Chapter 694 - 19: The Big News

Angela looked at Drake, who dressed up in a suit and looked more like Jasper than Jeremy.

She ran up to him and grabbed him by the sleeve.

"Drake, why are you leaving?" She asked questionably. 

Hearing that, Drake glanced at Angelo. When he saw his careless look, he became angrier and just waved him away.

"Let go of my hand."

"No, Drake! You have to listen to me."

Angela had her principles in acting. She showed her momentum as an actress to try and talk to Drake. She thought she needed to talk to Drake about the seriousness of her acting in this movie.

But Drake just glanced at her, and her momentum was gone. She winced and spoke shyly, sighing, gosh, Drake was tiring, she thought.

"At least let me wash my makeup and change my clothes, alright?"

Drake nodded, and Angela breathed a sigh of relief.

Drake had looked scary just now. She did not know what set him off, but it had to have been something when they were shooting.

Neither Drake and Angela noticed a man crouching behind a bush with a camera.

"Well, this is big news!"

The man quickly uploaded the photos and video on TMZ, smiling to himself about the uproar this was going to cause. 

While Drake walked back to his car, Angela went inside the studio to change and clean up. She was put off now with Drake. "Why did he have to be so cold? I mean, a person could smile once in a while!" The last time she had seen him smile was when he gave his permission for her to audition, and she started jumping on her bed. That was days ago! Thinking of this, her anger at him started to brew.

Back in the car, she turned away from Drake and faced the window. She wanted Drake to ask what was wrong with her but knew that was wishful thinking.

So, she turned to look at him in anger.

"Drake, you are not a nice person!" She scolded angrily.

Drake heard the words and looked up at her in confusion and surprise. Was she really speaking to him in this way!? He ignored her again and did not speak another word throughout the car ride.

When they reached home, he went upstairs without a word.

Looking at his back, Angela became even more pissed.

"Gosh, what is his problem!"

As soon as she reached the room, she closed the door, leaned against it, and tried to calm her anger. For some reason, Drake treating her so coldly in front of others had set her off. After a while, she threw herself on the bed and buried her head under her pillow, mumbling to herself.

"Unbelievable! He thinks he can treat everyone the same way! Would it kill to smile for once!?" She felt much better after complaining to herself.

Angela reached over and grabbed her phone, logging on to her Twitter. She frowned when she found tremendous comments and followers on her page. There were hundreds of comments on her previously untouched posts.

She read them one by one and found that they were flattering words, saying that she was the perfect person for the role of Elizabeth.

Looking at the comments, she slapped her head. Feeling the pain, she mumbled, "It's not a dream."

Then she checked her Twitter name. Yes, it was Angelo, not Angela. Because this happened when she was Angela Watts, she did not expect this to happen today as Angelo Thorne.

"Elizabeth, you and Drake are a perfect couple," someone had commented.

Reading this comment, Angela was stupefied for a moment. Then she googled and found the picture of Drake leaving the studios with her.

"Unbelievable! The paps were there?!" She growled. How had she not seen them!?

She was still thinking about it when she received a call from Acton. Angela picked it up at once.

"Have you seen the news, Angelo?"

"Yeah. I did just now." Angela replied in a serious tone.

While shooting, there should have been staff guarding if the paparazzi got the film content and tried to leak it, so Angela was surprised how someone was able to come into the vicinity undetected. From what she knew of Acton, he was not a negligent person when it came to these things.

Acton called to explain, but he was not expecting Angelo to know so much about show business and how he ran his business.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Yeah. It's our fault. I hope you can give us another chance."

"I don't want this to happen again." Subconsciously, Angelo spoke in a serious tone like she was Angela Watts.

Acton apologized to her again before hesitating and saying, "Well, what about Mr. Drake?"

He was worried that Drake would stop Angelo from acting because of these incidents, and he simply could not replace Angelo at this time. He was too great of an actor.

"I'll talk to him." Sensing the worry in Acton's voice, Angela spoke up. She shared his worry. So, she had better ask Drake about it. 

Acton hung up the phone with a puzzled look on his face, feeling Angelo had worked with him before. Then he laughed and shook his head, knowing that it was simply impossible.

Angela timidly walked to Drake's bedroom and knocked lightly. She remembered back to the day she had slept in his bed and blushed bright red. She had been so stupid! She thought about how Drake would react to this news and g.r.o.a.n.e.d internally. 

"You idiot! You are coming to the predator?" She mumbled to herself.

She thumped her head with chagrin. She regretted saying to Acton that she would talk to Drake. She should have let Acton do it himself.

Angela frowned when she heard no movement from inside the room, and no one opened the door either. She crept closer and put her ear on the door to try and listen.

"What are you doing?"

A cold voice sounded behind her. Angela was startled, screamed, and withdrew back, falling into a pair of protective arms.

Drake felt a flutter as Angelo fell into arms where he fit exactly into his posture. A fire started blazing up in his c.h.e.s.t. His heart started beating; he wanted to hold him tightly in his arms and never let go.

After realizing what was going on, Angela immediately leaped away from him and raised her head to look at him. As she looked into his eyes, Angela felt she was being s.u.c.k.e.d in and forgot the reason she came to his room in the first place.

"What are you doing here?" Drake pushed past Angela and walked into his room. Seeing the open door, Angela took that as an invitation and carefully walked right behind him.

Hearing his question, Angela thought of her intention. 

"Um…I wanted to show you something." While talking, Angela opened her Twitter and handed it to Drake, who did not even glance at it.

"What?" He simply asked while looking pointedly at her phone.

"Aren't you going to look?" Standing beside him, Angela felt stupid. She felt awkward coming to his room. Drake was very famous in Harbour. Of course, the paparazzi probably made hundreds of rumors about him. He was the young and handsome CEO of a huge business; he probably did not have time to look at everything posted online about him!

"What is it about?"

"Um…nothing!" Angela quickly put her phone back in her pocket. She felt extremely stupid. "I'm…I'm going to go." Hastily, Angela walked out of Drake's room with her phone clutched tightly in her hand, leaving Drake confused.

Drake's attitude meant that she could continue to act, right? He probably did not care that someone posted a picture of them; heck, he probably did not even see.

She got to her room and continued to read the news on Twitter. In her previous life, she was used to being loved by the crowd. But now, regaining the love meant being accepted by the crowd, which was different. So far, the news had only been positive about her. Rumors about her relationship status were bound to surface, but she did not care; she was used to it. It was Drake she was worried about.