Chapter 190

Name:The Sacred Ding Author:geng su
In the past six months, the Xiyuan army has continued to recruit some strong soldiers from the hungry people in Qintong. The number of troops and horses has been expanded to 150000. However, there has been no large-scale battle, and the loss of soldiers and armor is naturally very limited.

The knives, halberds, swords and bows are arranged in order. The finely forged halberds, armor, bows and weapons in the warehouse are enough to equip 30000 soldiers, but this is not the focus of Yao Qitai's raid and inventory.

The news he got was that only 1000 pieces of quenched gold halberds had been smuggled away by Chen Hai; Of the more than 300 sets of quenched scales, two-thirds are not in the warehouse.

The quenched gold armor did not reach the level of xuanbing, but it was the most excellent iron armor; The elite military officers in the middle of Xiyuan army are mainly equipped with quenched gold armor. Chen Hai dares to corrupt so many quenched gold armor into his pocket. Yao Qitai really admires his boldness.

Yao Qitai stared at Chen Hai's face gloomily as he walked into the warehouse where the quenching gold soldiers and armour weapons were stored.

Yao Qitai could hold back his anger at this time, but Yao Xuan wanted to shout loudly, so that the left and right soldiers crowded forward, tied Chen Hai's arm and directly entered the prison. He asked in a gloomy way: "In the warehouse here, 1000 pieces of quenched gold halberds have been put into storage. All the camps haven't received them in the past six months. Why are so many quenched gold halberds missing for no reason? Lord Si Cheng is afraid that he will be Tongbei warehouse. Does he really think it's his own backyard?"

Yao Qitai came to the door and still wanted to dig a gap from Chen Hai, so that the stronger figures behind him could have an excuse to intervene in the affairs of the Xiyuan army and find out what famous fan Chun and Wen Boyuan were doing. How come half a year has passed, and there has been no movement from the rebels.

Yao Xuan's thoughts are not as complicated as his father Yao Qitai's. He is simply unhappy that he was kicked out like a dead dog. For more than a year, he even rode on their head to shit and pee.

After the rebels plowed the middle and North foothills of Qintong, after the Xiyuan army took over, it was naturally the fat meat in the eyes of all families, and the Yao family was no exception. They tried hard to put their tentacles in and install the forces of the Yao nationality. However, they were deliberately or unintentionally clamped down. Finally, they invested heavily to merge the two mines, which was far less than juquanling occupied by Chen Hai.

If anyone of the Yao family comes forward to complain, some people will say that Chen Hai should also be counted as Yao's children. Yao's benefits in Tongbei are not necessarily less than fan's and Tu's, but what kind of Yao's children can Chen Hai be counted at this time? He wantonly solicits hungry people in Tongbei and is likely to compete with Yao's in Qintong. How can people not be annoyed?

Moreover, although Yao Qitai is the commander of the Israeli army and the Third Battalion, and is still the third person in the Xiyuan army after fan Chun and Wen Boyuan, the Third Battalion completely accepts the fifth, eighth and ninth. Miao he and others are arrogant and rebellious. Even fan Chun and Wen Boyuan may not be seen by them. How can Yao Qitai command?

Although the main force of the Xiyuan army suffered a great setback in Leiyang Valley in the early stage, and Wei Yuqi took all the responsibilities, there have been rumors in the army that Yao Qitai bewitched Wei Yuqi to underestimate the enemy and advance rashly, and finally escaped the punishment of the Taiwei house.

These rumors make Yao Qitai's situation in the Xiyuan army more embarrassing. Yao Xuan is naturally very uncomfortable in the army. He often has nameless resentment in his heart and doesn't know how to vent.

Yao Xuan didn't think that Chen Hai had saved their father and son's life. He thought that Chen Hai's existence made their father and son more embarrassed and embarrassed in the Xiyuan army. He always wanted to seize Chen Hai's grasp and trample him into the rotten mud pit again.

Yao Xuan can't wait to ask Chen hai to explain where these elite iron soldiers have been hidden. Apart from greed, is there any ambition hidden that hasn't been revealed?

Facing Yao Xuan's aggressive query, Chen Hai just smiled without looking at Yao Xuan. He looked at Yao Qitai and asked, "adult Yao also has such confusion in his heart, which needs Chen hai to answer?"

"Good......" Yao Qitai said with a gloomy face.

"When, when and where many soldiers are going to be warehoused are registered in the warehouse, and each item is clearly written. I really don't know what puzzles Lord Yao?" Chen Hai asked.

"You wrote that all these armours need to be repaired, so they are transported to juquanling foundry, but these are excellent armours newly made by Taiwei mansion. What needs to be repaired? You may not take the laws of Taiwei mansion too seriously with such an excuse?" Yao Xuan asked.

Chen Hai frowned slightly. At this time, he turned and looked at Yao Xuan, who was barking. He sternly scolded: "do you know the dignity and order of the Xiyuan army? You dare to shout again. Be careful that I will treat you a crime of disrespect!"

"You..." Yao Xuan didn't expect Chen hai to be so hard spoken at this time. An old blood in his heart almost spewed out with anger.

Chen Hai stared at Yao Xuan fiercely, which made him afraid to reveal his arrogance and abuse. Then he took a quenched gold halberd from the halberd rack, squinted at Yao Qitai and said, "Lord Yao was responsible for the supervision of the production of military armour in the Taiwei mansion. Let me ask Lord Yao, is this quenched gold halberd qualified or unqualified in Lord Yao's mind?"

Chen Hai lifted his right knee and knocked the quenched gold halberd on his knee. Unexpectedly, he directly bent the quenched gold iron rod of the quenched gold halberd into two parts, threw it back to the armor rack, patted his hand lightly and said: "Yes, this is the new armour sent by the Taiwei residence, but I dare not say how new it is. In Chen's eyes, there is no difference between the old and the new, only the difference between qualified and unqualified. Therefore, after any armour is put into the warehouse, I will arrange someone to test it. I can't rub sand in my eyes. A batch of unqualified armour has been tested before, so I naturally have to take it to the foundry for repair, and can't send it until it is qualified Enter the camps. If Lord Yao thinks it's wrong for me to do so, he can impeach me to the chief manager's house or directly to the Taiwei house. "

Seeing Chen Hai's understatement, he pouted the quenched golden halberd in two. Yao Xuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and didn't know what to say for a long time.

There is a special organization under the Taiwei mansion responsible for the repair of armour. However, whether it is quenched gold halberd or other armour bows, it will be somewhat shoddy. This is almost a well-known hidden rule, but Chen Haisong easily breaks quenched gold halberd into two parts, which is too exaggerated.

In addition to the Dragon catching sword given by the valve owner, Yao Xuan also transformed the xuanbing usually used on the battlefield with a quenched gold halberd. Naturally, he knew that the quenched gold halberd from the Taiwei mansion was not so unbearable even if it was shoddy.

However, Chen Hai must catch the Taiwei mansion's department for cutting corners in the casting of quenched gold halberd. What can they say? If there is a storm in the future, they will catch Tongbei warehouse first.

Seeing this scene, Ding Shuang just felt funny and thought that Chen Hai's Rogue method really worked.

"So these armours have really been sent to juquanling foundry for repair?" Yao Qitai asked with a gloomy face.

"In another month, these soldiers will be put into storage with a new look. Lord Yao can come back to patrol at that time," Chen Hai said.

"Don't you worry about the outbreak of a big war in this month, and there is no supply of soldiers and armor in Leiyang Valley?" Yao Qitai stared at Chen Hai's eyes. He always felt that Chen Hai knew something.

"Will there be a big war break out in Leiyang Valley in the next month? What needs to be prepared here in Tongbei Dachang? This is what Lord Yao, as a military commander, wants to tell Chen Hai. If Lord Yao feels that Tongbei Dachang is slacking off, he can send a letter to inquire. It's really unnecessary for Lord Yao to go there in vain." Chen Hai said impolitely.

After listening to Chen Hai's words, Yao Qitai was not angry. He changed his tone and said, "I just took leave these days. I just came back to Longshang. In Longshang, the valve owner asked about you..."

Yao Xing is only a crippled memory of his life. Chen Hai can still think of his fat body that often gives people the same pressure and his face that never seems to be seen clearly.

In the past, Chen Hai expressed his position in Hexi and broke off his love with Yao's grace. Yao Qitai's strategy can't work in front of him. Today, Yao Qitai and Yao Xuan's father and son come to find fault, and he shouldn't give them a good face.

However, Yao Qitai was so curious about what Wen Boyuan and fan Chun were doing behind their backs. Chen Hai would never mind stirring the water more muddy if he had the opportunity. With a faint smile, he said: "Chen Hai made a big mistake at the beginning, and the valve owner can still protect Chen Hai's life. Chen Hai is always grateful."

Yao Qitai raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, he tried casually. Chen Hai's arrogant and presumptuous attitude was really a little softer. He wondered whether it was difficult for Chen hai to hate himself as a guest general and was finally forced to hand over the military power of the first battalion to Zhao Wutai?

Where does Yao Qitai know Chen Hai's operation in juquanling and the real deep calculation behind it?

From the perspective of ordinary people, it is impossible for the Secretary Cheng of Taibei Dacang to be the chief General of the first battalion.

Chen Hai commands the division of 50000 tigers and wolves in the first battalion. If he has worked for a few more years, even if his accomplishments can't be improved, there will be no more achievements in war. However, according to the practice of the Dayan Empire, he should be able to be knighted as a marquis of the pavilion.

The Dayan Empire has always attached great importance to war merit, and the battalion level chief generals are still valued, which is a treatment that other civil and military ministers at the same level can't enjoy.

It was replaced before Shiyi was knighted. Even if Tongbei warehouse has a lot of oil and water to catch, it is impossible to make up for the loss.

Yao Qitai said tentatively, "listening to the meaning of Wen Boyuan and fan Chunzhi, I intend to set up a New Fourth Battalion or use you as the main general. The valve Lord also said that in Longshang, I would expect you to make war achievements in Qintong battlefield -- whether you change your name or not, the valve Lord said that you are always a descendant of Yao."

"Alas," said Chen Hai, with a long sigh of the past, "Qintong battlefield, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to make war achievements without you..."

Chen Hai told Yao Qitai the key information half hidden, so he didn't want to perfunctory Yao Qitai and Yao Xuan's father and son. At present, he refused juquanling. There are still things to do, so he should ask Yao Qitai, Yao Xuan's father and son and his entourage to leave Cangcheng.