Chapter 215

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
"Lord Wen and Chen offer wine, but they are a little unhappy!" Qi Hanjiang is straight-minded. Wen Boyuan and Chen XuanZhen are absent-minded, and others can't drink happily. Qi Hanjiang can't help complaining when he returns to his residence after drinking muggy wine all night.

"This shouldn't be?" Ge Tong asked puzzled.

The four-year-old imperial chess war came to an end, which also meant that king Yingshu officially broke with Prince Yingdan. At that time, Chen Hai told Ding Shuang, Ge Tong and Wu Meng about the calculations involved before and after the formation of the Xiyuan army.

At that time, many things were clear, so there was no need to keep secrets.

Therefore, Ge Tong and they also know that Chen XuanZhen played a vital role before and after the formation of the West Garden army. Even when they first lived in Meiwu castle with GE Xuanqiao, the first of the ancestral hall, Chen XuanZhen came to talk to ge Xuanqiao about the past, probably on behalf of the emperor and Hexi.

During the war of imperial chess, Chen XuanZhen and Wen Boyuan were firm allies. They just drove Prince Ying Dan out of Yanjing. Why did their relationship break up so quickly?

"But it's not impossible," Ding Shuang said.

At this time, Su Ling made tea and brought it in. Chen Hai motioned Ding Shuang to continue.

Su Ling distributed tea to the people and sat next to Chen Hai. She was also patient to listen to Ding Shuang's opinions.

"Lord Wen decided to occupy the mechanism beasts made by juquanling today. Do you want to continue to expand the Su Wei army?" asked Ding Shuang.

Chen Hai nodded and knew that Ding Shuang was on the point. Among the people in Juquan ridge, only Ding Shuang had the most overall view, and his strategy was comparable to that of sun Gan.

"How can we see that Lord Wen still wants to continue to expand the Su Wei army? What's the matter with the Su Wei army?" Qi Hanjiang asked puzzled.

"It should be enough for the Su Wei army to guard the imperial city and Shenling mountain and compile a group of elite combat horses. If they don't fight outside Yanjing City, there is no need to consider the transfer of grain and other bulk materials," said Ding Shuang, "Lord Wen decided to occupy the mechanism beasts in juquanling today. He was still considering the possibility that the Su Wei army would go out of Yanjing city to fight in the later stage. At that time, the Su Wei army must further expand on the basis of 50000 troops. The contradiction between lord Wen and Chen Jijiu should be whether the Su Wei army should continue to expand and whether it should be transferred out of Yanjing to fight."

"What's the difference?" Qi Hanjiang asked puzzled.

"You fool, let you go to the kiln less and read more books when you're free." Chen Hai couldn't help kicking Qi Hanjiang aside when he saw that he hadn't figured it out.

"Oh," Qi Hanjiang said, "Ding Shuang said that the Su Wei army was controlled by the eunuchs, and Chen Jijiu didn't want the eunuchs' power to continue to expand. At this time, he was upset." having said this, he realized that he was in the East camp of the Su Wei army and fiercely stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"What shall we do?" Ge Tong asked Chen Hai anxiously. He thought that Chen Haigang had just got rid of the vortex of Dong's seizing the line. He didn't know what action Qin Mu Hou Dong Shou would take against this side. Who could have thought that he would be involved in a more troublesome entanglement.

Chen Hai also smiled bitterly.

Chen XuanZhen initially stood up against the crown prince's winning Dan, mainly against the Ning family's dominance in suppressing the other seven ethnic groups. His original intention was to support the pattern of eight ethnic groups in Jingjun ruling together. However, at the beginning of his initial opposition to the crown prince's winning Dan, perhaps he did not expect that the emperor would be completely disappointed with the eight ethnic groups in Jingjun and reuse the group of officials from Yanran palace.

At this time, the contradiction in Yanjing city is actually the contradiction between the eight ethnic groups in Jingjun and the internal official forces such as Yiwen Boyuan and Zhang Zhong. Although the contradiction in Yanjing city has not been acutely exposed because of the great power of the black Yan army and the prince Yingdan's leadership, Chen Hai's relationship with both sides is too close, which can be felt.

In the face of so many and complex whirlpools, Chen Hai had a headache and only smiled bitterly. He said according to the table: "since Chen Jijiu expects me to build the workshop of Mojia company, Ding Shuang and Ge Tong will stay and help me. They will bury their heads in doing it first, and others don't need to be considered for the time being."

"If we want to build the workshop of mojiasi again, we should teach disciples and hungry masters?" Ge Tong asked suspiciously.

There is no reason why so many official workshops to which the prison belongs have been abandoned over the years. Only when these official workshops are abandoned and can not be used, the armour and equipment needed by Yanran palace and Jingying army will depend on Zhu's foundry.

Unlike the strong pan of the border counties like Dong, Miao and Fahrenheit, they can directly control thousands of miles of vast land. The fief territories directly under the eight ethnic groups in Jing County are quite limited. They mainly take part of the resources of the national treasury for themselves through various franchise privileges.

Juquanling finally occupied a certain advantage in the repair of mechanism animals at this time. If Chen Haizhen wanted to build the workshop directly under heijia company, this advantage would soon be erased.

"Do it." Chen Hai said unambiguously.

He doesn't mind that the secret of the mechanism beast will be leaked. At the same time, he doesn't want juquanling people to think that they can eat a lifetime dividend by relying on the advantages of one or two mechanism beasts. If juquanling doesn't have a competitor, it will continuously obtain rich benefits from the energy source by relying on the initial trial production of two mechanism beasts. Where is the driving force for further progress?

Moreover, during this period of time, Chen Haiyue is approaching the perfect state of the spirit realm. The more sensitive the six senses are. When the spirit idea sneaks into the blood cloud wasteland through the Snake Bracelet, the more clearly it can feel that there is a certain connection between the blood cloud wasteland and the boundless land where Yanzhou is located.

If, as Zuo ER and the Dragon Emperor cangyu said, the law of heaven and earth in the blood cloud wasteland could not prevent Luocha devil from entering the blood cloud wasteland one day, it would be difficult to prevent Luocha devil from entering Yanzhou.

Chen Hai knows that what he can do is very limited, but it's better than doing nothing.

After five months in the Department of ink armour, Chen Hai was promoted to be a master craftsman in charge of the workshop of ink armour.

This is not surprising. After all, Chen Hai once led tens of thousands of troops to resist the siege of hundreds of thousands of refugee troops for two months.

As a condition, Chen XuanZhen agreed to use the young craftsmen from poor families such as Ji Yuanren and Xue Cun to Chen Hai.

Fu Jiaoling's reputation for running the army was ahead. Chen Hai did not encounter any resistance in regulating the ink armour workshop. Those Zong valve children who messed with the workshop were ruthlessly kicked out by Chen Hai. Not only did he have no resentment, he was greatly relieved.

Ji Yuanren and Xue Cun both had accomplishments in the middle of Ming Qiao territory. They had been immersed in mechanism puppetry for half a life. They helped, and the workshop really gathered a group of old craftsmen. Under the guidance of craftsmen transferred from juquanling, the ink armour workshop soon mass produced primary mechanism animals for material transportation.

Because the ink armour workshop can not obtain cheap and high-quality quenched gold and iron like juquanling. For each mechanism animal, the cost is twice as high as that of the foundry controlled by the aristocratic family, but the performance is much superior.

As long as no one dares to make trouble, it's enough for Ding Shuang and others to manage the ink armour workshop. Chen Hai doesn't need to invest any energy.

Chen XuanZhen is in charge of the prison and intends to revitalize many workshops and make more military armor instruments. However, how many military armor instruments eventually flow into the Xiyuan army and how many into the Su Wei army is beyond Chen XuanZhen's control.

When more than 100 mechanism beasts made by juquanling and the ink armour workshop are supplied to the Jingying army every month, all kinds of invisible pressure is exerted, and the materials such as quenched gold and iron available in the ink armour workshop become dragged, let alone expand the scale.


Although Su Ling waited on Chen Hai all day, she sometimes couldn't guess what Chen Hai wanted to do. It seemed that she didn't worry about the whirlpool entangled by many forces at all. She would tear them to pieces at any time. There was no bone residue left. Instead, she focused all her energy on the research of the simplest wind resisting Rune array.

What is there to study about Yufeng Rune array?

After thousands of years of development, the Yufeng Rune array derived from Yufeng daozhuan, as the most primary Rune array, has long been thoroughly studied by the xuanxiu of various sects' specialized cultivation tools and arrays.

The wind array box used by the mechanism beast usually has a square foot. Su Ling doesn't understand what the use of Chen Hai's efforts to refine the wind array box the size of the palm is. Do you want to create a small mechanism cat and mechanism dog to play in the yard?

"Han Jiang, come here."

Chen Hai put the newly refined pocket wind box array into an object similar to the arm armor, called Qi Hanjiang over and fastened the arm armor to Qi Hanjiang's right arm.

"What's this?" Qi Hanjiang felt strange. The shape of the arm armor was really strange.

"Two hundred years ago, a great craftsman of the Mojia division proposed the concept of mechanism arm, but no one paid attention to it. All my ideas were thrown into the waste paper pile. I thought it was fun and had nothing to do. I made it to see if it could be done." Chen Hai Nai taught Qi Hanjiang how to get rid of the excited mechanism arm through the arm.

"What's the use?" Qi Hanjiang pushed down disapprovingly, but he didn't want to drive the wind box array when his arm was unfolded. The arm armor was also violently unfolded, almost breaking his right arm.

"What great strength!" Qi Hanjiang was startled. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that if he could cooperate with the impact of the moment when the arm armor was unfolded, his strength would increase by 50%.

What is this concept?

Qi Hanjiang knows that even the top-grade yellow and even the top-grade Xuan soldiers' magic power is difficult to increase his cutting power by 50%. This mechanism arm that Chen Hai fiddled with at will in the past two months is actually equivalent to a top-grade yellow magic weapon?