was irregular and turbulent two or three kilometers ahead, A school of fish that had been wandering leisurely in front was in chaos, and the fish of different sizes scattered, stirring the sea water under the ice.

Chen Hai held his breath and extended his divine consciousness. He felt that there were more than a dozen ferocious silver sharks chasing from the front, opening their bloody mouths and swallowing the fleeing sea fish into his belly. In the churning sea water, the beautiful silver bodies were particularly conspicuous.

A huge school of fish with a radius of more than ten miles soon disappeared, leaving more than ten silver sharks wandering in the turbid and bloody sea water, as if they were still trying to find a new target.

The three looked at each other and followed the sharks from a distance. Along the way, more than a dozen silver sharks swept up seven or eight schools of fish before they quickly swam in the other direction.

The dozen silver sharks swam very fast in the deep sea. Soon they didn't know where they went. Chen Hai searched in the direction of the disappearance of the sharks. Two hours later, they saw an extremely deep huge trench in front of the three people.

The trench was very deep, and the light could not shine in. Under the perception of the three divine senses, it sank across the seabed like a thick black scar.

Chen Hai extended his divine knowledge. Although he didn't find anything abnormal, Ning chan'er turned his head and said, "there is a trace of the smell of creeping soul pill around..."

Chen Haicai found that the desolation of the trench was unimaginable. There were no signs of large-scale marine fish activities in the trench. The three dived deeper against the cliff of the trench, and finally stopped in front of a huge volcanic rock. Ning Chan frowned and said, "eh, the breath of the creeping soul pill is here..."

Looking around, Chen Hai is surrounded by black volcanic rocks, covered with mottled deep-water algae, and occasionally there are several stone cracks, but it doesn't look like the nest of the silver shark family.

The three exchanged ideas. Chen Hai asked suspiciously, "are you sure it's nearby? I really can't see any place to hide near me."

Ning chan'er also frowned, frowned and said, "my creeping soul pill won't make mistakes." after that, she opened her divine knowledge, searched secretly for a while, glanced at her lips and murmured, "it's obviously near here. Can they drill into the stone?"

Listening to Ning chan'er's words, Chen Hai's heart moved. Can the shark demon still make a Dharma array to protect the breath?

Chen haiqian swam to the top and shook the cliff loose, causing the volcanic rock gravel to roll down to the bottom. He watched several pieces of gravel twist and disappear into a stone wall.

The stone wall looks no different from other rocks. Even if it is detected with divine knowledge, it is also a rock. If the breath of the creeping soul pill is not stopped here, it is afraid that people will not be able to find this secret place after wandering in the trench for a hundred years.

Ning chan'er swam over and wanted to touch it, but Chen Hai grabbed him: "aren't you afraid of death? Dare to touch it directly without exploring clearly. What if there is any strange array trapped in it?"

Ning chan'er gently shook off Chen Hai and pretended not to think so: "what can go wrong if there is a Cang left elder here?"

Chen Hai is secretly funny. At the beginning, Ning chaner wanted to use means against Cangyi, so he wanted to kill Ning chaner. With his temper and character, if he didn't ask for words, Ning chaner wouldn't help even if he died in front of him, and Cangyi was not interested in all creatures without scales.

At this time, the stone wall was twisted, and two shark demons rushed out. They were shocked to see three people in front of them. Today, it was their turn to watch the entrance, but suddenly some gravel rolled in. I don't know what happened.

As soon as Cang Yi waved his hand, a huge swirling suction force couldn't get rid of the two shark demons, and he was slowly locked in front of him by Cang Yi.

Chen Hai took out the six pole array flag from his body and offered it around. A glittering cover spread the six pole array flag and forced the sea water out. The two shark demons left the water and plopped to the ground. They wanted to warn with their mind, but the cover with a radius of 100 meters didn't know any magic power, and the mind couldn't spread anyway.

They simply lie on the ground and pretend to be dead. No matter how Chen Hai interrogates, there is no response.

Looking at Chen Hai's appearance of nowhere to speak, Ning Chan Er Jiao smiled and took out a silver needle. Chen Hai looked white and said, "professional things still need to be done by professional people."

Chen Hai knows that Ning chan'er always has strange means, so he has to give it to her. Ning chan'er took out a plain white bottle again. As soon as the bottle mouth was opened, a fishy smell filled the hood.

She took a silver needle and carefully dipped it in the bottle. When she took it out again, there was a little red brilliance on the silver needle.

Ning chan'er smiled and walked to a larger shark demon step by step, "It's supposed that you all opened up the sea and stepped into the Mingqiao state. Even if you can't speak, you should speak human language. But it doesn't matter. Even if you really don't know, I'll teach you. You're blessed today. My sister has practiced a furnace of condensed fire spirit liquid. I'm worried that no one will test the medicine. You're just right." then he slowly stabbed the silver needle into the abdomen of a silver shark.

The tip of the silver needle is a little red. Compared with the huge body ten meters long of the silver shark, it is as small as a mustard. However, when the silver shark is stabbed by the silver juice, it feels as if it is on fire.

How can these deep-sea creatures bear the pain of fire and struggle desperately.

But there is something left. How can he break free?

Ning chan'er poured half a bottle of condensed fire spirit liquid into the wound pierced by the silver needle. He saw that the silver shark soon trembled violently, and the dazzling silver fish skin cracked inch by inch. The tight muscles left the bondage of the skin and protruded from the left and right, like sarcomas. In the end, there was a flame in the mouth and eyes, and finally turned into one in the frightened eyes of another shark demon A mass of ashes, with only huge bones left, twisted there, revealing the pain he suffered in his life.

"Oh! It's so powerful. It lasted ten minutes under the burning of half a bottle of condensed fire spirit liquid, but I'm sorry. I accidentally killed a silver shark." Ning Chan's son covered Tan's mouth and looked at Chen Hai.

Chen Hai was speechless for a while, but I'm afraid it's too medicinal. Think about a shark demon in Mingqiao state falling down, and Chen Hai felt a chill at the bottom of his heart.

"He can last ten minutes because he is too big. It is estimated that this little silver shark can last five minutes under my condensate. I hope it is not wrong this time!" Ning chan'er took the silver needle and walked to the other shark demon with a smile.

But her smile was more terrible than the devil in the eyes of the shark demon. The small silver needle in her hand made the shark demon scared.