Chapter 646 - 233: Weren’t You Excited?

Jocelyn rarely saw Clara. Now she was back, and she asked her many questions in case there was something wrong with her work and life.

But Clara made a habit of never telling her family the bad news. As for work, the shows she took were screened by her agent first. She got to pick whatever role she played. Plus, with her family background, few would mess with her.

It was fair to say her career was quite smooth.

"How long will you stay with us?" asked Jocelyn.

Clara looked at the pair dancing and got dazed, "I'll be off after the ceremony. "Because she didn't have the courage to see how lovely they were together, the man she admired for over 20 years wasn't her Leydon anymore.

"What's with the rush? Why don't you take some time to rest?" asked Jocelyn.

Jocelyn wasn't pleased with how busy Clara was. She tried to do something about it several times, even persuading her to give up acting and work behind the scene because Field's family was more than capable of supporting Clara.

But Clara wouldn't agree. In her mind, keeping a job was how she contributed to the family, or else she would be a spoiled miss.

"Grandma, enough about me. The ceremony begins."Clara said.

Now came the part where the bride-to-be and bridegroom-to-be exchanged engagement rings, which were placed in a silver tray. Everyone looked at Leydon and Emma as their witnesses.

Catherine remembered her wedding, not specifics. But Sean placed the ring on the middle finger with prudence and gravity. But she was reluctant at that time and wished she could get rid of it. But later, when she did, she spent so much time trying to get it back.

The most sacred thing about the wedding was exchanging rings. They made genuine promises to each other and lived happily ever after.

"Honey, what did you think when you put the ring on me?" Catherine asked.

Sean didn't respond. Women were sentimental creatures. But seeing how Leydon put the ring on Emma's finger, Sean was amazed that Catherine recalled that ludicrous wedding.


"Really? Weren't you excited and overjoyed?"

Did he? Sean asked himself. He was fixated on raising her jaw, forcing her to look up at the time. When they pledged, Catherine just read off the script like a robot. Sean couldn't tell any emotions in her voice.

The priest asked whether Catherine was willing to marry him and be his wife. She kept silent for so long that the guests started gossiping, thinking she was reluctant. Then Catherine said yes.

Sean read reluctance from her eyes, as well as rage and hatred. He forced her to marry him in front of the guests. But Catherine was too young to get married. Or Sean would take her to the city hall. Whether she liked it or not, Sean decided she could only be his wife!

"What are you thinking? You look upset."Catherine said. She didn't want Sean to think of the bad memory, "It's gone. We'll be fine from now on."

Sean held the hands; she reached over and kept silent.

The priest had to say something seeing Leydon wouldn't place the ring on Emma's finger, "Sir?"The thought that the groom could be reluctant to the wedding surprised him.

Leydon c.a.r.e.s.sed the patterns on the ring and placed it on Emma's finger. So what the priest fretted about never happened.

Both the priest and Emma were relieved. Emma finally stopped worrying that Leydon might change his mind last minute. Then she didn't hesitate to put the ring on Leydon's finger. She was so eager, denying him any chance to say no. Then they were officially engaged.

Clara bent over, never mustering up the courage to look up. She didn't look at them until the priest announced they were engaged. She saw the ring and felt divested.

"Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom," Clara said.

Seeing Clara's look was awful, Catherine said something to Sean. He nodded, and she ran after Clara.

Since most of the guests were out watching the ceremony, there weren't many in the bathroom. Catherine didn't come inside after a while.

Clara stood in front of the mirror as the water kept running. Ignoring it, she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Catherine noticed that her eyes went red. It was clear that she cried.

"Clara," Catherine said.

Clara turned around at Catherine, but she couldn't see her clearly since her vision was blurred by tears. She hurried to bend over, and tissue was in front of her face.

"Thanks," Clara said.

Clara wiped tears off and forced a smile, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this. It's just Leydon is getting married, and I feel happy for him."

Clara had a face of beauty in one of Jane Austin's novels. Even if she was crying, her beauty wasn't diminished. On the contrary, it made her look fragile and delicate in an attractive manner.

"It's better if you cry," Catherine said. Seeing Clara didn't respond, she whispered, "We're friends. I won't make fun of you."

"It's okay if you want to. I won't get annoyed."Clara said.

They smiled at each other.

Clara had to take a deep breath to curb the overwhelming sorrow, "Catherine, you're such a smart girl."

"Why do you come back? You don't want to watch the ceremony, do you? If I'm in your shoes, I will stay away. Out of sight, out of mind."Catherine said.

"It makes me a coward if I don't come back," Clara replied. She hated to lose dignity. Besides, she chose to face reality rather than denying it.

"But he won't feel bad for you. Why do you put on the strong face?" asked Catherine.

Hearing it, Clara cried again. She chose to be brave for him, which was against her nature. She didn't want Leydon to think less of her, nor have her family worry.

"Catherine..." Clara covered her face to cry.

Catherine held her and patted her back gently, "Go ahead and cry. Stop thinking so much for others and do whatever you like."

Clara couldn't stop crying as her tears kept falling. She has been curbing her feelings for so long, and she couldn't do it at this moment. As she felt the excruciating pain, she knew it could never be possible between her and Leydon. She never stopped hoping Leydon could give her a response, but in the end, he chose someone else.

"Anyone but me could get into a relationship with him..." Clara said.

"It's not your fault, okay?" Catherine said.

"Thanks. But I'm okay."

"I'm being honest. I'm not a fan of Emma."

Clara forced a smile, "It doesn't matter as long as he likes her."

"How about you excuse yourself? You don't want others to see you like this."