Chapter 327

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
At this time, Zhongfeng cliff Valley has become the most important place for craftsmen to practice, opening up roads and connecting with the apprentice hall area at the West foot; Zhou Jingyuan rebuilt Chen Hai's private cave on the North cliff facing Juquan lake.

Under the guidance of the welcome deacon, Dong pan flew directly to the courtyard of Beiya to meet Chen Hai. In front of Beiya, he saw Zhou Jingyuan commanding several people to move a stele engraved with the word "Tianji cliff" to the front of the Mountaineering Road.

"Dong Jun envoy is coming..." seeing Dong pan coming, Zhou Jingyuan politely saluted.

"You're welcome!" Dong pan doubted that Chen Hai's invitation was probably to officially announce taiweizong's independence, but he also gave Zhou Jingyuan a gift.

Juquan Ling is more than ten miles long from the south to the north, and the North cliff is only more than 100 meters high, which can not be regarded as one of the main peaks. However, it is close to Juquan Ling. The situation of the peaks and cliffs is beautiful, the trees and stones are beautiful, and the aura of the two spiritual springs is collected. It is a good place for self-cultivation.

There are no large-scale palaces on the North cliff. In addition to opening up several secret rooms directly from the interior of the cliff, two fine houses have been built under several towering ancient trees in the depths of the woods more than ten mu on the top of the cliff. As Chen Hai's daily living place, it looks very simple and plain.

Zhou Jingyuan personally took Dong pan to the North cliff, walked into the house under the ancient tree and met Chen Hai and Zhao Ruhui.

With the improvement of his cultivation, Chen Hai's rough and even rude appearance has also been greatly improved. He is tall, thin cheeks and has a calm and clear temperament, just like juquanling, which is laid out in front of others.

Dong Pan's cultivation is obviously higher than Chen Hai. However, when he wants to observe Chen Hai from a deeper level with his divine consciousness, what Chen Hai reveals is like a fierce thunder hidden in the wind and cloud, which makes Dong Pan's divine consciousness feel torn.

This powerful pressure at the level of the divine soul can only say that Chen Hai's understanding of the true meaning of Tao is still above Dong pan.

Five years ago, when Chen haizhan won the first place in the selection of school palaces in the northwest region, it was not surprising that Dong pan could feel this spiritual pressure from Chen Hai when he stepped into the realm of Mingqiao.

Dong pan also knew that sooner or later Chen Hai would become a Taoist pill and step into the realm of Taoist pills.

It's just like this. In his opinion, even if Chen Hai has the ambition to establish his own house, he should wait until he enters the Taoist realm. At this time, he exposes such ambition too early. On the one hand, it shows that Chen Hai is too arrogant, but also that Chen Hai is not smart enough.

Dong pan used to appreciate Chen Hai very much, but with this idea, his previous appreciation turned into disgust; Moreover, Chen Hai's making such a basket really put him in a dilemma.

"Mr. Dong is coming..." Chen Hai can't make everyone like him, nor does he expect everyone to like him. He likes others who don't like him, but he takes his helpless feeling and asks the alert Dong pan to sit down in the house.

Although Chen Hai had long been protected from cold and heat, he was still used to cooking tea in a charcoal stove in the house in the cold winter when Juquan lake was frozen. At this time, he also proposed a boiling iron pot and made a cup of tea. The aroma of tea overflowed indoors and passed it to Dong Fan.

"Lord Dong also saw that the Mountain Gate had changed the number plate. Everyone thought that the seminar could have a formal name, which was convenient to call, and that it would save everyone's residence newspapers and books from calling the seminar" the rags made by Chen Hai and the madman ". It was very inconvenient and sounded awkward," Chen Hai asked Dong pan with a smile. "Lord Dong, what do you think of the name of Tianji seminar?"

Dong Pan's heart was cold and his face was indifferent. He said, "as long as the young marquis is is happy, everything is good. How dare Dong pan have any opinion?"

"I think so too. What to do and be happy are the most important," Chen Hai said with a self deprecating smile, but when he thought that no one in Jinyan Prefecture knew the stem of Hong Kong opera, it would not resonate. Most of Dong pan thought that he was sarcastic and had a sip of tea before he asked, "but he didn't know whether he would like it?"

"Dong pan didn't dare to speculate whether he would like it or not," said Dong pan.

"How can we make zongmen like it?" Chen Hai leaned forward and seemed to seriously discuss this issue with Dong pan.

Dong pan looked very cold. The meaning behind Chen Hai's words was undoubtedly to ask taiweizong what the conditions for self-reliance are.

"Well, Dong pan can't say well," Dong Pan said. It's really not something he can decide.

"I joined the army in Tongshan mountain of Qin Dynasty and compiled the first volume of the actual record of military training, which is dedicated to the sect. How does the sect like it? I settled the dead Russian dead in Juquan mountain, cultivated in wasteland, fished, hunted and mined. Today, the sect can get millions of kilograms of quenched gold and iron from Juquan mountain every year. Do you like it? I made Tianji chariots and Tianji crossbows. At this time, Hexi compiled the chariot and crossbow camp, which is the head of all battalions in Hexi army. Does the sect like me to settle down in Pinglu, In order to relieve the danger in the west of Hexi, we don't worry that the demon temple will invade the East in a hundred years, and the sect likes to transport 2 million kilograms of high-quality quenched gold and iron for Hexi every year in Lucheng. "Chen Hai stared at Dong pan fiercely. At this time, he was tired of the greed of some people of Dong family and taiweizong.

Dong pan ascended the North cliff, full of resentment and worry, but listening to a series of sharp questions from Chen Hai, he was on pins and needles, and his sweat had to seep out of his forehead.

In the past, Dong pan, like everyone else, felt that the interests of juquanling and Lucheng should belong to taiweizong, and nothing should be leaked to other sects, let alone shared with the demon temple with which taiweizong has a deep resentment. Therefore, many people have a deep resentment against Chen Hai, but from another point of view, Which disciple of taiweizong has made greater contribution than Chen Hai in recent years?

At this moment, Dong pan doubted whether his resentment could really stand, and whether they were really qualified to be so angry with Chen Hai?

Seeing the shame in Dong Pan's eyes, Chen Hai thought that after years of experience outside, Dong pan probably knew the size of the world. Not everything revolved around the Dong family. There was a sense of shame in his heart, but he didn't think he could get the understanding of all Dong's children.

If the truth could make sense, there would not be so much trouble in the world. Chen Hai took out a set of pictures from the storage ring, handed them to Dong pan and said:

"There are still many imperfections in this scroll. I don't know if the sect will like it, but in the future, the Tianji school Palace won't go to control whether the sect likes it or not. If you like it, the sect can ask for the price for the secret pictures and war weapons here; if you don't like it, we won't try to please the sect any more?"

Dong pan was surprised and suspicious. Seeing that there was a seal of prohibition on the picture volume, he knew that this was the condition for Chen hai to ask taiweizong to approve Tianji school palace.

However, he was not qualified to decide whether to recognize the existence of Tianji school palace. Naturally, he could not open the forbidden seal in front of Chen hai to see the real content of the scroll.

At this time, Dong Pan had exhausted his anger and resentment before climbing the North cliff. Thinking about what Chen Hai said, if Hexi could buy secret maps and war weapons from juquanling in the future, it might be a good choice. He gave a gift and said, "I'll go back to Taiwei city and give the scroll to the son of God..." he saluted Zhao Ruhui again, and then stood up and said goodbye.

Seeing that Dong pan was no longer the cold and resistant look just now, Chen Hai felt a little better.

He stepped into this strange world with the Dragon Emperor cangyu. There are not many old friends who can appreciate and get along well in Yanzhou. If he can not turn his face, he will try not to turn his face. He stood up with Zhao Ruhui and sent Dong pan away.

Although Dong pan will not open the seal without authorization to see the contents of the picture volume, he also knows that it is no small matter.

When he returned to BAISHILING, he told Xie quanting and Chen Jue that Chen Hai would set up a Tianji palace in juquanling. In order to prevent accidents on the way, he escorted the scroll back to Taiwei mountain with Xie quanting and Chen Jue.

Shizi Dong Chou was in Yulong Mountain at this time. Dong pan, Xie quanting and Chen Jue rushed to Taiwei mountain, and hurried to Yulong mountain. They saw Shizi Dong Chou in huanglongyuan Taoist temple.

After Dong Shou and Chen lie led their troops into Heyang, Lichuan and other counties to fight against the refugee army, the Yulong camp was temporarily led by deputy envoy chaiteng. Dong pan and they rushed to huanglongyuan and saw that in addition to Chen Zhiyi, there were also important generals of Hexi army such as Dong Pu gathered in huanglongyuan.

On the surface, after Dong Shou and Chen lie led their troops eastward, the Yulong battalion was weakened into the weakest army of the Hexi army, and the threat to the Hechuan army in the South was also greatly weakened. However, Dong pan and other people who knew the secrets knew that the scale of troops and horses of the Hexi army had not been greatly expanded in the past two or three years, but all the financial resources and materials that could be squeezed out, They are all concentrated on the construction of Dao Ya chariot and crossbow camp, war bird camp and Jiama camp.

At its peak, the troops of the Hexi army will be close to one million. When the threat from Qiang Hu and demon barbarians on the West and North wings is weakened, the troops will be reduced, but it will not be less than 600000.

However, although the Hexi army has a large number of troops, the real elite of the Hexi army is the Dao yamen soldiers directly controlled by the Duhu general's office.

From the period of Dong Liang, the God Marquis of Wuwei, to the period of Dong Chou, the aristocratic son, the Hexi Dao yamen army has been stably maintained between 30000 and 40000 people.

In the past, the Taoist yamen soldiers mainly used to ride on armor. Although there were also archers and soldiers, as well as a small number of chariots and war birds, at this time, the new chariot and crossbow battalion and war bird battalion were officially compiled. The powerful bow weapons such as Shenji crossbow (Tianji crossbow) can be put into use on a large scale.

During his inspection of Yulong mountain this time, Dong Chou, the son of Hu Wei, only had more than 5000 troops. However, when Dong pan arrived at huanglongyuan, he saw that Dong Chou, the son of Hu Wei, inspected the 5000 yamen troops in Yulong mountain, which were the elite of the newly compiled Chariot and crossbow camp, Warbird camp and Jiama camp. When he saw that Dong Pu and other important generals gathered secretly, they knew that five years after the last Yulong Mountain victory, Hexi will attack the crane Xiang army again.

But this time it was not clear whether the goal of his son Dong Chou was to occupy Hechuan ridge in the South or to completely occupy the territory of the Hufu of hexiangdu.