Chapter 837 - 162: Congenital Heart Disease

Inside the Watts Group now, the chairman was still Parker, and the major shareholders didn't change. But all that was just a surface. The shareholders were in a dilemma now. But they chose the Thorne without hesitation because it was far more powerful than the Watts.

When Angelo heard the reply from Drake, she jumped to hug him with excitement and rubbed her head on him.

"I knew you would agree. You're the best brother."

Angelo wasn't nervous anymore after getting the promise from Drake.

"Sit well!" order Drake.

Angelo quickly sat straight. "I want a ring from our family, all right?"

As she knew, Angelo didn't live well in the Thorne family, nor did she had the ring which could represent the Thorne.

She had just promised Stella that she would marry her once she got the real power of the Watts business. Of course, one thing was needed to prove her promise.

The first thing she thought of was the Thorne ring, which she didn't have, so she told Stella that she needed to go home to get it.

"What will you use it for?" asked Drake confusedly.

But Angelo was more surprised, "Can't I have that?"

"Yeah. But you can't give it to others, understand?" Drake seemed to have seen her through again.

Angelo sat away from him a bit, "I didn't plan to give it to others." She was so guilty that she didn't look at Drake directly.

Drake didn't like the Hills. Besides, everyone knew that Stella was a s.l.u.t girl. If Drake knew that she would give a ring to Stella, she would never see any ring.


Evening came, just as Angelo was about to go to Drake to ask about the ring, Hale knocked on the door and said, "Sir, Mr. Drake asked me to give this to you."

There was a square box in his hand. Angelo's eyes lit up when she saw it. She took it over and opened it. Sure enough, there was the Thorne ring.

"Where's he?"

"He's in the study now, but you'd better not go there."

"All right. Thanks, Hale!" replied Angelo, but she just went straight to the study.

Looking at her back, Hale didn't stop her. If it were someone else, he or she would be punished. But it was Angelo. She was different.

She walked to the door, knocked at it, and then pushed it open to enter, "Drake…."

Drake had an online meeting. Seeing her come, he said to people on the screen, "That's it. Meeting's over."

Angelo smiled and approached Drake, "You're having a meeting so late. Your employees must be grateful for me."

However, Drake ignored her joke and asked, "What's the matter?"

Angelo shook the ring box and said, "I come to thank you."

Drake felt speechless at her answer. He should know that Angelo didn't come for business.

"No problem. It's for you anyway."

Even as the adoptive son, Angelo had the things she should have.

Then there was no sound anymore. Drake looked at Angelo and found that she was looking at him directly.

"My sister is so lucky to engage with you, brother." After saying that, Angelo waved her hand and left.

She still loved Drake. If it was possible, she could live as Angeline forever and marry Drake after the revenge.

For the words Angelo left, Drake thought about it for a long time. Finally, he kind of wanted to discharge the engagement.


Early the following day, Angelo went to the Watts house.

From McCoy, she learned that Ivy didn't come back last night, and she might still be in the hospital.

Angelo was surprised, "Ivy has heart trouble, really?"

"Yeah. Congenital heart disease."


Angelo didn't understand it. CHD usually comes from the parents, but neither Parker nor Rachel had that.

"Is it…?"

Angelo looked at McCoy, who nodded lightly. Suddenly, Angelo felt a chill.

Rachel's heart was transplanted from someone else's.

It happened before Angelo was adopted, so she knew nothing about it. But McCoy knew it clearly, and he even witnessed the scene in person.


Angelo heard a call from far away. She looked to the source of the sound and saw Stella coming to them.

She knew nothing about Ivy wanting her heart now.

Angelo smoothed her shocking mind and tried to look normal. Then she took out the ring and handed it to Stella, "This is for you."

To win her loyal, she needed to win his trust first.

Stella was more cautious after being cheated on by Patrick last time. Seeing her hesitation, Angelo said, "Don't worry. I'm not Patrick. You know what kind of person I am."

Hearing that, Stella believed her. This ring was indeed different from others. Compared with the one Patrick used to give her, this one looked far more superior.

"I believe you."

Stella trusted Angelo, who was the only "man" not being allured by her. Of course, she didn't know her allure didn't work because Angelo was a girl.

"I'll marry you when everything is settled if… you still want to marry me then," said Angelo emotionally in front of McCoy.

Indulging in the tender eyes of Angelo, Stella blushed and then nodded. But she couldn't stay here for too long, so she left soon.

Angelo turned back and saw McCoy staring at her. She laughed, "I'm sorry. You know the situation. I have to lie to her."

"Aren't you afraid that I will reveal you?" said McCoy calmly.

But the smile on Angelo's face became bigger.

"Will that do anything good to you? You don't like her anyway. What? You want her to be your wife for the rest of your life?"

Angelo knew McCoy well. He looked isolated, which, however, was just a cell he protected himself. He had seen everything, though, when no one noticed him.

Others might not know how much Stella didn't want to marry the Watts, but McCoy knew.


His answer was the same as she thought.

"Good. All right. I have to go."

Angelo got up to leave when McCoy asked, "Do you know Angela?"

"Yeah, I do." Without hesitation, Angelo turned back, "She's my idol. How could I not know her?"