Chapter 817 - 142: Drive Safely

Angelo doubted that Drake lost his mind.

"You are my fiancée. Is that a problem with me taking my fiancée to work?" asked Drake, staring at Angelo.

Angelo couldn't manage his smile anymore. She nodded, "All right. There is no problem with it."

Angelo thought Drake just came to pick her up, as he had said. But on the way to the shooting site, he learned his true purpose.

"How is Angelo doing?" asked Drake casually while driving. But there was concern in his words.

Angelo felt touched but also anxious, afraid of exposing herself.

"He's fine. I talked with him yesterday. He asked me not to worry about him."

Angelo didn't look at Drake but stared outside for fear of being found that she was lying.

Drake didn't notice Angelo's guilt, thinking that it might be better to separate for a while. He needed to think about their relationship.

At the door of the shooting site, many people saw them getting off the same car and were very curious.

Sensing the gaze from the people around, Angelo felt something unusual, although she had used to be the focus. She owed it to Drake.


A tender voice sounded. Christina came over in full force with a gentle smile on her face.

Angelo didn't want to see her act timid and tried to stand aside when Drake grabbed her hand.

A hint of jealousy flashed through Christina's eyes when she saw the two holding hands. But she still kept calm; Drake and Angeline are so in love. "Everyone admires you."

Christina smiled, looked back before continuing, "Do you think so, Jeremy?"

Angelo looked up and saw Jeremy come over, but he looked unhappy.

"Thank you for the last time, Jeremy."

With that, Angelo walked up but was pulled back by Drake, and her back was against his, she even felt the vibration from his c.h.e.s.t.

"You should thank Jeremy. I didn't choose the wrong person," said Drake.

But everyone, except Angelo, sensed the jealousy from his words.

A few days ago, Glamor published the plan to hype the romance between Jeremy and Angelo. But Drake denied it before they officially applied for it. His reason was: I have an engagement with Angeline.

All managers of Glamor, including Clarence, were shocked by the news. So, Clarence called Angelo to ask about it.

Then the hype plan was dropped. After all, no one dared to have a rumor with Drake's fiancée.

At this point, Jeremy looking at Angelo and Drake being intimate and felt bitter. But he tried to keep calm, "It's all right. We're colleagues. I should help."

Angelo felt that there was something wrong with Jeremy's voice, but she couldn't distract herself from thinking about it because Drake held her hand tighter and tighter as if crushing her down.

Angelo frowned, unhappily looked at Drake, and said, "Ouch!"

Drake let go of her but whispered in her ear, "Don't stare at another man."


Angelo didn't understand him. When did she stare at another man? She was just talking to Jeremy as usual.

The interaction between the two was kind of showing off their love. Well, that might be the privilege of the people with engagements.

Christina couldn't stand it anymore. She gritted her teeth and interrupted them, "Miss Watts, you delayed the shooting. So, go change your clothes now. We'll start shooting later."

Angelo turned to her, thinking that who was the one who delayed the shooting, it was her, Christina!

Thinking of the unhappiness that happened when she acted with Christina, she felt upset.

She had been acting and hated people who were bringing personal feuds into filming, but Christina was just this kind of person.

"Yeah. It indeed delayed the filming process. Please don't make so many mistakes today, Miss Adams," mocked Angelo, making Christina so embarrassed. After that, she walked over to her.

Christina smiled but hated her so much inside.

While Angelo was changing, Drake waited for her outside. When she got out, he said, "I need to deal with something urgent in the company."

Angelo nodded confusedly, didn't understand why Drake inform her about his whereabouts.

"Well, see you."

Drake turned after saying that.

Just then, Angelo saw Christina looking at her, so she reached out and held Drake's sleeve.

Drake turned back and wanted to ask why when Angelo kissed him on the face. It was a light kiss but did interrupt his breath.

"Drive safely. You don't need to come to pick me up if you are busy. I can go back to myself. I don't want you to be so tired."

Angelo looked at Drake lovingly, and her voice was very tender. However, she was acting! Even if there was wood in front of her, she could do that.

Drake almost indulged in such a loving moment, but he finally saw her through. Still, he nodded to cooperate with her. He had enough time to make her fall in love with him.

After Drake left, Angelo started to act. Fortunately, Christina didn't do anything this time. So the filming finished smoothly.

"Cut! That's it. Good!" said Clarence.

Angelo felt exhausted. Blood was all over her clothes, even her head and face, which was for the filming.

While she was about to go to the restroom to remove her makeup, Christina suddenly said to Clarence, "Mr. Wilson, it's early. How about we shoot one more scene today? It's not easy for Miss Watts to wear this makeup. If we finish shooting the scene today, she needn't wear this makeup tomorrow."

Christina looked quite concerned about her, but Angelo felt that she didn't have a good intention.

Clarence hesitated for a second. It was not late. So, he looked at Angelo and said, "What do you say, Angeline? Can you do it?"

Clarence knew Angelo must be uncomfortable with the blood, but there was a scene where Angelo needed to wear the same makeup the next day, so if they could finish it today, it would save Angelo the makeup trouble.

"Yeah. I can do it."

As an actor, Angelo wouldn't refuse to work unless she passed out.