Chapter 757 - 82: Who's That?

After hesitating for a while, she bit her teeth, found the number, and dialed it.

The phone rang for a while before being answered, when a pleasant male voice came from the phone.

"Hello, is this Miss Angeline?"

Angelo was stunned to hear the voice. She then thought of something and felt unbelievable.

"Yeah. Who's that?" she asked cautiously.

"This is Clarence."

Hearing that, Angelo was so excited that she flung herself down the bed.

After smoothing her mood, she asked in a soft voice, "What do you want me for?"

"Well, what do you think about the thing I told you last time?"

When Clarence said that, Angelo remembered that he had invited her to be his heroine in the costume contest.

It had been a long time, but Clarence still remembered her. As Angelo thought of that, she blushed, wondering if Clarence had been thinking about her.

Then, Clarence's soft voice sounded again, "Honestly, I have auditioned many girls, but none of them satisfied me. So, would you like to come to the audition, Miss Angeline?"

Hearing that, Angelo was thrilled. She loved acting, and she learned her real identity now.

She was an actress in her last life. In this life, she wanted revenge as an actress.

But she then thought of Drake's words and struggled. She knew Drake wanted to cultivate her to be his assistant, but she didn't have much time.


After hesitating for a while, Angelo finally decided to politely say no to Clarence, "Sorry, Mr. Clarence. I have been busy lately. Besides, I have never acted before."

Clarence had never been rejected. He thought about the schedule and said, "How about this, Miss Angeline, you come to audition first. I'll help to practice your acting skill first. Later, when you are available, we will shoot it. What's your opinion about my proposal?"

Hearing that, Angelo had a complex look. Clarence had considered everything for her, and she didn't want to refuse his kindness.

Besides, it was indeed a good offer. So, she finally nodded, "Yeah."

"Then it's a deal. How about auditioning tomorrow afternoon? I'll send you the address later."

Angelo thought for a while before agreeing. Then they finished the talk.

Soon, she got a message.

Angelo's face lit up when she saw the address on the text. It was so good that it was in Boom, so convenient for her.

Now the only problem she had to solve was how to get out of the house tomorrow. She put her phone aside, feeling annoyed.

After thinking for a while, Angelo finally gave up, "Whatever. It will work out."

Then she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

As Angelo rubbed her wet hair, she remembered that she got no female clothes at all. Hurriedly, she dried her hair and reached for her phone.

The only person she could think of now was Daisy. She found her number and dialed it.

"Well? Are you satisfied with this surprise?" said Daisy slyly with a hint of exhaustion. She walked straight into her room and flung herself on the bed.

Angelo blushed and then answered lightly, "Yeah." Then she sat on her bed lazily.

"I knew it. Now you are calling to thank me, are you?"

With that, Daisy sat up and looked through her pictures with a big smile.

Angelo then remembered what she was calling about.

"I agreed to audition for his coming film, but I don't have female clothes." There was an embarrassment in Angelo's voice.

Daisy got excited when she heard that. When Clarence called to ask her about Angelo, she was very surprised. Then she thought of Angelo loving him, so she wanted to surprise her. But she never expected that Angelo would agree to act in his film.

However, when she imagined Angelo shooting in female clothes, she was so excited that she agreed at once.

"All right. When do you need them? I'll deliver them to you then."

Angelo hesitated and then scratched her head.

"I'm not sure. I'll tell you when I'm sure about the time."

"Do you have other plans tomorrow?"

Daisy was confused. Angelo just got out of the hospital and should take a good rest at home. And Drake would go to the company and wouldn't be with her. So, Angelo should be free the next day.

"Yeah. Drake asked me to go work in his company," Angelo complained.

Daisy was more confused, "You haven't graduated yet. What can you do in the company?"

The Thorne group was a big company, and there would not be an appropriate position for Angelo.

"I'll be his secretary," answered Angelo.

Daisy stayed and then laughed wild. She just couldn't stop laughing as she imagined how Angelo showed up in the office as a male secretary. But this position was indeed appropriate for Angelo, a new staff who had no experience at all.

Angelo's face darkened as she heard Daisy's laughter.

"Stop it, girl!" she said coldly.

Daisy then tried to hold her laughter.

"All right. I'll wait for you in the coffee shop near the company tomorrow afternoon. You can come to pick up the clothes then."

"All right."

Angelo agreed with the idea. Then they finished the talk.

The following day, Hale woke up Angelo. After a hasty breakfast, she went to the company with Drake.

"What should I do now, Drake?"

Angelo glanced over the spacious office and then looked cautiously at Drake.

Just then, a woman came and lightly knocked on the door.

Drake raised to look at her and then said, "Come in, please."

"Yeah, Mr. Thorne."

The woman entered the office and then glanced at Angelo.

"This is the new secretary. You're in charge of training her," said Drake in a cold voice.

"Yes, sir."

After that, the woman left the office.

At this point, Drake glanced at Angelo, who hurried to catch up with the woman.

Soon, she followed the woman to the secretary's office. Then Angelo noticed her name badge in front of her c.h.e.s.t, "secretary coach," that was the words on it.

Angelo was puzzled. She had never heard that there was such a position in the company. That was strange.