Chapter 827 - 152: Do You Want To Go To The Party?

Angelo turned back and looked at Drake with a pale face. It turned out that he wasn't in the study.

"What are you doing?" Drake squinted.

Angelo could only hold the wall to support herself.

"I come to you to explain the news issue."

Angelo plucked up and looked at Drake nervously. She might be in trouble if he wouldn't even listen to her.

"Come in," said Drake, entering the study.

For a moment, Angelo felt that Drake's face became soft and wasn't so scary.

Entering the study, "Brother…" Angelo looked aggrieved, "The news doesn't tell the truth. I didn't go to France with Wilson. I didn't even meet him before. I just happened to meet him at the airport."

"Yeah." Drake looked calm, which made Angelo panic more.

"Don't be angry, brother." Angelo stared at him cautiously.

Suddenly, Drake looked up, and their eyes met. Angelo's heart leaped, and thought she had been seen through.

After a while, "I have asked them to delete it. Watch out when you're outside," he said.

Angelo's eyes lit up, "You are great, Drake!"

Drake withdrew his eyes but couldn't focus on work.

After a while, Angelo didn't seem to leave, Drake could only say, "You can leave if there's nothing else."

"Oh, yeah. I should go."

With that, she walked towards the door. Just as she touched the handle of the door, "Angelo." She heard Drake say.

"What's the matter?"

Angelo turned back and saw that Drake was looking at her, but soon he looked away.



Her lips twitched. Drake wasn't a silly person to tease her. He might have something to say but then stopped.

Gently, she closed the door and thought about how to switch her identity. 

She couldn't leave here casually. Drake might forgive her once or twice, but he wouldn't allow her to do that often.

The next day after Drake left, Angelo told Hale that she would go to Daisy and come back later. Hale didn't doubt her words.

Angelo went to Green, where Daisy was waiting for her.

"Oh, you're finally here. Clarence kept asking me where you are. I almost can't hide it anymore."

Daisy came to Green this morning after receiving the call from Angelo last night.

"I'm so sorry, honey. It was a special occasion. The Watts required me there to do the genealogy thing. I had to go back to the Thorne House," said Angelo apologetically.

Then she took off Adam's apple, changed into Angeline's clothes, and then called Clarence.


After confirming the things with Clarence, Angelo organized her schedule and found that she had time to switch her identities.

It was risky to do that, but she had no other choice.

A few days later, it was the premiere of the movie. As the heroine, Angeline had to be there.

She had attended too many activities like this, so she could handle it at ease.

After the premiere, Angelo planned to go to Green to change clothes and then go back to the Thorne house. But Clarence told her that there was a party and asked her to be there.

Angelo was about to refuse when she saw Drake coming. An idea occurred to her, she said, "I'm sorry, Clarence. I have to go home with Drake to have dinner today. So I may not be able to attend the party."

After that, Angelo walked to Drake and said something to him, looking quite intimate.

Since she used Drake as an excuse, Clarence couldn't keep her here.

When Clarence saw the intimate interaction between the two, there was a pain in his heart. But soon, he suppressed his emotions. Angeline would never belong to him! He knew that. No one could fight for a girl with Drake. Besides, the girl was Angelo's fiancée.

Here, Angelo was about to ask if Drake could send her home. After all, she had told Clarence about going to the Thorne family. If they didn't leave together, her lie would be seen through.

But before she could ask, Christina came with a smile.

"Drake, there's a party here. How about having fun together?"

Angelo looked at Christina sharply. Why did this girl always give her a hard time?

Sensing her gaze, Christina gave a confused face.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Angelo didn't bother to talk to her. She looked at Drake and said, "It's late. Let's go back."

"Don't go to what party, or I'll have no time to change!" screamed Angelo inside.

"It's our premiere. We should celebrate it. It's alright if you don't want to go. I'll go to it with Drake."

With that, Christina came to hold Drake's arm but got nothing because Angelo suddenly stepped between them and held Drake's arm.

With a smile, Angelo said, "I can go with Drake if he wants to go. After all, he's a man with a fiancée now."

Then she looked at Christina and continued, "You'd better stay away from him. As a public figure, it will ruin your reputation if you're mistaken as the third wheel which keeps pestering Drake."

"What are you talking about? I didn't pester Drake. Can't he have normal human i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e?" accused Christina.

"Normal human i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e is okay, but you…" replied Angelo in disdain, shaking her head and looking noncommittal.

"What's wrong with me? I grew up with Drake. We didn't even know you before."

Christina looked quite confident. Angelo would never match her childhood friendship with Drake.

However, Angelo burst into laughter. "If you insist that… you know, Drake and I were engaged before we were born, so where were you then?"

"I…" Christina was struck dumb.

Angelo didn't want to badger her, but she just wouldn't let her go.

After settling Christina, Angelo looked at Drake. Nervously, she asked, "Do you want to go to the party?"

"Do you?" asked Drake.

Angelo then relieved, "No. It's a long day."

Drake looked at Angelo with tenderness in his eyes, "Then let's go home."

Besides them, Christina was so jealous that she almost went crazy. As an actress, the most basic was facial expression management, otherwise, she might show her worst side now.

She didn't know that Drake treated Angelo so tenderly just because of the quarrel between her and Angelo.

Seeing the two leave with their hands holding, Christina tried to stay calm. She took out her phone and sent a message.

She would make Angeline embarrassed!