Chapter 871 - 196: I Don’t Trust Him

Angelo got worried when she heard McCoy's words. She could even imagine Drake's expression now and what she would face when she got back home.

"Let go of me!" Angelo lowered her voice in case Drake heard her, or he would come to her right away.​​

She was Angeline now, and even her Adam's apple was in her bag in the lounge.

"All right. Angelo can talk to you herself." McCoy finally gave the phone back to Angelo and loosened her arm.

Angelo was confused. What should she talk to Drake about?

"Well, Drake…"

"I'll pick you up when you're done." Drake didn't seem to be affected by McCoy. Angelo breathed a sigh of relief. She thought about it. It would be better if Drake didn't come to pick her up.

"Thank you, Drake. I can go back myself. I know you are very busy. So, please don't worry about me. I can handle everything myself."

She seemed to foresee that Drake would insist on coming, so she added, "Goodbye, brother. Let's talk when I go back."

When she hung up, she looked at McCoy with anger. But McCoy stayed calm as if he had done nothing.

"What did my brother say just now?" Angelo didn't hear Drake while fighting for the phone.

"I forgot. Just some trifles." McCoy was fooling her. She was pissed off, "You have never been like this before. Even if you are changed, you can't change so much!"

Angelo looked at McCoy as if she was looking at a stranger.

"You don't know me. I've been like this. I've never changed," said McCoy indifferently.

Angelo stayed for a while. When she recovered, she had no mood to continue the meal.

"Well, maybe I was wrong about you."


After the shooting in the afternoon, Angelo went to Green for change. When she was about to go to the Thorne house, she found a car outside Green. It was McCoy's car.

The window went down, McCoy's voice sounded, "Drake would suspect if I don't send you home."

Angelo stayed there for a while and later got in a taxi when it came.

McCoy was no longer the one she knew before. She should keep her guard up.

In the evening, Drake got back from work. The first sentence he said was, "Are you going to McCoy tomorrow?"

"Yeah. It isn't very easy. I don't trust him." It was her real thoughts. McCoy was much more diplomatic than she thought.

"The Thorne can give Angeline whatever she wants," Drake suddenly became impatient.

Angelo stayed and subconsciously asked, "What if it's you? Can you satisfy her?"

Drake paused. It was the first time Angelo saw him like this, and she felt bitter inside.

"I'm kidding. Don't worry," Angelo laughed as if she was just joking. Drake's face became complicated when he reacted.

"You can talk to Angeline. Thorne can adopt her if she wants to join our family. She will be the second daughter of the Thorne family and needn't worry about the back issue," said Drake in a firm, as if he had planned everything for Angeline.

The smile froze on Angelo's face. After a while, she said, "McCoy invested in Angeline's new movie. I don't think she wants to leave the Watts family. After all, the Watts was her real home."

When she finished her words, Drake suddenly changed his face. It was quick and severe as if a storm were coming.

"Then, which is your real home for you?" Drake questioned her in a cold voice. Angelo felt goosebumps on her arms. 

She annoyed Drake again!

"Of course, it's here. The Thorne adopted me since I was a little kid. Even though I entered Watts's pedigree, you are always my family!" Angelo tried to make it up. She was lying about something, but it was the best way to cool Drake off.

As she expected, "you're always my family" successfully calmed Drake down.

"It's late. Just go to bed," said Drake, sounding much better.

Angelo breathed a sigh of relief. "Good night!" She said and went back to her room.

It was late, but the light in the study was still on.

Drake was sitting in front of the table and reading McCoy's file. McCoy was the son of the Watts family and now the holder of the Watts family.

There was a powerful force behind him. With it, he bought all the shares of the Watts group back.

The more he investigated, the more he found that McCoy started to get in touch with the force since he was five years old. He just pretended to be a loser.

"Keep digging. Find out the man behind him," said Drake.

"Yeah," answered Aiken. Then he started the investigation.

Drake had been shuffling between the shooting site, Green, and the Thorne house. She was so exhausted that she felt like she couldn't take it anymore. 

The shooting always went on until midnight. Under pressure from Drake, she went to the Thorne house no matter how late it was.

She didn't have much time to take a rest. Now she had to spend her rare time going to Green to change and going here and there.

Because of lacking rest, Angelo had dark circles, which became more and more severe. So, every time she put on makeup, she had to put a thick foundation under her eyes to hide her gaunt appearance.

The second time McCoy came to the shooting site, it was nap time. Angelo was sleeping in the lounge.

She didn't sleep quite deeply and felt someone sit near her. She thought it was her assistant and said, "Is there a blanket? I'm cold." The air conditioner was on, and the room was warm, but Angelo still felt cold.

Then something covered her. She reached for it and found that it was not a blanket. Something was not right! She opened her eyes and saw McCoy sitting near her. On her body, it was his coat.

"I can't find a blanket and could only give you this," explained McCoy. Angelo wasn't sleepy anymore.

"Why are you here?" 

She sat up. McCoy had been staring at her, making her uncomfortable.

"I know you're tired. Do you want me to help?" exclaimed McCoy.